5-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last order: 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
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Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (121)
早前食過呢間蠔湯拉麵😛同附近嘅魚湯同埋雞白湯拉麵屬於同一集團🥹 價格定位同樣一樣偏高😅 座位一樣係吧檯偏窄🙁 味道方面蠔味濃郁幾有特色 但係整體嚟講同拉麵嘅配合都係雞白湯稍成一籌😀CP值來講不高⭐️ 牡蠣白湯 🤍湯底感覺比較濃厚😅除咗蠔湯之外混合咗豚骨同埋雞湯🐔入口比較厚實油脂感較重🥓 蠔肉份量偏少叉燒無亮點🐷⭐️ 牡蠣清湯 🌊清湯比較能帶出蠔嘅鮮甜🧐 可以選擇加上青檸汁提升鮮味既特色🍋‍🟩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-28
The oyster soup, whether clear or thick, was just one that everyone can make easily. It lacked the umami usually found in Japanese soup.The small oysters coming with the soup, fresh or frozen, did not taste particularly good. Quite bland actually.Noodles were white, machine-made and probably not made in-house.The soup was not hot enough to my taste.The blow-torch toasted chashu was done only on one side lightly. It’s not even warm, let alone melt in the mouth. One piece in every bowl of soup. An extra order of three pieces didn’t change anything. The staff doing it was not really patient.The two overcooked soggy shrimp wantons in the soup were puzzling.Eggs had to be ordered as extra. Unimpressive.Staff were nice. But they did not seem to focus on cooking as much as they needed to, and they did not mind chatting loudly in front of quiet customers.Plain decor that was uninspired.For $160 a bowl, it’s overpriced. Not ok.With the benefit of hindsight, even if it were half the price, I would not try. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-12
蠔一直係其中一種我最鍾意食嘅食材,知道做座銀團隊開咗一間專賣牡蠣湯底嘅姊妹拉麵店,一經過中環就把握機會入嚟試吓。第一次光臨當然要試佢嘅招牌牡蠣白湯拉麵,而且之前食過坐銀嘅雞白湯拉麵就相當滿意,所以對呢度嘅牡蠣白湯拉麵亦相當有期望拉麵入面既餸就有一隻蠔,一塊叉燒同埋洋蔥粒,配菜有青檸半個。湯底都尚算濃,有少量蠔嘅鮮味,不過整體嚟講就偏鹹,蠔味達不到我心目中嘅期望,而且配料沒有做座銀招牌嘅炸牛蒡,略為失色咗少少,所以下次都係食返雞白湯拉麵會滿足啲 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間店一直都好想試,不過之前都做足 research,食評都係普遍話如果呢個價格定位唔係好值。但係,一間咁標誌性嘅店,點都試一試啦。牡蠣🦪清湯拉麵🍜香味 (4/5) - 一聞落去,香味係足。主要係聞到蠔味,煙燻味,同少少鰹魚味。湯頭 (3/5) - 本身係清湯,飲落有蠔味同貝類嘅鮮甜味,鮮度夠,不過鹹度稍為高左D。個拉麵入面有一堆鰹魚粉,本身個粉我有試過,係不帶鹹味嘅,所以我覺得佢過鹹左D,係因為個調料,相信係鹽湯加多左。而且,撈勻左個鰹魚粉之後,個湯就變得混濁了,以下張圖係撈埋堆鰹魚粉之後影嘅。麵條 (3/5) - 以粗度來講,目測係中細麵或中太麵之間,而明顯係平打麵,比較扁身。麵條口感味道都算唔錯嘅。配料 (3.5/5) - 因為係牡蠣拉麵,當然著眼點係個蠔本身。試落,基本上係急凍廣島蠔,係夠鮮嘅,不過冇驚喜。此外,蔥係有心機嘅,我估係用九條蔥,切成條狀,刀功值得一讚。另外有加左食用花,增加香味同味道層次。豬叉燒係最好嘅部份,有用火槍燒過,好香之餘,就算用嘅係五花肉部份,都唔會太油膩。咁多配料當中,只有呢塊(得一塊😅)我係珍而重之咁食。蝦雲吞方面,皮薄餡靚,係幾好食,蝦頗鮮又爽口。因為响香港食拉麵,極少會遇到有配雲吞,所以呢吓加左分。溏心蛋方面,佢聲稱係用櫻木煙燻,都勉勉強強食得出,同一般煙燻過嘅蛋係有區別。而且,生熟度係最完美嘅狀態。呢隻蛋雖然係要另外叫,但都算值得。整體 - 如果唔嫌貴,一試無妨。配料方面點解會比得 3.5分,因為我係衝住蠔去食,而蠔真心冇貨交。而且,當鰹魚粉撈左落去,個湯本身嘅鮮味變左比鰹魚味主導晒,立刻食唔出個湯本身應有嘅味,少少可惜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-23
牡蠣鮮香嘅濃厚湯沾上冷凍爽滑粉皮,真是絕配!絕對做到齒頰留香嘅較果;但無論沾麵和拉麵,牡蠣都是只得3隻,如果有5隻就更好了;餐廳裝修簡潔,服務員態度良好,唯獨冷氣不足,食湯拉麵會越食越熱,但即使是這樣,都定必會再食和介紹朋友去食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)