4-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
The ramen shop is originally from Fukuoka. The signature soup was cooked for a long time. It serves with noodles which are freshly made everyday. It uses pork belly to make the Japanese Chashu instead of pork shoulder. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (240)
Level3 2024-11-02
上次响道食完碗豬骨湯拉麵,急不及待帶家人來試試,咁我當然把握機會試試佢另一款拉麵啦,就佢啦!《長浜魚🐟拉面(熱湯)🍜》睇睇個Menu,赫然發現佢有一款响香港比較少見嘅味型:煮干(にぼし Niboshi)雖然從張相都得知,佢絕對唔會係個湯又稠又甘苦嗰種“水泥系”煮干拉麵,不過好奇心驅使下,還是一探究竟,以下係食評。香味 (4/5) - 香味相當充足,但香而不濁,係屬於清香型而唔係濃香型。湯 (4/5) - 魚味相當夠,鹹度同甜度剛好,食到明顯嘅旨味(うまみ umami),風味屬於淡麗風。色澤係紅茶色,通透,油度剛好。我認為相當好味。不過咁,因為個湯唔係傳統上煮干湯嘅灰色或深灰色,我理解為,佢係用去頭去尾去內臟嘅魚干肉去淆湯,所以我認為如果佢叫做魚介湯會比較貼切,如果佢用鯖魚或鰹魚薄片嘅話,叫鯖節或鰹節都較適合。麵條 (4/5) - 選麵同佢嘅豬骨湯拉麵嘅應該係一樣,細直麵,低至中加水,吸湯夠。而我點嘅係硬麵,口感夠扎實,清爽,絕對冇話黏黏糊糊嗰隻。我食得出廚師嘅基本功相當深厚。配料 (3.5/5) - 配料整體就中規中矩啦。先講豬叉燒方面,應該都係用豬里脊,有兩塊,較瘦但夠腍夠嫩,肉味甘香,好食。溏心蛋方面,正正常常啦,冇特別入味,清清地,配魚湯係唔錯嘅。整體 - 值得推薦 👍👍👍👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-31
呢間日本拉麵舖最少有五年或以上,一直我都有經過,一直都提不起勁入去。也不知為什麼。我每一天在中環都會留下氣息,也就是說我是中環人,住了25年,工作了25年。中環的興衰成敗盡在眼簾。中環亦可以講是日本的食店重鎮,以往最好的不同特色日本食店,由置地廣場延伸到中大小街道,我對日本的情意結就如香港人對香港人一樣,無盡的關心亦有無盡的小心。因為很多日本店也不一定是具有水準。這間店也有一班日本朋友經常網絡打卡 ,我近來亦忽然多吃了不少日本拉麵,珠海匠魂麵亦都跟得很貼,所以令我對日本麵突然間又多了一份的追求。週末下午就到這一間店了他們的No.1 拉麵,期待已久。拉麵似乎賣相不錯,應該都是豬骨湯麵再加豐富的一些配菜,你呀我要的都是軟身的面身,但軟身邊不代表不彈牙,放鬆並不代可用力,但這一碗的麵確實軟而無力。第一湯羹的湯底,山姆的豬骨湯包完勝。what! chik碗湯淡得像豬骨水一樣。整碗湯頭完全沒有什麼豬骨的香味,叉燒是厚切,感覺雪藏的。整碗湯麵俾任何一間的日本拉麵店還要差質素,遠遠離開我的期待。看上來這間拉麵店都是有一點是賣酒飲,完全是外國的拉麵店專做外國人不懂吃的拉麵生意。確實我不想寫得那麼盡,他們的朋友對我也間接認識,但只是一個真心的,就跟日本人認真的看待。作為一個香港人麵條在生活中應該都會略懂一二。入去當然沒有什麼拉麵店的大聲歡迎詞。侍應生是外籍的南亞裔人士,真的往上一條街,最少有三間拉麵店,昆布及蠔湯完全是超。我也不是為他們什麼抱不平或者做什麼引流,只是單純一個食拉麵的人講拉麵。當初以為日本人開的拉麵店原來很日本,原來也有例外。今天的經濟環境其實經典實驗確實有一定的困難。,但困難更加要越做好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Beside the food being very good. The customer service was absolutely appalling. After waiting for a table in the heat for a good 20 mins. A male staff finally sat us down at the table. Within 2 seconds of looking at the menu, a female staff with red hair came out and demanded that we cannot sit there because there’s other people outside. The male staff already voiced that we were queuing first but the girl insisted we move to the bar table by the door. (No apologises from staff whilst we moved.) The bar space was cramped, the door would always open and hot air would just keep blowing on us making us feel very uncomfortable. We saw another table space about to clear up so we asked the female staff if we could move over once the table was cleaned. She agree to move us over once cleaned. After a while we saw the table was clean so we got ready for the female staff to give us the thumbs up to move over. Instead she walked to open the door about to ask other customers to come in. We quickly reminded her that we wanted to move from bar to table and she snapped back saying “there’s other people now!”…… well there was other people waiting outside when we asked so why did you agree to our request? If you can’t fulfil a customers request then why would you agree to it? And even if circumstances change, with some common sense shouldn’t you be giving the customers a heads up? This made our whole meal very unpleasant and uncomfortable with the customer service being super appalling. I hope this female staff gets some training on how to be nice whilst working front of house. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-20
都唔記得有幾多年冇嚟長浜No.1,當年門面同裝修好似都舊派啲,而家就現代少少咁,同佢哋嘅餐牌、麵食一樣......上次嚟長浜No.1係冇乜嘢好揀,豬⻣湯拉麵就豬骨湯拉麵,佢個餐牌基本上就係多隻蛋少隻蛋,多塊叉少塊叉咁上下,簡陋,但我好buy。而家多咗啲花臣,有味噌湯底、煮干、冷拉麵、素食版......其實又唔係變咗好多,至少唔係又雞白又蝦湯咁,但就睇落「多元」啲。在我角度,呢種係「世故咗」、「妥協」嘅表現,以長浜No.1嘅超班豬骨湯頭,其實唔使搞呢啲嘢,但江流如此,唔追少少潮流就未必吸都新客。可歎也。掙扎咗幾秒點唔點煮干,最後決定先重溫豬骨湯面嘅味道。湯嘅底色冇變,偏啡嘅白豬骨湯,油脂掛晒碗,聞說此乃「長浜系」signature。但睇起來冇以前咁有「黏稠感」,飲落都真係冇咁鹹,又係我所謂嘅「妥協」吧?但其實噉係適合本地人口味嘅,濃鹹、黏口嘅湯唔係個個香港人接受到。最後都係飲晒。麵就繼續幼而爽彈,我揀「硬」,覺得啱啱好,食到最後一啖仍然冇過腍。叉燒,我印象中唔係長浜no.1強項,不過久別重逢又覺得幾好食,幾嫩,冇油膩感。味玉就繼續一般般,本來就知佢呢樣唔係好突出,但今次唔知搞乜兩邊蛋都沉晒落湯裏面,觀感真係麻麻。配菜多咗碟辣芽菜,少少辣,味道調得唔錯。總體而言,長浜No.1仍然係我喺香港食過數一數二好嘅豬⻣拉麵,應該仲會再嚟,下次有多個伴我就會試下煮干拉麵同小食,睇人哋食評話有牛舌,有興趣。到我埋單的一刻,全店都得兩個客人,真係市道唔好,希望長浜No.1頂得住。臨走見到一位日本先生走出店面,有點熟口面,可能就係多年經營嘅店長,低調敬業依然。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-26
Lunch我上司突然話想食拉麵,所以又黎咗呢到食。間舖頭位置唔算市中心,要行上去。我地坐低,嗌咗個玉子拉麵,emmm,我塊紫菜浸咗落口,但唔影響個味道。個湯好濃郁,有小小creamy,幼麵但有口感,個溏心蛋都整得好靚,啲叉燒放放咗湯入面,正正常常,整體好味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)