Morton's of Chicago

2-min walk from Exit L1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
It is located in a hotel, with a great view of Victoria Harbour. It provides premium aging steak and different kinds of seafood. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:30
17:00 - 00:00
Mon - Fri
17:00 - 00:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 15:30
17:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay Diners Club
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
VIP Room Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Morton’s of Chicago, The Steakhouse is located in the vibrant Tsim Sha Tsui district overlooking the famous Victoria Harbour. Morton's has remained true to its founders' original vision of combining generous portions of high quality food prepared to exacting standards with exceptional service in an enjoyable dining environment. Morton’s serves the best available USDA aged grain-fed beef and is renowned for the extensive, award-winning wine list.

Steak & Seafood Menu
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About Reward Scheme
Review (487)
Level2 2025-02-17
首先一步入餐廳,我哋以為去咗大排檔,枱與枱之間使唔使咁近? 近到我成晚聽到隔離個鬼佬打飽嗝😅 好影響食飯心情… 服務方面,待應好似好忙,忙到無同我哋介紹steak,以往明明佢哋會拎個tray出嚟present下d steak show off下,取消咗?🧐 算,當我係黎食steak,唔係食環境同服務,但係sorry,塊steak係失望!以前真係好食好多。成千蚊一塊steak,其實我會有期望,但係你望下隻碟有幾多血水滲出黎,係呀,一上枱已經係呢個狀態,切開就係更加多血水滲出黎,rest唔夠係咁㗎啦,仲好多筋,咁嘅質素,我去Dan Ryan食好過啦。講埋佢哋個signature 心太軟,一切閉,咦?無流心嘅?又一次玩弄我嘅期望🥲成晚得個蟹餅我覺得好食,食到一𢇁絲蟹肉,係足料嘅。總結一句,大不如前!千祈唔好去!同一價位,我去Grand Hyatt Steak House 食好過! 起碼唔會嬲住走😇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-19
兩人生日飯慶祝,二千幾蚊食物普通+女仔完全食唔飽一入去被安排坐在餐廳角落,完全遠離窗景,老牌古董裝修,廁所殘舊,佢枱面準備咗一啲生日祝福裝飾,其實枱枱都一樣,講真,有乜咁驚喜?坐咗冇耐就俾大大個包俾我地,淡淡地洋蔥味脆卜卜,係唔係非常之好味呢?正常囉,本來食少少留肚諗住一陣間有主菜食,好彩我冇叫佢收走,因為呢個包救左我個肚之後個龍蝦湯,飲左一啖真係黑人問號,太濃…濃到苦,好似食汁甘….主菜叫左龍蝦及牛…龍蝦味道正常,叫做有龍蝦味新鮮,但份量超級少,食兩啖就冇晒啦牛就真係好鞋,有牛味但似食橡筋咁…無肉汁…好普通囉…最後個甜品叫咗朱古力心太軟,好似係佢哋出名嘅?真係太甜,甜到唔飽既我都食唔到落去…好彩個包無收走…最後食包飽🥲如果佢食物質素好,份量少啲我都唔會投訴,但兩樣都唔得,埋單2千4…出面大把更好選擇如果覺得生日張枱有簡單佈置有影相個Menu寫自己個名好開心…環境又全英文好似好高級,呢啲門面嘢可能會有人會覺得值?作為壽星女,我食唔飽+食物質素普通,呢啲色水野無令我開心囉… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
nestled w stunning views of victoria harbour, this world-famous steakhouse is perfect for any special occasion or just a fancy night outevery lobster dish we tried was claw-some! the freshness and flavours were spot on. portion size of baked lobster was bigger than expected. sides esp the crispy garlicky lyonnaise potatoes were also a hit. personally thought these were better than the steaks oopsfor desserts, their legendary choco cake was super gooey and addictive. but if ur not into sweets, u might want to skip this one hahabonus: we ordered the special occasion set menu x2, which came w complimentary bday decos, customised menus and a polaroidin our tums-appetisers 🦞maine lobster ravioli🥣lobster bisque mains🥩manhattan cut prime new york strip w bone marrow butter 10oz🔪porterhouse 24oz🦞baked fresh whole maine lobstersides🍟parmesan & truffle fries🥦sautéed broccolini🍋jumbo asparagus 🥔lyonnaise potatoesdesserts🍰dessert platter (NY cheesecake, crème brûlée, espresso pot de crème, choco dipped strawberry)🍩morton’s legendary hot choco cakeprice: ~$1200 pp rating: 7.5/10revisit? mayb continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-01-17
適逢聖誕節,我與三位朋友前往位於尖沙咀的Morton’s食聖誕大餐慶祝聖誕節今日我哋食嘅係聖誕節正日午餐$938pp當日天朗氣清,餐廳位置好好,我哋被安排坐窗口位望出去見到尖東海旁,好舒服餐廳仲因為聖誕節裝飾得好好,每張枱面都有好多唔同嘅聖誕裝飾,為兩日嘅假期帶來一個好開始侍應送每人一個熱餐包,同埋有餐廳logo嘅牛油同我喺美國食嘅一樣咁好味前菜我哋大家都龍蝦湯龍蝦湯好好鮮甜又有酒香,再加啲黑椒碎就攞滿分主菜我哋揀咗兩個mignon牛柳,prime rib (加$460),porterhouse (加$640)Mignon牛柳好淋好嫩滑Prime rib 好有炭香好有肉味Poorterhouse 兩邊肉質有明顯分別,一次食到兩樣口感海鮮我哋全部都揀咗蟹餅,蟹餅係呢度嘅signature啖啖肉,超好味配菜我哋揀分別揀咗薯條,烤彩虹胡蘿蔔,忌廉粟米,同埋焗薯蓉,味道不過不失甜品我哋嗌咗兩份特濃朱古力蛋糕同埋兩份蘋果批我就我自己就食蘋果批呢度啲蘋果批基本上全部都係蘋果,焗得好香再加埋個雪糕就好好食總括嚟講,今日大家都食得好開心 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
餐廳會為壽星制定專屬Menu,印上壽星的名字。桌上也會佈置happy birthday牌,十分有儀式感,最後服務員也會為壽星拍照印上照片再送卡留念💕我跟朋友選的是4人的Set Dinner1. 特級珍寶蝦咯嗲🦐味道: 6/10推薦: 6/10蝦新鮮而且很大隻,肉質紮實,略嫌調味不足,只有肉本身的鮮味。2. 龍蝦意大利雲吞及精選沙律味道: 5/10推薦: 5/10雲吞略為普通,吃不出餡料,醬汁正常。麵包香而鬆軟,非常大份量。沙律也很大份,菜新鮮,味道普通。3. 焗完隻波士頓龍蝦味道: 8/10 ⭐️推薦: 8/10 ⭐️龍蝦新鮮而且熟度剛剛好,容易脫殼,肉質有彈性,再配搭龍蝦膏,推薦😚💕4. 斧頭扒味道: 6/10推薦: 6/10好大份嘅斧頭扒,熟到掌握得剛好,稍嫌肉不夠嫩調味也不夠,旁邊配搭的骨髓味道像脂肪🤣 可能我不太懂得欣賞5. 甜品拼盤味道: 8/10 ⭐️推薦: 8/10 ⭐️甜品雜錦,有雪糕,心太軟,布丁,芝士蛋糕,朱古力撻😍 很適合選擇困難症及喜歡甜品的女生們❤️ 味道全都很好吃,特別喜歡鬆脆的心太軟外皮,心太軟比較甜。而朱古力撻用黑朱古力,令整體不會膩。即使食得好飽,仍然會想再食的甜品👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)