6-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (140)
Level4 2023-10-15
呢間嘢比較隱蔽出咗電梯好容易見唔到細門口地方企理,裝修妥當環境乾淨服務好鍾意食牛嘅朋友,呢度真係唔錯總括嚟講樣樣嘢都好好食👍見到製作有用心個牛肉湯非常好海鮮就中上呢度食牛肉就冇得輸呀唯獨是份量真係有啲少大食嘅朋友可能要加嘢食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-18
今天老公帶我去fine dining,位於酒店內環境十分舒適。 日式割烹料理,烹調技巧很精湛,回味無窮。 前菜- 我最愛的海膽!用了即炸的紫蘇葉作為底部,上面放了新鮮的海膽和魚子醬。海膽的甘甜和魚子醬的咸香相互襯托,紫蘇葉則增加了一點清爽和香氣。 刺身 - 金目鯛和牡丹蝦刺身,金目鯛的肉質細嫩,帶有淡淡的甘甜。牡丹蝦則是彈牙鮮甜,顏色也很通透。 鰻魚-鰻魚的皮烤得非常脆,而肉則保持了多汁和柔軟。鰻魚上面還淋了一層香甜的汁料,增加了風味。 生蠔-來自日本岩手縣的厚岸生蠔,肉厚肥美,口感滑溜。生蠔上面還放了一層海膽,炸得香脆的羽衣甘藍和紅色的簿脆,增加了層次和色彩。 宮崎牛三文治- 用了來自日本宮崎縣的和牛牛柳位置作為主要材料,切成厚片,表面略微煎香,內部仍保持紅嫩多汁。三文治裏還夾了一些紅橋頭碎和白麵豉醬,增加了一點辣味和鮮味。麵包則是用了北海道牛乳製成的麵包,口感鬆軟,帶有奶香。 尾崎牛薄燒 - 來自日本尾崎牛場的和牛,牛肉選用了西冷位置,切成薄片,用炭火快速烤過,保持了肉汁和香氣。牛肉上面還撒了一些炸得金黃酥脆的薯絲,增加了口感和視覺效果。還有一個溫泉蛋,可以沾上牛肉吃,或者淋在白飯上吃,都很美味。 尾崎牛 Shabushabu - 牛肉選用了西冷位置,切成薄片,放在一個用牛骨熬製的清湯裏涮煮,只需幾秒鐘就可以食用。湯汁清淡而鮮甜,牛肉嫩滑,配上稻亭烏冬十分彈牙。 甜品 - 日本山崎縣的白桃和靜岡縣的蜜瓜,白桃的肉質細膩而香甜,蜜瓜則是爽口而清新,完美為這餐劃上句號。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-17
This is a very modern and place for a nice dinner.Appetizer - Enjoy the contrast of flavors and textures in this dish of sea urchin and caviar on crispy fried perilla leaves. The creamy sea urchin and the salty caviar complement each other, while the perilla leaf adds a refreshing and aromatic touch.Sashimi - Experience the freshness and sweetness of kinmey bream and peony shrimp sashimi. The kinmey bream has a tender flesh with a hint of sweetness, while the peony shrimp is springy and translucent.Eel - Savor the crispy skin and juicy meat of this grilled eel, glazed with a sweet sauce that enhances its flavor.Oysters - Indulge in these Akkeshi oysters from Iwate Prefecture, with a thick and smooth texture. They are topped with sea urchin, fried kale and red crispy for extra crunch and color.Miyazaki Beef Sandwich - Treat yourself to this sandwich made with wagyu beef tenderloin from Miyazaki Prefecture. The beef is thickly sliced, lightly seared on the outside and rare on the inside, tender and juicy. It is paired with a spicy sauce and bread made with Hokkaido milk, which is soft and milky.Ozaki Beef Steak - Relish this steak made with wagyu beef from Ozaki Beef Farm. The beef is cut from the sirloin, thinly sliced and quickly grilled over charcoal to preserve its juice and aroma. It is garnished with some golden and crispy potato chips for added texture and visual appeal. There is also a hot spring egg, which can be eaten with the beef or poured over white rice, both delicious.Ozaki Beef Shabushabu - Enjoy this shabushabu made with wagyu beef from Ozaki Beef Farm. The beef is also from the sirloin, thinly sliced and cooked in a broth made from beef bones, ready to eat in seconds. The broth is light and savory, the beef is tender and smooth, and the Inotei udon is very springy.Dessert - Finish your meal with these white peaches from Yamazaki Prefecture and honeydew melons from Shizuoka Prefecture. The white peaches are delicate and sweet, while the honeydew melons are refreshing and crisp, a perfect way to end the meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-29
心思思又想fine dinning。就同老婆食这间 在酒店内的餐厅Marble。叫咗支 Sake 同二人餐。用冰坐住的清酒好好饮,清甜又够冻。白粟米冻汤加毛蟹: 好啱夏天。粟米的鲜甜味好出。出奇的是冻汤超creamy, 同毛蟹肉一齐食好享受。赤贝,金目鲷刺身:赤贝爽口鲜甜。金目鲷鲜味清甜。鳗鱼:睇住厨师即烧。佢一切开时已经感受到皮脆。到上枱一食,果然鳗鱼皮好脆。轻轻的鳗鱼汁带出味道之余令我可以食到鲜鱼味。雨衣甘蓝日本㠙:在蚝上有鲜海胆同炸到香脆的雨衣,三样加埋一齐食好有夹,好有新鲜感。重点系海胆的creamy同日本蚝互相辉映。和牛多士:多士即烘,上下都金黄超脆。和牛在中间,超厚。仲点系好柔软,一口咬入口和牛超juicy,牛油的滑同香完全在口腔中,完美的和牛多士。温泉蛋和牛配白饭:今道菜的和牛系烧的。好香口但仍然非常嫩。温泉蛋倍潻和牛的美味。白饭系放在最后伴余下的汁,仍然好味到不得了。牛骨汤和牛乌冬:牛肉浓汤里有乌冬和一片嫩滑和牛。这是牛骨汤乌冬的极品。甜品系静冈蜜瓜,台湾爱文芒果,两样水果入口即溶,超甜,真系完美的ending。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-20
開心消費,促進經濟!今天同亞囡去食好嘢。預訂了銅鑼灣皇冠假日酒店內的一間日式餐廳。首先係金目鯛和蝦刺身,非常鮮甜。牛肉燉湯,製作繁複,味道濃縮,飲後感覺到好暖胃。牛肉三文治係主角之一,用上宮崎牛肉,白麵豉醬。麵豉醬味道不會太濃,反而跟牛肉好夾。另一主角係薄燒尾崎牛肉,溫泉蛋。牛肉燒至半熟,好嫩滑,加入蛋漿,更加色香味美。最後將牛肉汁,蛋漿混入飯內,太邪惡,太幸福啊。甜品係酸咪咪檸檬雪葩, 香濃咖啡。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)