9-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Motu Kiwi is a New Zealand Fijian restaurant that brings a different kind of food and culture to Hong Kong. Some of their signature dishes include their Lamb Shankwich, Crayfish Parfait and Kumara, Spinch & Satay Samosa. continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Fri
12:00 - 23:00
10:00 - 23:00
10:00 - 16:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (7)
Level4 2017-06-25
禮拜天和男友想說在家附近吃個brunch,想試試不一樣餐廳,看到這家紐西蘭餐廳評論還不錯,便去試試看。我很少寫差評,如果我真的給一個差評大概不單是我自己的個人口味問題。這家餐廳在嘉咸街斜路上,差不多到街市。店內裝潢可以感受得到紐西蘭風情,有國旗還有那邊的動物擺設等,還蠻有外國風情。我個人覺得這家餐廳HH來喝杯酒是不錯的選擇,但是來吃東西大家就不要浪費錢了。週末做的是brunch menu, 有7款食物可以選擇。我們點了Lamb shankwich ($118)還有chicken burger ($138).店裡是開放式廚房,所以可以看到店主在處理食物。大概10分鐘兩份食物就弄好了。這邊的就只有三明治和漢堡,沒有像沙律或是薯條放在旁邊當配菜。三明治外面煎得很油,可能牛油放太多。裡面放了羊肉和一片芝士。可是羊肉碎真的太鹹太鹹了,連男友平時能吃鹹都覺得太over,我吃了幾口就吃不下去了。另外雞肉漢堡裡面的雞肉用了雞胸肉,但雞肉弄得還蠻乾,還有兩片菠蘿,但顏色不是新鮮菠蘿的顏色,而且還蠻薄的,沒有任何新鮮蔬菜在漢堡裡面。我們都笑說自己在家弄也比這邊好吃很多吧。我覺得這家店價錢和食物質量成反比,中環有很多好吃的餐廳,我是不會再來第二次了\(╯-╰)/ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-05-15
Love the kumara chips as a starter and their smoked ribs are great. The open kitchen suits Chef Vini's open style of discussing his food with guests.  One day I'll have to try their breakfast.  Great location as they as on a street without vehicles so sitting outside is also an option. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-09-17
今日朋友S想試新嘢,我哋就嚟呢間試試。環境簡潔,我哋 order 咗三個lunch set($118 each),頭盤炸磨菇,主菜是鹿肉腸pizza, 羊肉三文治和煎三文魚,還有一杯飲品。我哋加一客炸芋頭($25)。靚女Waitress服務周到,詳細講解食物的製法,值得一讚。  炸磨菇 將飯讓入磨菇內,外層是麵包糠,十分香脆 ,加上黃椒汁,幾特別。  鹿肉腸pizza,皮薄香脆, 朋友話十分好味 。  羊肉三文治,法包加上羊肉和一些配菜,朋友話醬汁和羊肉配得好 。  煎三文魚,煎得剛剛熟,外脆內滑 ,真係有心之作 。配菜係薯仔沙律,味道也不錯。  炸芋頭,芋頭十分粉,先焗後炸,所以不太油,食落外脆內軟,很不錯 。最後一杯香滑熱朱古力,十分滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-09-09
There is a Kiwi cafe in Hong Kong! I dragged my kiwi husband there ASAP for a coffee break.As it is a kiwi cafe, of course... everything is BLACK. It has to be BLACK with a little of white. It is indeed quite a cool looking cafe. At soon as you walk in, there is a big piece of Kiwi bird sculpture. Nothing can be more "kiwi" than that. There were few boxes of Anzac Weetbix Granola sitting on the counter. A NZ flag given by the NZ Society of Hong Kong which we have just recently joined as well. SO everything is very KIWI --- good sign!The cafe does not only look like a Kiwi cafe, it's REALLY a kiwi cafe because it serves NZ food! Something you probably can't find it anywhere else in Hong Kong. This is what really impressed me.On the day we visited the Motu Kiwi, it was 3pm -- quite late for big meal, also the kitchen was only serving snacks as well for the same reason. We ordered a TuaTua Slider. I don't know Maori, but apparently Tuatua means a kind of edible clams in maori. As it is called, the patty is made with TuaTua (clams) and fish. The bun was made with squid ink, therefore they are BLACK. The bun was very fresh and tasty. The lemon mayonnaise gave a bit of sweet soul (more sweet) taste which is very appetizing. Wish there is a bigger version of this! Cos it's really tasty.This is a great introduction to NZ food in Hong Kong. We would definitely come back for a proper meal sometimes. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-09-08
As a fellow Kiwi I wanted to try this place when we saw it on Graham Street as New Zealand restaurants aren't common place in Central. We weren't disappointed!We ordered the following dishes (sorry no pics);Motu Benedict - which is their take on eggs benedict. Ticked all the boxes of a winning version of the dish with soft runny eggs, tasty sauce and some really great smoked bacon which is always my preference over ham.King Salmon on mash - again a winner. Beautiful fresh NZ salmon cooked perfectly and smoked using manuka wood to give the fish a very nice (but not overpowering) subtle smokey sweetness. yum.  Banana and Coconut Pillets - which are essentially mini pancakes that come with avocado and chocolate. We thought it could be one of those love or hate dishes, and that may be right...but we loved it.  The coconut really seemed to bring the other tastes together. Still confused how they pulled it off! Service was great with the staff and the Kiwi chef in the open kitchen making us really welcome. Coffee was to the high standard any self respecting kiwi would expect and great selection of teas! We could also tell from the ingredients and nz products they were using that these guys were looking to deliver quality food. If you fancy an authetic kiwi brunch with great flavours in a relaxed environment and you don't have time for a trip down under then Motu Kiwi, in the hustle & bustle of central HK, is well worth a try! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)