Opening Hours
Please refer to the opening hour of Disneyland
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Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (352)
Level4 2024-10-13
I had an early lunch here as I was going to have a late afternoon tea with my friend later in Admiralty. Even though I came before 12, it was nearly full so please ensure you have sufficient time.They have a nice festive drink and I decided to order it for the Halloween.The bread came first(I will explain why this is important) and it was a bit dry but acceptable.Around 10 minutes later, I was served the mussells. The mussells were good and plenty but the bread, though having a Mickey pattern, was a bit fragmented and with the 3 small pieces, there were plenty of sauce left. I asked whether I can refill one pieces of bread but they stated it would cost another $40. I politely declined and I just felt if they served the bread with the mussells, the sauce would be less wasted and the restaurant could have covered up about the bread being slightly dry. The steak came and there were definitely some points defiitely some hits and misses. The good point is the spinach not being minced and the tomatoes were really juicy. The butter on top was also extremely cute. However, the steak actually did not need the butter, as you can see from the photo, the steak(and the plate) was quite oily. I guess they used a lot of oil to grill it to ensure it does not stick. This made it a bit greasy and the butter seemed to make it even more greasy. The fries were also lukewarm and though not soggy, had definitely lost its crunch despite I ate it once it was served.I have to say the drink in the end saved the day and made me turn this review to OK. The drink was rich without being too sweet. The coconut flavor gave it a tropical vibe, which is still suitable for our hot autumn. The pattern on top was quite beautiful and with the iconic halloween ingredient pumpkin, the drink was fortunately(or unfortunately) the best part of the meal.The price of this meal was over $500(quite pricey even for Disneyland given the quality) and I would have to say, after this meal, please just come for their afternoon tea. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-27
#20241109 🤍📍 #大街餐廳 @hkdisneyland 大嶼山香港迪士尼樂園美國小鎮大街➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 🥢 #藍青口 💭 呢度野食選擇唔多,menu都係得兩頁,叫餐包埋前菜就比較抵食,呢個青口就係其中一個前菜,青口份量都唔少,雖然係雪藏既,然後用啲茄蓉做調味都唔錯既🍅. 🥢 #馬利蘭蟹餅 💭 唔好睇呢個蟹餅細細件,反而有少少出色🤏🏼切開見到入面真係有一絲絲既蟹肉,味道有陣咸香味,但夾埋底下啲粟米甜甜地就中和左,係above average之作🦀.#夏威夷烤雞 $298💭 收得咁既價錢諗住無成隻春雞都起碼有半隻啦,點知得個雞髀咁大把,真係有啲失望,個雞既味同塊烤菠蘿又唔係好夾,擠青檸汁整酸左個雞髀又唔見得有好食左,成碟啲野都係適合分開食🐔.#新奧爾良燴飯 $348💭 以為燴飯會好似啲福建炒飯咁濕濕地,但佢係非常乾身,用啲米似係印度米果隻尖身既,咬落粒粒分明,味道出奇地有啲孜然味,有啲中東feel😏.#米奇廚師芝士通粉 $168💭 個名已經講晒兜野入面有咩,就係得芝士同通粉,抵讚既佢用大量既芝士去焗,鐘意芝士既朋友應該會幾鐘意,但除左芝士同通粉之外佢係咩都無,連三色椒都無多條,有啲dry囉🧀.#華特漁夫拼盤 $228💭 估唔到全枱呢個炸野拼盤係最豐盛,啲炸魷魚圈疊到好高🦑底下仲有啲炸蝦都算大隻🍤最盞鬼係佢有啲紫菜魚仔餅一齊,真係岩晒一家大細share食🐟.#大嶼山美食 #🐷在大嶼山 #🐷_食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
係迪士尼想Chill 住食嘢,大街餐廳絕對係一個唔錯嘅選擇!🏰🍽️ 唔使自己搵位之餘,仲可以有一個靚靚嘅舒服環境俾你打卡✨📸但就要留意番記住入園嗰陣要去預約!🎟️ 如果唔係等Walk in 就要有排等喇~~⌛️鹹點方面,佢嘅選擇亦都非常豐富😝!有鮑魚蘑菇撻、牛小排配雞肉慕斯🥩、香炸蝦膠魷魚酥、黑松露炒蛋蘆筍煙三文魚卷配粟米脆包、蒲燒鰻魚配蘑菇脆包🥖。每一樣都帶來不同嘅口感同風味。特別想推薦嘅係芝士磨菇釀雞翼,芝士同蘑菇融合埋一齊,釀入隻雞翼到,隻隻都脹卜卜,啖啖肉咁。🍗😋 仲有香炸脆網南瓜春卷,首先佢個賣相已經好靚,估唔到春卷裏面包着南瓜個味道係咁夾,可以中和返油膩感。🎃🌯另外,佢嘅甜點真係令人心心眼😍!所有甜點都有Duffy & Friends 嘅造型🤗。有榛子朱古力撻同紅桑子朱古力蛋糕🍫、士多啤梨棉花糖夾心曲奇餅、香橙泡芙、即烘鬆餅配上馬卡龍同鮮雜果沙律,真係一個完美嘅組合。要大讚一下士多啤梨棉花糖夾心曲奇餅🍪!曲奇餅嘅牛油香好出十分濃郁,🧈夾埋半溶化嘅棉花糖,咬落去嗰陣嘅口感係煙煙韌韌,好正!飲品方面就揀咗暖心朱古力☕️同烏龍芒芒茶🍹。因為見到依兩款都會有迪士尼角色嘅造型😆。暖心朱古力濃郁香甜。而烏龍芒芒茶清新怡人,帶有微微的芒果香氣,絕對係一個消暑又解渴嘅選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-09-22
去迪士尼就返小朋友食嘢所以揀左呢間餐廳叫左一個烤雞肉質幾嫩滑薯仔都好好食之後叫左個青口茄汁配青口又幾好食喎,青口又唔會話好韌蟹餅都好好食仲有一個海鮮燴飯個人覺得太重香料味好墨西哥風之後叫左個兒童餐俾小朋友食雞肉燒汁飯好健康唔太重味但好好食芒果布甸唔會太甜非常好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-20
見到好多人話推介少女tea,我見到廣告好精緻就排隊去試,結果啲嘢真係唔好食,一係就好甜,一係就好咸,見到其他人都冇食晒,但係外型就真係好靚,服務態度好好,雖然嘢食一般,但叫做都好享受,可能下次試吓嗌其他餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)