7-min walk from Exit B2, Long Ping MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Tue
17:00 - 02:00
Thu - Sun
17:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
滷水鵝 蠔仔粥 蠔餅
Review (8)
Level4 2020-09-08
Restaurant Review📋Food🍽Spicy Salt🧂and Pepper Shrimps🦐椒鹽蝦- The Shrimps🦐were springly and tasty- As they were being stir-fried in high temperature🔥their shells are extremely crunchy. So, no need to remove them😋- Strong Wok-hay🔥Spicy Salt🧂and Pepper Crab🦀椒鹽蟹- the Crab🦀fresh was mushy and has a light ammonia taste🤢Chiu Chow Style Oyster🦪Congee蠔仔粥- Oysters🦪were plumpy and umami- Cilantro🌿dried diced fish🐟Micned Pork🐖add three kinds of flavors into the congee- Best dish in this meal👍Braised Chun Cai🥬with Pork🐖Belly豬腩肉春菜- Chun Cai🥬is very tender, nearly mushy- Quite Salty but acceptable- No Pork🐖flavor, Pork🐖Belly is decorations😂River Snails🐌田螺- Eveb the Garlic🧄Chili🌶Fermented Soy Bean Sauce can't cover the strong flavor of the snails🐌- The fresh is quite springly, quite a special taste- the only thing I felt bit horrible is there are quite a lot baby River Snails🐌soft shell in the Adult River Snails🐌ShellDelivery🛵#神速遞(元朗錦田外送服務)- Nice service and fast delivery as always continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-07-12
入去元朗探朋友,問佢呢度附近有乜好食。佢就話附近有間打冷唔錯,都開咗好多年,於是就同佢去咗試吓。我哋兩個女仔食,本來唔諗住叫太多野。點知睇落餐牌佢樣樣野都唔貴,於是都好貪心買咗四樣嘢,分別有豪仔粥、豪餅、滷水拼盤、同埋炒蟹。先講豪仔粥,裏面啲豪仔出奇地多,加埋啲芹菜香噴噴好好味,一啲都唔會腥,粥底都好甜。另外豪餅都好大塊,熱辣辣應該係啱啱炸起,而對面啲豪仔亦同樣好多。滷水拼盤就反而冇乜特別,味道同出面啲打冷差不多。反而個炒蟹就真係好驚喜,唔使$100啲蟹我哋兩個女仔都食唔晒,味道都算唔錯幾滋味。不過晚飯時間都係得一個阿姐喺度,所以如果要求好嘅服務呢度就難啲,不過佢勝在價錢夠平抵食。我如果下次過開來都會嚟呢度食,聽我個朋友講佢間唔中都嚟,因為夠抵食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-05-15
今晚兩個人去左水邊圍呢家打冷,2個人叫左3碟野,分別有蠔仔粥、韮菜豬紅、炸蠔餅。豬紅好味,不過韮菜每次都好多渣,咬唔到。新嘗試叫蠔仔粥,都唔錯的,都足料,細碗已夠兩個人分。至於蠔餅就每次必點,因為炸得好香口,食落好脆卜卜,不過今次炸蠔餅就等左好鬼耐,差不多成4、5個字食晒果兩碟都仲未黎,耐到差啲想取消。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友說網上推介這間扺食潮州店。😊星期六上午去香港區逛完大館,吃過午飯,坐了摩天輪,因時間尚早,決定去試。便坐船過尖咀,再坐巴士在朗屏附近下車,尋找了一段時間,因為個區都係舊樓住宅區,經過它舖頭都冇留意到,因為門面都好細唔起眼,內裡只有幾張枱,加上網上話好多人排隊,但又唔見, 一眼望入去見到個開放式廚房 , 煮定啲嘢食,好似凍冰冰咁,装修又好簡陋, 所以有D猶疑入唔入。我們一行只有4人, 剛好有張細枱 ,姑且一試, 啲價錢真係好抵。食物其實唔錯,滷水鵝,韮菜豬紅,煎蠔餅都好食個炒蟹雖然係凍, 但係味道又唔差喎。 原來仲有樓上, 都好多食客, 又好多人嚟買外賣, 有啲就咁買一隻凍蟹 我同老闆娘講, 睇網友介紹特登入嚟食,佢唔信,仲話網上啲嘢都好信嘅 不過今次都幾好食呀 臨走問佢點行返出去坐車,佢成家好熱情咁教我哋。 原來行返去元朗廣場都好近啫, 希望下次可以試下個凍蟹🦀 今次人太少, 食唔到咁多嘢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-06-09
幫襯多年嘅傳統潮州飯店,卒之都記得介紹下,小店賣嘅菜式都係按季而定,我自己幫襯甘耐都未睇過餐牌😅冬天嘅羊楠煲,醉雞煲,胡椒豬肚煲超正潮式醃獅奄👈🏻生的,超鮮甜👍🏻 另外,還可以預早兩,三日請事頭婆醃蟹👈🏻超正推薦,鵝片,鵝腸,韭菜豬紅都非常美味重有,烏頭,凍蟹 都非常出色重重重有就係老闆嘅炒菜都好好味,充滿鑊氣每次都令我滿足而歸👍🏻食了先發現未影相,滷水鵝夠曬入味,帶點香料香雙腸夠肥美田螺 豆豉辣椒夠曬香濃豬紅入曬味吖甘地道嘅小店真係買小見小,請多多支持小店,本土嘢☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)