2-min walk from Exit B1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
Prawn El Diablo意粉、奶油菠菜薄饼等,适合聚餐或小憩。 A cosy café offering unique drinks like bubble tea, fruit tea, and coffee. Signature dishes include Prawn El Diablo pasta, creamy spinach pizza, etc. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay EPS
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Review (23)
路過第一街呢間六月底開業嘅小店見環境幾優雅舒服價錢又抵就入去試吓,新到網上面都冇乜人評論過咁梗係要試吓啦. 小店座位唔多得幾張枱,每張枱都有不同花藝裝飾, 環境都唔錯. 餐廳嘅餐牌比較簡單,主要提供咖啡、珍珠奶茶、調製飲品、輕食西餐,例如意粉、薄餅同炸物小食. 飲品嘅選擇真係好多,而且幾有特色. 店員唔識中文,不過餐牌都有中文輔助點餐都好方便. ⭐️Cream cheese Oreo , Taro 呢個Oreo cream cheese系列都幾多選擇,有成10款口味,真係好邪惡. 今次就先試芋頭味. 一入口就係滿滿濃郁嘅芝士味質感好嫩滑,㗳落就係甜甜地嘅芋泥味,飲飲下就會吮到脆脆朱古力餅碎,果腹感十足. 非常推介. ⭐️Iced cafe latte, creame brulee 凍咖啡選擇亦都比大路連鎖咖啡店為多有成超過10款,價錢仲好抵添全部$40有找仲係大杯裝. 比較特別嘅口味有Tiramisu、creame brûlée、wintermelon、salted pistachio 都有,真係試多幾次都唔怕悶. 今次就試吓呢一個法式焦糖燉蛋咖啡. 奶泡好醇厚而且帶有好香焦糖味,又有好香咖啡味. 整體唔係過甜. ⭐️creamy spinach pizza🍕薄餅餅底好香脆. 面層topping嘅菠菜同芝士好軟綿綿形成鮮明對比. 而且新鮮滾熱辣食仲有拉絲效果. 下次試埋另外幾款口味先. 😙⭐️Salmon lemon cream pasta 🍝 三文魚煎得幾香啖啖肉,醬汁酸酸地幾開胃,意粉都幾有咬口份量幾多,伴碟香草同新鮮檸檬增添清新香氣,食完成個意粉一啲都唔膩. 兩個人埋單$400有找,🤑原來餐廳仲唔收加一,真係好抵. 如果人多少少佢哋都有套餐可以選擇,另外原來餐廳仲有推出包場服務,大概容納20個人到,想同親朋戚友慶祝特別日子又多個選擇. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-24
🌷 For lunch today, I went to this newly opened pizza place in Sai Ying Pun. It is only a 2-minute walk from the MTR B2 station. The decoration was very relaxing - each table had different colored flowers, which was very artistic. We ordered:🍝 Carbonara Pasta $119This is the signature pizza of this restaurant! Hot pasta is tossed with a creamy sauce made from raw, beaten organic eggs, accentuated with bits of bacon and topped with a shower of shredded Parmesan cheese, freshly ground black pepper, and parsley.🍕 Creamy Spinach Pizza $148This healthy pizza is made with a homemade, creamy spinach topping. It is so tasty and adds a nice contrast to the chewy crust.🍗 Chicken wings with Mayonnaise $75These single bone, deep fried chicken wings are simply divine. The exterior is perfectly crispy, while the meat inside remains delightfully juicy. The mayonnaise dipping sauce complements the wings beautifully, adding a tangy and creamy element that takes this dish to new heights of deliciousness. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-27
同朋友約weekend見面傾計,發現左呢間性價比高pizza!環境都幾寫意,可以舒服傾計~ ❣️每款pizza大大塊都係$118起,而且味道唔錯,推介!(隔離枱order左成7-8 個)🍕veggie pizza $118- 餅底薄脆,上面鋪滿cheese 、紅黃綠椒,酸酸辣辣,幾特別🍝Prawn Pasta $125- 加了辣椒少少辣,撈上蒜好惹味飲品都幾多選擇,fruit tea 甜度適中。去開附近絕對值得食~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-12
今日同朋友去左堅尼地城呢邊行下海旁,到左夜時順便係附近食埋晚餐,喺OpenRice見到呢間餐廳評分都幾高,於是就決定揀咗呢間餐廳。呢度環境都幾優雅,坐得都幾舒服,呢度嘅侍應都係講英文,雖然我英文麻麻哋,但係都溝通得到。我哋就叫咗個(creamy spinach pizza )菠菜芝士pizza,上面嗰層芝士同埋菠菜都好足料,pizza唔算太厚,厚薄適中,而且條外邊都好脆,芝士加菠菜嘅味道好配合,好creamy 又唔會好濃,總知就好正啦。小食就係叫咗一個mozzarella stick, 入邊都係芝士,外邊脆脆地,我哋兩個都幾鍾意食。最主係salmon lemon cream pasta , 因為有檸檬嘅味道帶出咗三文魚嘅鮮味,而且佢成個醬汁係超級美味,有一種覺得好鮮甜嘅味道。總結嚟講,我覺得呢度嘅食物質素堅係高質,環境優雅,價錢都唔算貴。喺呢度嘅晚餐食得好開心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
【中西區】【Lyketea Bistro】同涼涼食飯一向我都不敢怠慢,始終對方係一具女神級別嘅絕色美女。次次都食西餐,今次都唔例外。西營盤呢頭選擇都唔少,我就決定試第一街嘅呢間「Lyketea Bistro」,因為畀佢哋嘅玻璃廚房吸引。始終廚房嘅一舉一動都見到,工序都實嚴謹啲嘛。我哋都係 share 食嘅,首先試 $125 嘅「Truffle Mushroom Pasta」,一上菜就聞到好香嘅黑松露味,個汁就唔會太稠,令啲意粉啱啱好食得住個味。跟住試個 pizza,都揀咗一輪先決定到試 $138 嘅「Pepperoni Bacon Pizza」,出到嚟都似樣,幾靚仔。食落直頭係有我咁靚仔添,芝士味夠香之餘,餅底厚度適中,好好食,見到隔離枱直頭叫咗兩個嚟食。嘢飲方面我就試 $22 嘅「Nutella Black Tea」,好香堅果味嘅茶,夠特別。而涼涼試杯 $31 嘅「Honey Peach Soda」,佢就話抵讚嘅。埋單 $316,唔差。。。(地址:西環西營盤第一街21號地舖)@lyketeabistro_hk#1amfoodie #foodie #hkfoodie #thatfoodiething #food #instafood #globaleats #dessert #foodpics #followforfollowback #love #eat #1am中西區 #西環 #西營盤 #LyketeaBistro #PepperoniBaconPizza #TruffleMushroomPasta #NutellaBlackTea #HoneyPeachSoda #1am1503 #1ambackup continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)