10-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station; Entrance: Behind Alley Tsung Wing Lane continue reading
The restaurant is designed with resort style. It provides indoor and outdoor seating areas. It serves international dishes with ‘Mamas recipes’ theme, such as Philippines, Indian, Indonesian and Moroccan cuisine. The recipes are from different chefs which are Mamas, and the taste comes from their family. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation Details
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Exclusive Online Booking
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Mama Mel’s Bun Filipino Style Spring Rolls Pork Sinigang Moroccan Tagine Mie Goreng
Review (10)
Level4 2022-07-02
朋友生日🎂壽星㨂既餐廳~食完之後大家都無話可說😳🤣連佢本人都話係邊個㨂既⋯餐廳係soho區,係一條巷仔入面,好隱蔽,仲要打風前夕去,門口勁大個水氹,成腳濕晒😥🥲入到去餐廳好細,得幾張枱,係open kitchen🤔餐牌主食選擇都多,飲品就爭啲,好普通既梳打呀汽水果汁我地都試左唔少野,我最鍾意係mama mei bun 有啲似饅頭夾住啲肉,不過啲肉好少🙈個汁酸酸甜甜,幾開胃,好可惜佢得返2個,一籠有2個,想食既人記得早啲order!Chicken and pork BBQ 串燒好普通,似係超市買既急凍串,然後氣炸返咁🙈個汁幾好的,酸辣,幾開胃幾襯👌🏻Pork sisig 幾好食😋係一個鐵板仔上面有塊肉餅咁,打隻蛋,佢會上枱之後幫你撈埋,好啱送飯👍🏻啲飯煮得幾好,軟硬剛好👌🏻春卷就正正常,冇咩特別,好多饀~‼️Sea bass 千祈唔好叫‼️條魚係好大,但完全唔入味,好似就咁係面頭淋左啲蕃茄同蕃茄水咁⋯失望,唔好食😕4個人食左1千左右,ummm我地會㨂第二間囉🙂呢間餐廳話sell媽媽的味道,係幾温馨,服務都幾好,但味道可以再好啲🙈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Such a joy to discover this place! Must try! Tucked in the heart of Staunton, Mama’s Kitchen is an absolute gem for those looking for home-cooked food and laid-back vibe. Most items on the menu are dishes from Southeast Asia - with a true and unapologetic nod to the rich and savory taste its dishes bring to the culinary world. Highly recommend their Sisig dish and Leche Flan dessert! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-26
話説早排見到foodie 介紹中環有間餐廳好有家嘅感覺 所以🐻🐻就同左frd去個到慶祝生日❤️ 果然冇介紹錯 雖然餐廳夠小 但勝在夠warm 媽媽們會成日走黎同你傾偈 而且最後佢地仲播歌比個外國人係到跳舞 相當有氣氛🤣👍🏻依間餐廳由九位來自唔同地方嘅媽媽開嘅 有菲律賓 印尼 印度 摩洛哥等等 所以佢地嘅菜式都相當多元化 冇得去旅行 去soho個邊食返啲地道嘅菜式係相當唔錯嘅選擇😋我地嗰日食左:Mama mel’s bun 依個菜式係媽媽們一齊諗出黎 集合左幾個國家嘅特色 蒸包from中國 料裏面嘅chicken abodo from菲律賓 assorted pickles from巴基斯坦 個包啱啱蒸起相當軟熟 加埋啲沙律醬食落酸酸甜甜 味道十分好 🌟Rate: 8.0/10Mie goreng 印度炒麵係唔會令你失望嘅 個麵質好有咬好 唔會好似平時7仔食個啲淋哂 足料 有好多雞肉 最正佢仲有啲微甜汁掛係個麵到 加埋隻靚靚太陽蛋嘅蛋黃更加吸引🤤🌟Rate: 8.8/10Morrocan berber spicy meatball and eggs tagine呢個嘅醬汁酸而不甜 十分醒胃 有埋芝士豐富口感十分邪惡 唔算太辣 肉丸厚實惹味 十分不錯🌟Rate: 8.0/10最後媽媽們仲好好送左個椰子糕比我地食 甜而不漏 仲食到一絲絲椰子 為依一餐劃上左完美嘅句號❤️🌟回頭率:5/5 係warm嘅 同啲食物十分不錯 好適合同frd去chill continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-06-22
晌soho區扶手電梯伴有一間好可愛嘅菲律賓餐廳由幾位媽媽合作經營菜式都係一啲好味得嚟又較健康嘅媽媽味道餐廳outdoor 位置擺滿好多植物🍀就好似一個小花園咁.我哋叫咗以下四款菜:🔸炸春卷 Spring Roll👍🏻長條形嘅春卷,皮好薄,炸得好香脆、唔𠝹口,入面嘅肉碎切得好細、好香,唔洗點醬都夠味,好食而唔油膩。.🔸豬肉酸湯 Pork Sinigang哩款係傳統嘅菲律賓菜,用左酸豆去煮,酸味勁度十足!愛酸的人會鍾意,但對我而言就太酸了。不過個湯材料非常多,有大量蔬菜同豬腩肉,所以個湯都好香濃,而且用熱鍋上菜,可以keep住個溫度,好貼心。.🔸香辣烤雞 Jerk Chicken 👍🏻用了牙買加辣椒去醃過嘅雞髀肉,非常香辣惹味,而且醃得非常入味,亦好香燒烤味,雞髀肉好嫩滑,再配旁邊煙煙韌韌嘅椰漿飯,好好食!.🔸豬肉沙嗲 Pork BBQ串燒豬肉燒得香氣滿滿,醃得入味,香茅味突出。沙爹醬有濃濃嘅炒花生味,非常香!而且調味唔會太咸。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
細個總覺得,每一次呀媽比碗湯你果陣,都會有種厭棄既感覺,覺得好多餘,好囉嗦。到長大後先發覺原來想飲一碗無味精既湯係幾咁難得,而呢份唔單單係食材既味道…而係充滿愛同心意。唔知係呢間「Mama's·Kitchen」會唔會感受到呢份家的感覺呢?👇📌A P P E T I Z E R -▪ Mama · Mel’s Bun - $68/2pcs ▫ 打頭陣先黎個「Mama·Mel’s Bun」熱一熱埸先,表面睇落個bun好靚仔,外層蒸得夠哂軟腍;而食落裡面既菲律賓阿多波醬、酸瓜,成個感覺特別醒胃,唔錯。▪ Filipino Style · Spring Rolls - $68/5pcs▫ 每一處地方都有佢地既地道小食,而菲律賓就有佢地頗有特色既「Filipino Style·Spring Rolls」。呢個春卷炸得相當鬆脆,一咬落多重餡料大大增加口感,同時又唔會太鹹,幾好食。📌S O U P - ▪ Pork · Sinigang - $98▫ 如果你講起泰國,必定會聯想到飲冬蔭公湯,咁菲律賓就必定係「Pork·Sinigang」呢碗地道酸湯。當中用既配料酸豆,入口酸酸甜甜,特別開胃;加埋番茄、豬肉、蔬菜更加突出整體口感,值得一試。📌MAIN · COURSE (CHICKEN) -  ▪ Jerk · Chicken - $128▫ 輪到鎮店之寶「Jerk·Chicken」出埸,賣相可能睇落無乜特別,但其實當中大廚用左特製秘方,令成個雞髀口感提升到最高點。而當中搭配埋牙買加辣椒,火辣程度程線上升;旁邊既白飯亦用左椰漿增加左一份煙韌同埋黏口感,好食!📌MAIN · COURSE (PORK) -▪ Filipino Style · Pork BBQ - $70/3pcs▫ 其實菲律賓菜既串燒幾有驚喜,呢個「Filipino Style·Pork BBQ」,燒程度岩岩好,外層咬落帶少少焦香,唔會太老太韌;加埋BBQ醬,份外惹味!📌D R I N K S -▪ Gin · Tonic - $85▪ Fresh Mango · Magrarita - $85▪ Honey Citron Ice Tea · Tropical Jelly - $40 ▫ 一次過試左三款呢到既人氣飲品,第一杯「Gin·Tonic」好飲就唔意外啦,feel到cucumber juice好清爽,反而酒味唔算太濃;第二杯「Fresh Mango·Magrarita」一入口Tequila好突出、仲食到啖啖芒果肉,清新refreshing;「Honey Citron Ice Tea·Tropical Jelly」呢杯有d似港式凍檸茶,不過走左檸檬而轉左做啫喱,好特別。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)