2834 7748
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
18:30 - 02:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (32)
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好少餐廳唔夠半年食咗三次,家姐生日帶佢來試下隻膏蟹經過上次經驗今次只係叫了每人三隻蠔,留返個肚食其它野Ostra regal 第一款唔係太大普通Gillardeau 好鮮重海水味正Irish gigas 普通主角睡蟹Brown crab 七佰蚊,貴就貴D不過真係正D膏成半时厚連D腳都係膏有D蟹有膏就冇肉,一係就有肉冇膏呢隻就一次過齊晒两個願望Yeah龍蝦刺身多數切片上,呢到细细隻成舊放落口, 好有口感啖啖肉,二佰二两舊, 好貴但一定要試龍蝦頭可用來炸或做湯,加了六十元做海鮮雜菜湯不錯鵝肝蘋果酥好香, 鹅肝味個好重,個皮好脆, 為一唔好係好油,有D菜伴碟中和下包魚酥我覺得個酥仲正個包魚心太軟,朱古味夠濃撈埋雪糕食超正Apple Crumble 好香蘋果味又係超正家姐食得好開心,佢話好少餐廳由頭食到尾都咁好食
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今晚是祝賀兩位老友,二人都是轉新工,友人更帯出两支珍藏的sparkling wine 和紅酒,不勝感激!先來了蒜蓉包和一個伴綠色的香草蒜蓉醤,很配。再來一客海膽伴紫菜,呵,海膽很鮮味包著四x的紫菜,很和味,久違的鮮味了!再下來到全晚的亮點,生蠔, 我們一行5人點了6-7款生蠔, 因為有點分不清每一種的類別, 但是當中有我喜歡的味濃creamy的, 太好味了, 也有帶咸海水味, 金屬礦物味, 爽身的, 全部都很新鮮, 有三個sauce可配, 有蕃茄辣醬, 香草醬, 醋汁, 不配醬只配檸檬汁也可以接下來是一隻小龍蝦刺身, 鮮甜彈牙到無朋友, 好讚!朋友不知是否太餓, 認為我們只是吃了前菜, 陸陸續續上了湯和主菜,兩個冬蔭公, 豬肋骨和牛扒, 以為只是生蠔出色, 但主菜都不賴, 牛扒肉質很好, medium rare真的是半熟, 很嫩有肉汁, 豬肋骨烤得很好,入味還有粉天使麵, 有些蜆和蚌, 有些辣, 很香, 不知飽地吃完全程當然, 最後甜品少不了, 心太軟加雪糕, 一般啦, 沒有要求了!
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Oyster C has got to be one of my favourite restaurants in Hong Kong, for oysters, sashimi and other seafoods in general.Oyster C is categorized as a “Western seafood restaurant”, but it actually has an eclectic menu, with seafood dishes, meat dishes, pastas and Japanese-style sashimi. It used to be situated in Happy Valley, but has later moved to its current location on Hing Fat Street in Tin Hau. The dimly-lit interior of the restaurant is simplistic, with a homely, retro touch to it. The restaurant is only open for dinners, and you should always make a booking in advance as it gets very busy in the weekends despite its inconvenient location!Besides the exquisite seafood, what my friends and I love the most about Oyster C is the free corkage - what can be better than a night with terrific seafood and abundant alcohol? Oyster C has certainly given us many happy, inebriated memories.(1) We started off the meal with my favourite appetiser, the Black Truffle and Crabmeat Puree with Garlic Bread ($90). The black truffle and crabmeat puree was creamy and hot and had a strong truffle aroma. The crabmeat was cooked until soft, and the puree came with crunchy, buttery garlic bread.(2) I can never leave Oyster C without having ordered a portion of this Canadian Fresh Sea Urchin Sashimi ($350). This delicate dish of sea urchin never disappoints. The restaurant gave us a choice of seaweed, zucchini or cucumber to go with the sea urchin. I personally thought the slight blandness and crispness of the zucchini matched the sea urchin perfectly, but a lot of my friends enjoy wrapping the sea urchin with sea weed so that the two flavours from the sea would merge beautifully.(3) As its name suggests, Oyster C is renowned for their fine selection of fresh oysters. We ordered oysters from Saldanha Bay in South Africa ($36 each), Muirgen oysters from Ireland/ France ($58 each) and oysters from Walvis Bay, Namibia ($58 each). The waiters’ consummate knowledge in oysters means that all you have to do is tell them your preferences, and they will be able to deliver oysters that would suit your tastes.(4) The Canadian Red Spot Prawn Sashimi ($50/piece) was also exceptionally delicious, and tasted incredibly fresh and alluring.(5) Finished with the seafood, I ordered a small portion Oyster C’s Daily Soup ($30), which was a cream of mushroom soup. The soup was creamy and soothing, and its harmonious flavours were enhanced by a few drops of truffle oil.(6) The pastas at Oyster C are in general very accomplished. We ordered the Bacon and Mushroom Linguine with White Wine Cream Sauce ($95) - the linguine was al dente, the sauce was thick and satisfying but not too heavy nor filling and the bacon and mushroom were deliciously chunky. It was very comforting to devour some hearty pasta after all the raw seafood madness!(7) Next, we had the Grilled U.S. Prime Rib Eye Steak, 12oz ($280). The quality of the steak was magnificent - the steak had a strong, attractive taste, and was beautifully fat marbled. The grilled vegetables on the side were simple and delicious.(8) I mentioned that Oyster C serves a selection of Japanese dishes. Besides the Japanese-style sashimi, this Roasted Japanese Mackerel with Salt and Pepper ($180) is another fantastic Japanese option. The skin of the mackerel was grilled to perfection and was gorgeously crispy, and the fish was moist, tender and full of flavours. The mackerel was simply seasoned with salt and pepper, making for an unpretentious but impeccable dish.(9) The Japanese Pumpkin Ice Cream ($80) was an instant addiction. Adorably encased in a pumpkin shell, the pumpkin ice cream was smooth and creamy and had a strong, scrumptious pumpkin flavour. Note, though, that the ice cream is usually still hard frozen when it is served, so I will have to eagerly wait for it to thaw before I can attack it with my spoon. Those 10 minutes always feel like hours!Meals at Oyster C typically cost around $600-800 per head, but for all the oysters, sashimi and steak that you have, it is worth every penny. Oyster C will continue to be one of my favourite restaurants in Hong Kong!
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今日又去左久違了的Oyster C, 每次去食都令我好感動! 平時都係兩個人去, 今次難得組到4個人, 可以嘗試更多新野 XD首先就點左個蒜蓉包配黑松露蟹肉醬, 個醬好食, 不過個包d 味就有少少怪, 比起黑松露湯, 後者較佳主角生蠔今次唔係叫左咁多, 只係每人兩隻, 揀左要甜d 同creamy d 既, 佢另外仲有海水味d 既揀呢度既生蠔真係完全唔同出面oyster bar or 號稱生蠔任食自助餐, 果度d 蠔得個死咸字同腥腥地,呢度既完全係好鮮甜, 肥美! 海膽 - 本身話得10-5月先有(加拿大海膽), 但係估唔到宜家都有wor! 雖然轉左墨西哥種, 但係都好好味!唔好睇佢好似黑黑地, 好似唔係鮮甜, 但食落就知道係另外一回事, 包埋附送既紫菜簡直一流! 自己叫晒一板都唔係一件難事!頭盆 - 菠菜蘑菇焗田螺 - 個菠菜用左少少蒜蓉黎炒過, 出色! 唔會淨係用鹽得個咸味另外薯蓉都夠香滑同入味, 將整個蘑菇田螺同薯蓉一啖過咁擺落口, 真係最完美既配搭! 係口腔內發出既香味真係令人唔捨吞!煎鵝肝配藍莓汁 - 係當晚我最喜愛的其中一個菜式入口唔會覺得太膩, 配上微酸帶甜的藍莓汁更錦上添花普通係外面食都係多數配紅酒汁, 亳無創意, 今次oyster c 真令我喜出望外肉眼扒 medium rare - 一般, juicy 度不夠, 肉質偏"鞋" 伴碟配菜算不過不失, 無乜需要特別講評明太子意粉 - 算係全晚比較失色的一碟本身Oyster C 既意粉都不太突出, 繼上次試完大蝦蒜片意粉後, 今次叫左明太子意粉, 諗住回味一下當年係日本生活時的風味可惜一黎到睇到明太子d顏色太假, 賣相不佳, 睇到其實胃口而減一半加上意粉油而硬過頭同乾身。只可說食之無味, 棄之可惜。Overall, 黎Oyster C 當然係要叫番佢地既專長海鮮類既食物會比較穩陣。聽到老闆同隔離黎熟客講當晚有奄仔蟹, 好想試, 不過實在已經叫左太多食物 >< 希望下次可以食到!
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