Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (97)
Level4 2012-07-14
 還未寫好食評就結業了?。。。。我實在太慢了! 其實這裡的食物質素不錯,用料也很講究,衹是貴了一點吧!關了門真的有點可惜。這次光顧只是因為沒有頭緒,在 Openrice 見到評價很好,便試一試,沒料到一碗拉麵要百多元,更不知道是米芝蓮一星食肆,如此這般,期望當然很高很高吧.....在精緻的餐具和廚師認真的態度下,令我的期望繼續倍增,而結果是有一點點落差 ~~ 門都關了,不用再考究了。 不過值得一讚的是這裡的义燒真的一流,軟綿綿,肥廋適中,簿簿的只給你兩片,足以令你回甘~~平均要約$200一位,還吃不飽,要跑馬地的人才吃得起嗎?這是要結業的原因嗎? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-05-11
某日午飯到了銅鑼灣, 想吃拉麵便到此一試不用等位, 坐到吧枱上, 正好看著一廚房的人在努力著不像一般拉麵店, 這裡走的是法式高級餐廳的路線, 裝修優雅, 燈光柔和點了一個Karamiso Ramen, 即辣味噌拉麵上菜時, 待應著我打開位下的子柜子, 說餐具都在裡面, 一打開...排列整齊, 還有一張食材紙, 說明每一樣食物的產地 (我想是311後的產物吧..?)先喝一口湯底, 不咸不淡, 剛剛好至於拉麵, 據說這裡自設廠房, 日日新鮮製造的確, 麵很彈, 比一般的粗而這麵的辣味很香, 配上面的菜混在麵中一起吃並不太辣, 反而有一陣陣餘香在口裡跟平常只用辣油的不能相比 麵原本只有兩片叉燒, 如果要多些或要蛋便要加錢了整體而言, 我覺得這裡的拉麵不是每一個人都會喜歡但是, 這裡所做的麵的質素, 真的很高 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-05-09
這天趁著假期,又適逄是我們十三周年半紀念日,就跟E先生過銅鑼灣,一試米芝蓮一星 創作麵工房 MIST,二人實行來個Rahmen fine dining。 Mist 跟一般拉麵店非常不同,以西式餐廳風格裝潢,以紅色及黑色為主調,給客人一種高貴格調,加上一邊播放著音樂,令人彷彿置身於西餐廳,而幾乎忘記自己其實是來食拉麵的。但店舖實在是細了點,空間感不足,令客人難免感覺拘束,奈何香港寸金尺土,這情況實在難以解決。侍應方面亦不得不提,先是制服一絲不苟,整齊的西服,給人很精神的感覺,加上侍應們態度專業,且友善有禮,果然是走fine dining路線。餐具擺放亦別出心裁,餐枱附有一小抽屜,餐具就整齊地放在這裡,還有一張每日update的食材咭,清楚寫上食材的來源地,令客人食得安心。北海道煙燻帆立貝沙律 $110以西式沙律菜,拌帆立貝加上醬汁而成,賣相精緻美觀。帆立貝肥厚鮮甜,入口有一股煙燻的味道,感覺特別,加上醬汁更為美味。豉油拉麵 $110 +糖心蛋 $20 +海藻 $15Mist 的拉麵湯底是由二十五種材料和鮮雞,經十多小時慢火熬成。有味噌、鹽味及豉油以供選擇,而不是我喜歡的豚骨湯底,但當然一試亦無妨。今次試的是創辦人的至愛口味-豉油拉麵,湯底有層次感,有豉油的香濃鮮味,而不會一味死鹹,不錯。豉油拉麵以No.18較粗身拉麵,麵質煙韌,口感不俗。順帶一提所有拉麵均由自設工場製造,分為No.18、No.22&No.26,分別配以不同湯底。叉燒略嫌鬆散,一夾起未入口已經散掉,肉質鬆化,入味。糖心蛋夠流心,蛋香味濃,很好吃。辣蔥味噌拉麵 $120 +叉燒 $25味噌湯拉麵味道較濃,吃得較重口味的E先生頗喜歡,加上一大堆辣蔥令整碗拉麵更加惹味清新,配以No.18粗身拉麵,不錯。若想fine dining,而又對高級西餐廳有點沉悶的話,特別一點,就來個Rahmen fine dining吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Mist is probably one of the highest quality and most expensive ramen restaurant with consistency. Mist has a model décor, the combination of the dark wood tables and red leather chairs gave it a very cosy welcoming. More importantly, an open kitchen for diners to visualise the chefs’ cooking skills. The lunch service was running at full capacity and diners can feel the dining room is buzzing, full of energy. The service was great, the staffs were helpful and polite, and the food delivered at a good pace. Cuisine: JapaneseFood rating: 6/10*Service: 7/10 Ambiance: 8/10Price: HK$190 (per head)* Food Rating: 6/10 is equivalent to 1 Michelin star, 8/10 to two Michelin stars, and 9/10 or above to three Michelin starsGarden SaladThe garden salad was a side order, which was included in the set lunch. The salad leaves were fresh, patted dried and crunchy. Top with seaweed and vinegar dressing. It was a welcoming start to the lunch. DumplingsThe dumplings were another side order. The wrappers were smooth and spongy. The filling was a mix of sweet Japanese egg and pork, which was very innovative and different from the Chinese dumplings we usually eat. The dumplings were boiled and served with Japanese vinegar and sesame oil. This is some very high quality dumplings. Kamo RahmenThe ramen was just sensational. The broth is rich and delicate, full of flavour. Ingredients including chickens, apples and Japanese dried fish, yet without any MSG. The noodles have delicate texture, cooked to al dente. More importantly, the duck were smoked to perfection, tender and not too salty. And the egg was excellent, sweet and delicate; the egg yolk was half boiled, in between solid and liquid stage. What else can you ask for more in a bowl noodles!Dessert of the dayThe cream is whisk to its peak, not too much icing sugar, slightly sweet. The bun is soft; it was a light dessert to go with tea or coffee.The menu does not have huge variety and the restaurant cooks good food from fresh ingredients, kept everything simple. More importantly, the noodles are freshly made, the soul of every bowl of noodles together with the broth, surely, just sensational. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-04-14
近期愛吃日式拉麵的我, 對於MIST其實早已略有所聞, 只是沒時間來找唉直至假期才有時間來找找這間榮獲米芝蓮一星的 MIST 創作麵工房由時代廣場出發開始, 繞了個大圈, 用了20分鐘, 其實路程只有8分鐘左右,相比周圍的店, 真的不太起眼, 還以為是SHOWROOM呢到達時剛好12:00, 只有我一人坐下來, 坐在吧檯, 光線柔和, 悠閒舒適,有著假日的感覺第一次來, 選擇了春季限定的野鴨拉麵, 收單後師父們就立刻動手, 製作, 配料的傳遞, 都非常有默契, 直到拉麵完成, 感覺就像看畢一場表演, 亦令人更期待這拉麵野鴨拉麵:湯頭味道超出預期的淡, 質感卻很深沉, 猶如燉湯似的, 令人驚奇的是此湯能喚醒味蕾, 配料中燒京葱的鮮嫩, 蘆筍及甘筍的甘甜, 全都可以清楚品味得到, 木耳爽脆, 花菇醬油煮帶著薑汁的味道, 22號麵條用不上彈牙來形容, 麵粉香及細嚼下的甜味令人滿意, 鴨胸片質感粉嫩鬆軟, 調味的胡椒香而不辣, 肉汁豐腴,加上油香, 鴨味濃得難以置信半熟蛋, 醬油味香濃卻不咸, 溏心蛋香, 比流心的多了一份口感總體感覺很寫意, 食物味道不算突出, 但層次豐富纖細, 叫人不自覺地放鬆享受起來, 與以前吃拉麵的感覺相當不同, 心裡難免有些格格不入的感覺價位挺貴的, 但以一個新體驗而言, 尚可接受, 假期有機會再來試其他的 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)