Mul Hayam Glatt Kosher Restaurant

1-min walk from Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Provides luxurious Western and Mediterranean cuisines, crafted by talented chefs using the best and freshest ingredients. An ideal choice for experiencing refined Kosher dining culture and exquisite food. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 21:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Authentic Jewish Cuisine
Adjacent to a prayer room and gathering place for Jewish worshippers, a restaurant has recently opened to the public to experience authentic Jewish cuisine. The environment is elegant and serene, allowing guests to immerse themselves in the Jewish atmosphere.
Family-style Jewish dishes feature ancient recipes passed down through generations, rich with Mediterranean culinary influences. The menu offers a variety of vegetarian options, including a Mezze Platter, Falafel, Hummus and Fried Eggplant which is best enjoyed with pita bread.
Main dishes include Traditional BBQ Beef in Skewers, French-style Scotch Fillet Steak, Classic Chicken Schnitzel and Grilled Norwegian Salmon.

About Reward Scheme
Review (72)
Level1 2025-01-26
朋友推介,第一次去犹太餐厅,味道惊艳,三文鱼非常juicy,推荐!Mezza platter没想到他们的面包挺好吃的,以为酱汁会不习惯,没想到那个hummus挺好吃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
猶太料理你試過嗎❔位於尖沙咀的 Mul Hayam 主打地中海料理,當中最特別在於他們用的都是猶太潔食肉品,菜式全部符合猶太教規⭕️ 當中多款菜式帶有獨特中東風味,感覺亦非常符合香港人口味呢~.Hummus Salad $132鷹嘴豆愛好者必點!鷹嘴豆泥配上蘑菇、洋蔥和薑黃,比起平時的鷹嘴豆泥,多了份洋蔥的甜和薑黃香氣,口感creamy同時不會太膩~ 將pita bread蘸滿hummus一起吃真的太幸福了🥰.Moroccan Chicken Cigars $115共有五大條雪茄,每條都滿滿雞肉非常足料!吃時帶濃郁雞肉味,外皮厚度適中,是不錯的小食🍗.Chickpea Soup $88鷹嘴豆湯還真是第一次試!餐廳加了椰子製作,喝起來時竟然有點像咖喱湯,好喝又特別😆.Grilled Norwegian Salmon $278三文魚外皮香脆、魚肉新鮮,餐廳自家製照燒汁配上洋蔥、果粒爽口清甜,絕對是菜式的精髓之一!.Grilled Chicken Fillet $278雞柳煎香後頗香口,非常適合配搭微甜的Vietnamese rice一起吃!如果肉質可以更軟腍會更好呢😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-28
係香港食到各國嘅美食絕對唔難但係咁多種菜式之中相信猶太菜真係比較小眾係尖東嘅永安中心入面就有一間難得香港有猶太菜食就當然要試一下Spring roll主要係以蔬菜做餡嘅春卷炸成金黃色又唔會好油外層好乾身而且咬落好酥脆內裏蔬菜餡同樣樣爽脆Traditional BBQ chicken in skewers大大條嘅BBQ雞肉串燒雞肉烤得好嫩 入口充滿肉汁用上嘅香料好香又惹味 味道唔會過鹹配菜就揀左薯條 薯條同樣炸得好脆粗身薯條嘅薯香更重French-style Australian Scotch fillet steakVietnamese rice牛扒帶淡淡炭香 牛扒肉質嫩又不失肉嘅嚼勁牛扒切開好juicy 而且中間肉質粉嫩配菜揀左越南飯 味道帶微微甜同辣味飯粒分明 口感煙煙韌韌幾特別Coffee continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
間唔中會去發掘異國菜餐廳😼 想感受新嘅口味,新嘅衝擊。成日經過尖沙咀永安廣場,原來內有乾坤,好多特色餐廳🤍 主打地中海菜式,環境典雅,燈光微昏,配上柔和嘅蠟燭,氣氛幾好。✨Falafel $108 🤤中東蔬菜球,即係炸鷹嘴豆餅。外層焦脆,微微硬身既波波球,餡料係蔬菜,貼近肉類嘅味道但濃而不膩,蘸上茄汁同香草🌿更有層次。✨French Style Soup $98有少少似羅宋湯,不過口味更濃更辣,香料味十足,適合重口味人士。✨Grill Norwegian Salmon in home made Teriyaki Saurce $278外皮煎得焦脆,好似薯片咁。肉質新鮮,口感結實,配搭粒粒蔬果一齊進食更添清爽。套餐可以揀飯同薯條,推薦個飯,又係我未食過嘅味道😋✨Frech-style Australian Scoth Fillet steak (250g) $450 🤤叫咗五成熟,以為會太過乾柴,但食落肉質仍然細嫩,中間仍然係好靚嘅粉紅色🩷 肉味適中,唔會太過肥膩,令人想一口接一口。醬汁有啲似青醬,非常非常好食😻 配埋肉類有畫龍點睛之效~✨Chocolate Cake $108 🤤有小驚喜!係我鍾意嘅口感!個蛋糕熱熱地,口感濕潤,有少少似毛巾,但我好鍾意🥰 賣相睇落去好濃,但實質上唔會死甜,一個人KO哂絕對冇問題! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次來一趟偽旅行,MUL HAYAM呢度主打伊斯蘭教HALAL FOOD,又名「清真食品」,主打注重衞生,同禁止豬肉等食品,👩🏻‍🍳👨🏻‍🍳要攞牌先可以主理,係一款特別料理😎🝮Mezze Platter 鷹咀豆|蕃茄甜椒醬|白芝麻醬|紫色椰菜絲無酵餅質地軟熟,上桌時熱辣辣;四款醬汁走清新路線,有開胃效果👍🏻.🝮Israeli Salad 青瓜、蕃茄,refreshing🌱.🝮Grilled Norwegian Salmon in Teriyaki Sauce 三文魚熟度剛好,外皮香脆,配上有啲似紫米飯,有中東風味🌀🝮Traditional BBQ Chicken in Skewers w/ French Fries 燒雞肉串調味剛好,燒到啱啱好,唔會太乾;如果有醬點下,會更啱我哋口味👋🏻😜🝮Beer large 🝮Pavilon Mouneau 2014 Glass continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)