客人享用晚餐可選 house wine 或自攜餐酒。 continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
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Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
心太軟 智利式鮑魚 酥皮絲羊柳 醉鵝肝
Review (84)
Level2 2016-04-02
去年年末之時,有幸在餐廳結業前一試。大坑近年以各式精緻食店聞名,曾經興旺,又慢慢步入衰落,這間餐廳正見證了這些高山與低谷。那日與友人在大坑尋覓美食,但見街上人流稀少,大部分餐廳內更是冷清。唯獨這間餐廳的店員仍熱心地向每個經過的遊人介紹菜單,於是我們便走進去,直到整個晚餐完結,餐廳內始終只有我們二人。 Corn Dog忘了全名,只記得是Corn Dog。外表小巧可愛,雖然經酥炸過但沒有半分油膩,裡面填滿特色肉醬,吃時沾上一點廚師的秘製醬汁,配上酸酸的番石榴沙拉作配菜,恰到好處。店員是委內瑞拉人,卻操得一口流利的廣東話,總是很詳細熱心地介紹每一道菜的精髓,好讓食客能更了解廚師每個細節安排的用心。野菌忌廉湯配松露油精緻的擺盤,富有層次感的味覺享受。一端上來便有股淡淡的香氣,口感很濃郁綿密,廚師將蘑菇與忌廉打碎成糊,因此淺嚐時是忌廉的香滑,再細嚐時野菌的味道才漸漸揮發,松露油更是神來之筆。雖然份量看似不多,但每一口都很扎實,還能嚼到細細碎碎的蘑菇。我們一邊喝湯一邊和店員聊起來,才知道餐廳開業頗久,由大坑食店剛起步之時,到人流興旺坐無虛席、需提前數天預約才有機會入內品嚐美食之時,到如今客源銳減、冷冷清清,她都說不出這種變化的原因。 黑毛豬豬脾配天使麵豬脾經長時間細火慢炆,肉汁融入肉裡的骨膠原,肉質十分軟稔,入口即化,味道與口感都極佳。天使麵以紅蔥、羅勒輕輕炒香,麵條軟硬合適,又以露荀、茄子、小蕃茄作配菜,整道菜非常平衡。三道菜式水準極高,我們聽到店員說只經營到年末還有點難以置信,今年再去,才發現人去樓空,可惜了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2008-11-03
First time been to this cozzi dinning place last Sat to celeb my bf's bday. Though it has only a limited choic on the menu, personally I would highly reommend you to pick the chef's recommendation of the day. (1) Started off w/ the oyster platter (for which you shouldn't missed), 12 oysters and two "fa lor" on selection by the chef from 6 countries, suggested to be taken from the weakest taste to the most concentrated. They're just so fresh and you can really feel the difference!(2) Grilled Tiger Prawn from the chef's recommendation in the size slightly larger than a hand, taste so sweet and needless to be taken w/ sauce and pepper. (3) Mussels in cream white sauce. The sauce is excellent w/ its light texture that wouldn't be too heavy. For those who wishes to enlighten the freshness of the mussels, serving w/ the tomato sauce would be your choice!(4) Scampi angel hair with lobster sauce on the chef's recommendation. The amount of sauce are just right to serve the pasta, neither watery nor dry at all! (5) Chocolate pudding w/ a candle (as per request) on top of a scope of vanilla ice-cream. A desert that not to miss!We had a very decent dinner w/ excellent service (esp the explanation on the chef's recommendation) and high quality of food. What a tremendous place to go w/ your beloved! I would definitely go back to try the sea urchin sashimi which was sold out this time! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-08-08
這間位於大坑的小店, 名聽過很多次, 自己也親身經過過, 就是未有試過... 那晚有事值得celebrate一番, 就選址這裡人家說大廚調到去銅記那間店, 我們沒有細看, 還以為這裡是總店呢... 不過既然已訂位, 也就算吧, 即管一試 先要了oyster platter一客, 6款12隻蠔, 加2隻螺, 大約388... ok吧, 比外面一些散叫的便宜... 蠔新鮮, 但我倆不懂評價質素... 不打緊吧, 最重要是吃的人滿足~ 加上house white一杯及rose一杯, 這個platter 令人滿意 鴨肝扁意粉:: 對這個期望很大, becos of各界的推介...結果是.. 也沒有失望的。上枱時聞到很香的herbs味, 汁濃,菇香, al dente... 只是覺得鴨肝反成了配角, 而且汁過多, 不過要是用garlic bread食, 也挺不錯的 lamb rack..開始失望了... 樣子看上去是5成熟, 但吃上來似7成... 而且羊味不夠, 連我這個不太吃羊的人都嫌羊味不夠... 伴碟的薯仔也只是一般好吃... 再加上羊放在風口位下, 很快變涼了... chocolate pudding...是整晚的....DISAPPOINTMENT!!!!!! 希望是師傅失手吧, 果真是一個pudding... 完全不流心的... 明顯地太熟了... 我倆都很失望呢!! 是否真的因為大廚過檔銅鑼灣店, 為何總是覺得那晚的食物只是一般, 沒大家說得那麼好吃... 所以笑面是給那晚的心情... 還是要找個機會試試新會道那間作個比較 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2008-07-30
兩個人, 坐的士去左呢間野, 地點唔易搵, 的士佬都唔係好識去, 加上大雨, 都幾麻煩.餐廳冷氣開到好似雪房咁, 建議體弱人士帶多件jacket.海鮮拼盤好好味, 好新鮮, 海鮮最緊要就係鮮, 你想食新鮮海鮮, 呢間唔會令你失望.所有既熱食, pasta, 扒類, 湯類 都係一般般, 以咁既地點, 咁既質素, 如果唔係因為d海鮮, 一定會無晒客人. 招呼十分之周到, 簡直令人賓至如歸, 如果我會返去食既話(但我唔會), 服務態度一定係原因之一. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2008-06-07
記得上年甲乙收爐日第一次黎Mi Casa晚飯,帶點酒意回家,人生一大樂事!今年一心諗住再來一次享受一番,點知天公不造美,加上其他阻滯,氣沖沖的來,都冇好好品嚐美味,可惜可惜。非常為食的兩口子嗌左:1. 生蠔拼盤($388):貴左差不多一百大元,生蠔由12隻變成10隻,而且冇白酒跟,散嗌白酒要40蚊一杯,         感覺已經冇咁抵。生蠔仍然新鮮,翡翠螺雖是綠葉但都十分大隻鮮味,貴左都覺得         係不得不試o既推介。2. 白酒煮蜆:蜆係當日新鮮返,可能因為係白酒煮,食唔出特別新鮮。白酒汁唔錯,只係洋蔥多左少少。3. 香草焗田螺:田螺好香,好好食!薯蓉亦整得好好味,咸味適中,唔係咁易食到,讚!4. 野菌湯:口感夠rich同creamy,味道可以再濃D。5. 凱撒沙律:酸酸地幾開胃。6. 鴨肝雜菌扁意粉:雖然有食評話唔好食,但係都好味丫!條條意粉都食到鴨肝香味,鴨肝粒同雜菌粒都         幾多呀,不過的確係幾滯,兩三個人share都夠。7. 心太軟:上次黎食係食麵包布丁,一食驚人!係咁耐以黎食過最好食o既!酒店o個D真係可以行埋一     邊~今次一試心太軟,未食,一篤已經驚人!再配Vanilla雪糕食,成個開心晒!朱古力軟心     夠軟夠香,外層完全冇焗燶o既味道,100分!Mi Casa服務一向週到,由訂位到當晚都非常貼心。唔單止每一dish教晒你食,冷氣凍又會幫你熄(其實佢地話冷氣一定要凍去保持生蠔新鮮),踏入門口前o既阻滯同不滿都一掃而空~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)