2-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
MICHELIN Bib Gourmand (2024) continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (53)
去完越南旅行好掛住佢嘅街頭小食✈️今次發現到呢間米芝蓮推介嘅餐廳回味吓🤩 裝潢複製返越南嘅地痞感覺🏍️坐得唔算好舒服味道比起一般越南菜更獨特🎨唯獨是口味偏傾向Westernized同濃郁🥹如果更正宗會更好⭐️ Pho Ga 🍲雞湯河比較清澈湯底唔算太濃🐔雞肉份量唔多但係口味稍嫌被芫荽蓋過☘️如果雞湯鮮味更突出會更好💛⭐️ Banh Mi Thit Nuong BBQ 🥪炭烤豬肉帶焦糖香🥓配上蔬菜嘅調味好清新🤪口味比較正宗嘅一款⭐️ Summer Rolls 🌯米紙卷口味夠晒清爽💚 最特別係有三種沾醬好道地😛 個人喜歡較濃郁嘅花生醬🥜同埋帶鹹香嘅越南沾醬🌊⭐️ Egg Coffee ☕️帶甜味嘅蛋漿平衡返底部較濃郁嘅黑咖啡🍳打斜飲一啖飲飲到兩款口味好地道😊⭐️ Banh Bo Nuong 🍰原本以為係蜂蜜蛋糕嘅口味🍯但係入口比較黏同埋Dense😅加上椰汁芝麻同埋花生整體比較漏🥥有少少的失望 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一心諗住去上環食間bookmark咗好耐嘅餐廳,點知去到先發現比人包咗場😅唯有即時搵吓附近有咩食😂最後俾我哋搵到呢間好似幾有特色嘅越南菜😝遠遠已經見到鮮艷嘅黃色裝修,而店內擺滿唔少越南擺設😁餐廳充滿異國風情,食物感覺好正宗😍😍 後來發現原來呢間係米之蓮推介,由越南夫婦開😍唔怪之得無論裝修同食物都咁有越南特色😂😂🥖越南麵包 ($80) 餡料種類好多😆未食過嘅我哋其實都冇乜概念😝所以就揀咗Special口味🤣🤣法包鬆脆,唔似平時又硬又𠝹口👍🏻法包夾住兩款扎肉同多款蔬菜,再加上傳統越南豬肝醬,口感豐富而且味道鹹香濃郁😋🥗米紙卷 ($75) 第一次原條米紙卷咁食🤣🤣餡料可以揀蝦、豬肉,或者大樹菠蘿🍍我哋就揀咗豬肉🐷肉嘅味道唔算好突出,主要係食到紫蘇葉嘅香氣😆另外配咗三種醬汁,甜酸辣同花生味都齊哂😛唔同風味都有,都幾特別😙🥑Kem Bo Da Lat ($60) 本身想試店員推介嘅香蕉糯米飯,點知啱啱賣哂😆就試吓呢個😛佢係牛油果mousse再加球椰子雪糕,再灑上脆脆嘅花生同椰子乾🥥mousse好幼滑,牛油果味又出🥑椰子雪糕好清甜但又唔會蓋過牛油果香,整體配合得幾好👍🏻☕️Pandan Coffee ($45)🍹Salted lime soda ($35) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-09
Went to this resto suggested by my friend with another friend to celebrate her bday..We ordered the following dishes to share:-Bap Xao EyIt consisted of corn, spring onion, dried shrimp and fried shallot. The corn smelled aromatic and tasted blissfully sweet. -Ga NuongIt included grilled lime leaf chicken, sticky rice, lemongrass and peanut & sesame salt. The dish was served a bit cold, and the chicken was slightly dry. -Prawn Goi CuonIt comprised prawns, rice paper, rice vermicelli, fresh herbs, cucumbers, pickles and chives. The Vietnamese spring roll were substantial and had an intense aroma. The rice paper had a pleasantly chewy texture. -Sticky WingsThe Vietnamese chicken wings were mixed with garlic, fish sauce, basil, onion and chili. They had slight spiciness, but the sauce was a bit salty. -Banh Canh CuaIt included a variety of ingredients, namely crab meat, crab cake, prawn, quail egg, duck blood, fish cake, straw mushroom and in-house tapioca noodles. The soup base was more on the sweet side. -Banh Bo Nuong My favourite dish of the night. The Vietnamese baked honeycomb cake was topped with sago, coconut cream, sesame seed and peanut. It was creamy and the sweetness was on point. The sago enhanced the texture of the dessert. .Their soup noodles rotated daily, so u may want to do some research before going there. .Although the resto has two storeys, it's quite small and often has long queues. It is better to book in advance to prevent waiting. .The resto is decorated in Vietnamese street style and plays loud music, creating a rustic atmosphere. The neon lights are pretty as well. Special thanks to the staff who recommended the Banh Bo Nuong, which was a delightful dessert! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期六喺上環lunch time搵嘢食,經過見到呢間出邊有唔少人等緊位,諗住如果要等得耐就唔等,點知一入到去佢話樓上有位,咁就即刻入咗去啦。鋪頭細細但非常之有特色,好多懷舊嘅擺設同裝飾,成間鋪頭非常之有風味,色彩繽紛,勁多打卡位。等食嘢途中絕對唔會悶,因為眼睛好忙碌😂 佢哋播啲歌都非常有趣,雖然係越南鋪頭,但係播嘅係英國歌手嘅歌。Anyway, 個vibe係幾正嘅😌👍🌟 粉 $100佢有分北越同南越,望落北越少食啲,同埋因為🙎鍾意食蒜頭,所以揀左北越嚟試🤭 個侍應上菜時仲會問我哋要唔要青檸同要幾多粒辣椒,跟住幫我哋放埋入碗仔,同埋畀咗一樽仔醬料我哋。🙍‍♀️ 整體嚟講正常, 味道OK,唔係平時食開越南河有九層塔嗰啲味,因為佢係落蔥嘅。牛肉偏熟,但可接受。🙎 原來北越就係咁,的確係唔同平時寫開嘅😅🌟 香茅煮蜆 $130🙍‍♀️ 呢個不得了,真心好食!啲蜆幾大隻,最緊要係新鮮有甜味,重點係索曬啲香茅味,超級好食,大愛❣️🙎 好味😋🌟 法包 $80🙍‍♀️本身鍾意食法包,食之前都好期待。一食就覺得正!佢嘅餡料非常之豐富,成個包唔會話散收收,每一啖都好充實,個包亦都非常之脆,配埋當中嘅厚切扎肉、蔬菜條、仲有蛋,味道好豐富、好夾,口感亦好好,真係好好食😋🙎 幾好唔錯鋪頭細細,越南大排檔式嘅格局,但服務都非常到位,侍應會主動同埋收碗碟,又會問吓你覺得的食物點,全程笑笑口好親切咁,走嘅時候又會同你講Have a nice day ;) 整體嚟講,值得encore😋👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-08
位於上環嘅越南菜,每一日都有唔同嘅湯麵揀,可以話係每日專心做一款湯麵。除咗主食,咖啡都非常特別,而且餐廳有兩層,有齊晒越南嘅地道生活用品做裝飾🤣都好適合打卡❤️蟹肉木薯麵🍜 $100木薯麵比較粗身,好煙韌,蟹肉🦀份量都多,而且有好多香料嘅味!入邊仲加咗芫荽同蔥,所以成個麵好香😋🥖雞絲越包 $75包外面烘到好脆,加左沙律醬,所以入面就淋。雞絲份量佔左1/4,其他配料有蔥,醃蘿蔔,青瓜,食完好開胃🎉雞蛋咖啡☕️ $45熱啡有一碗熱水坐熱,面頭係焦糖燉蛋咁嘅味,加左milo粉,好厚、亦過甜🙈🙈同咖啡撈埋之後,先會飲到口感好厚,再係蛋嘅甜味🥚最後有咖啡嘅澀。整體撈埋都仲係太甜,如果咖啡份量大份啲就更好😍海鹽咖啡☕️ $40咖啡都加左糖,所以有鹽平衡番甜味,更突出鹽味👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)