2-min walk from Exit H, Yuen Long MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
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Review (23)
Level4 2021-10-25
元朗Yoho Mall嘅Foodeli有嘢食又🈶️得玩,真係媽媽嘅dream place😆今次我哋就坐喺戶外嘆我同小風神最愛之一嘅台式料理🍽去到御升台之源counter,小朋友自己睇menu話要食番茄牛肉麵😆再跟餐加配檸檬冬瓜茶🥤比佢玩完之後消消暑🥵酸酸甜甜,好清爽又解渇。蕃茄湯底都幾夠味,麵條亦夠彈牙~小朋友食咗大半碗😆五香牛展拌麵味道較清淡,啱曬要減肥嘅我🤣五香牛展夠入味而且肉質好軟熟,讚呀👍🏼跟餐加配黑糖珍珠奶茶🧋都係同樣價錢,抵呀~茶味香濃口感順滑,黑糖味夠香,my favourite😍酥炸魷魚鬚炸得酥脆唔韌,加埋炸薄脆做配料,幾香口下~最後食埋甜品芋圓仙草凍配椰果珍珠,豐富嘅口感,QQ控嘅我表示滿足😌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🏬元朗形點一期既Foodeli真係有唔少選擇, 🥞入面有Bove Pancake, 🍗三多炸雞髀, 燒賣皇后同其他國家既菜, 而今次就黎試試台灣野!🎉🍅麻辣蕃茄紅燒牛肉麵 ($68)🍅🍜麵好滑身又吸湯, 而個湯辣度都幾勁(🌶有三哥3小辣), 食落好香口. 其中有驚喜就係炆到好淋身既白蘿蔔同🥕紅蘿蔔, 佢地吸曬D辣汁食起上黎好過癮!🤭🦑花枝丸肉燥飯 ($50)🦑🍚肉燥鹹鹹香香餸飯一流, 花枝丸亦夠彈牙, 🤓入面仲有墨魚粒比你咬下, 唔錯!😉🐣滷水雞翼 ($15)🐣🥬要讚既係鋪嚮雞翼下面既椰菜都入曬味同煮到好淋, 👨🏻‍🍳一D都唔馬虎😌🥣芋圓仙草凍配紅豆+薏仁 ($33)🥣🌈加左$5要椰果, 顏色望落配搭好豐富. 👅芋圓夠煙韌而仙草凍夠滑溜, 整體呢碗對我黎講有小小偏甜🍬🥤凍烏梅汁 ($28)🥤❄️酸酸甜甜既烏梅味加上佢超級冰凍, 飲落好開胃, 🧊絕對係全餐既亮點!🥶😋總體 (味道, 性價比, 環境, 服務態度) : 7.5/10 ——————————————————————————————🏬The Foodeli in Yoho Mall I have lots of choices, including the 🥞Bove Pancake, 🍗Santos Drumsticks, Queen of Siu Mai and different countries cuisine. This time lets try some Taiwanese food here!🎉🍅Spicy Tomato Braised Beef with Noodles in soup ($68)🍅🍜The soup base is quite spicy (🌶Samgor 1/3 mild spicy), the noodle is smooth and taste delicious with the soup. 🥕Its surprising that the turnip and carrot are soft and absorb the soup really well, which the taste is satisfying!🤭🦑Minced Pork Rice with Fried Squid Balls ($50)🦑🍚The braised pork is a perfect match with the rice and 🤓the squid balls are chewy, nice!😉🐣Braised Chicken Wings ($15)🐣🥬A point to note is that the cabbage underneath the wings are soft and juicy, 👨🏻‍🍳which show that the chef take it seriously even for the side dish😌🥣Grass Jelly with Toro Balls (Red Beans + Barley) ($33)🥣🌈$5 is added for the lychee jelly and this dessert is looking colourful and attractive. 👅The toro balls are chewy and the grass jelly is smooth, though this Taiwanese dessert is slightly too sweet for me🍬🥤Iced Dark Plum Juice ($28)🥤❄️The dark plum juice is well chilled and taste sweet and sour, 🧊which is super appetizing!🥶😋Overall (Taste, CP value, Environment, Service): 7.5/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-10-12
呢排雖然成日打風但係都無阻我去搵好嘢食㗎味道唔錯之餘仲好抵食五香牛展拌麵配酥炸花枝丸牛展帶有五香味而且口感嫩滑滷水豆腐亦都滷得好入味拌麵有五香汁再加酸菜撈埋一齊食好開胃花枝丸係新鮮炸起熱辣辣跟餐都有三大粒而且仲食到粒粒花枝😋好足料啊蕃茄紅燒牛肉麵🍜湯底唔會太油膩而且帶有蕃茄味道飲落去唔會涸喉牛肉同樣炆得淋滑充滿台灣嘅味道鹽酥雞肉燥飯🐥除咗鹽酥雞之外仲有唔同嘅配菜有炸豆角、九層塔、紅椒、脆脆配料非常豐富加埋肉燥飯一齊食真係好多種口感雞肉新鮮炸起依然嫩滑搞到我好掛住台灣啊草莓爆珠綠茶🍓跟餐加$15就可以加配有草莓粒粒再加上爆珠喺底好足料嘅配搭味道唔會過甜而且仲好有口感下次會想試吓芋圓系列~見到都好吸引呀🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Yoho mall Food Court 😍好味之選 鍾意食辣野嘅👍🏻👍🏻必試 ✨麻辣蕃茄紅燒牛肉麵牛肉湯底非常濃味配埋麻辣蕃茄,酸酸辣辣好開胃,而且最緊要嘅係紅燒牛肉炆得夠腍,吸埋啲麻辣汁一齊食👍🏻 真係夠曬惹味🔥 ✨麻辣牛展拌麵 平時食拌麵最驚就係唔夠汁,淡茂茂😎而呢間嘅伴麵醬汁就剛剛好,好足夠👍🏻👍🏻一碗大概有成7-8塊牛展,厚度十足而且麵嘅份量都幾多幾大碗嫁🍜除咗食麵之外我哋仲跟套餐加咗兩款小食😋✨麻辣涼拌豬耳✨滷水豬手平時好少見到跟餐小食有滷水豬手嫁,雖然係跟餐小食,但係都有成三大嚿豬手👍🏻👍🏻抵食最後我哋仲叫佐碗✨芋圓仙草凍配紅豆珍珠兩份一齊食😋😋😋煙煙韌韌嘅芋圓,甜而不膩啱晒飯後嚟一碗,清清熱🧏🏻‍♀ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-09-14
呢晚收工好攰唔想煮飯,又想食平d就係樓下food court 搵食,咁岩又想食台灣野飲珍奶見到呢間新開就試下先.麻辣肉燥飯 $50鹽酥雞肉燥飯 $50芋圓仙草凍 配 椰果珍珠 $30芋泥奶茶 +$15酥炸魷魚鬚$38麻辣涼拌豬耳 $30..見到個menu真心好平,所以叫左一大堆🤣最鐘意肉燥飯,大大碟又多配料(鹵蛋、豆腐、椰菜、酸菜),老公叫左麻辣肉燥飯好夠辣食得開心🥰麻辣涼拌豬耳好爽口,不過就唔太辣所以怕辣的唔駛擔心,最正係有好多酸菜同椰菜.呢個價錢食到咁多野,岩哂jo又想平又為食的人🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)