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celebrate the new year with crumbly, buttery, and velvety cream sandwich cookies from Luna Cake @lunacakeofficial ☁️ in collaboration with Tokoyo’s popular confectionery brand e℃ 🍡 introducing New Year Greeting Box, exclusively available in Hong Kong 🧧making it the perfect gift to start the year on a sweet note! Luna Cake @lunacakeofficial 聯成東京人氣菓子品牌 e℃ 🍡 推出香港限定「忌廉磚夾心圓餅」お年賀禮盒🧧 外層酥脆 牛油香氣 軟滑忌廉 ☁️ 絕對是迎接新年的甜美好禮 ~🧧【Luna Cake x e℃】忌廉磚夾心圓餅 お年賀禮盒 (6件原價HKD$357)▫️1盒 即享78折 HKD$278/
Luna Cake @lunacakeofficial 聯成東京人氣菓子品牌 e℃ 🍡 推出香港限定「忌廉磚夾心圓餅」お年賀禮盒🧧 外層酥脆 牛油香氣 軟滑忌廉 ☁️ 絕對是迎接新年的甜美好禮 ~
🧧【Luna Cake x e℃】忌廉磚夾心圓餅 お年賀禮盒 (6件原價HKD$357)
▫️1盒 即享78折 HKD$278/盒
▫️2盒 即享72折 HKD$257/盒
🍓 甜王草莓乳酪忌廉磚夾心圓餅
amaou strawberry and hokkaido yogurt
日本草莓 酸甜清新 莓香濃郁 幼滑細膩
🌰 開心果覆盆子忌廉磚夾心圓餅
sicily pistachio and raspberry
開心果濃 堅果香氣 酸甜莓醬 香滑清新
🍮 海鹽焦糖忌廉磚夾心圓餅
caramel and okinawa
核桃顆粒 香脆甘甜 甜鹹交織 層次豐富
🍫 特濃可可忌廉磚夾心圓餅
ecudor cacao and chocolate
可可豆濃 朱古力粒 濕潤柔軟 微苦甘甜
🍍 菠蘿椰子忌廉磚夾心圓餅
pineapple and coconut
菠蘿果肉 陣陣椰香 熱帶風味 爽酸清新
🍾 冧酒提子忌廉磚夾心圓餅
shine muscat raisins and champagne
麝香葡萄 香檳忌廉 酒香濃郁 醇厚甜蜜
📍 @sogohongkong 銅鑼灣軒尼詩道555號崇光百貨B2樓20B號舖 🇭🇰*