Exit C3, Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit E1, Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit B, Mong Kok East MTR Station
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杯Smoothie好好飲... 我叫咗杯Peanut Butter.. 好飲到爆炸... 我本身係好鐘意食花生嘅人...一見到meau有 Peanut Butter即刻order返一杯飲... 一飲落去餉感情非常好... 花生味道喺我個口入面慢慢溶化.. 好想下次再嚟嘅時間買多一杯... Nood仲有好多種口味... 有我都鍾意嘅Mint Chocolate... 下次我嚟都要買返一杯嚟飲先得... 極力推介朋友嚟飲返杯~~
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平時去Pure經過nood food都覺得啲嘢食好色彩繽紛好吸引,今日放工去做gym之前冇時間食嘢,於是去買咗一個紅粉菲菲芒果乳酪。杯乳酪有三個layer,最底層係奇亞籽mix咗芒果果泥,中間嗰層係低脂乳酪,食得出加咗蜂蜜,用蜂蜜去加甜味感覺好健康,最頂層係granola,仲有幾粒新鮮藍莓,mix埋一齊咁食成杯嘅口感好豐富。杯乳酪食落去酸酸甜甜咁,忍唔住食完一啖又一啖。佢個份量唔會太多,食完都唔覺得太Heavy,下次要試埋其他口味!
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The food at nood was awesome. I ordered a chicken egg white wrap. The wrap was very good with fresh ingredients. The wrap had lots of chicken, cheese and spinach too. The wrap was warmed up by the staff which made it even better. Dining experience was nice as well. Apart from wraps, Nood also offers nice smoothie options. I would recommend to try their wraps and protein meals. Worth the price and value for money.
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Looking for food with good macronutrients to replenish my body for a workout, Nood food is what I will go for normally and this wrap and soup are what my all time favourite.The wrap has guacamole and turkey slices and tomato and a hint of spiciness. The well smashed avocado will melt in your mouth and it jutaxposed with other ingredients so well that it often make my mouth water. I always make a feeble attempt in not devouring the wrap all in one go but human, like me, are weak.The soup tastes healthy and light. It comes with a lot of vegetables and beans. Very filling as well.The only thing that I am not happy with would probably be the price...
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