(Delivery Only)
All Branches (3)
The restaurant offers a range of seafood platters, including lobster sashimi, Hokkaido scallops, Korean uni, etc., which specialises in French oysters, which are delivered to Hong Kong by air and taste very fresh. continue reading
Additional Information
蠔灣自設合格牌照食物工場,提供一站式海鮮生蠔拼盤、壽司、刺身及多款熱食到會服務 電話APPS落單快捷方便 全港九新界送貨 時間地點任君選擇
Opening Hours
Payment Methods
Cash FPS
Other Info
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (83)
Level4 2023-11-11
「蠔灣」由自家法國蠔場入貨🇫🇷生蠔海鮮質素新鮮穏定☺️可以自選海鮮再組合😉.紐西蘭深海龍蝦仔Grade 1(2隻)🦞蝦肉彈牙爽口,有少少蝦膏好正😝.原隻活海膽💛鮮味十足又creamy😬用紫菜包住食,滿滿幸福感🤤.車厘蜆(2隻)🐚鮮甜彈性👍🏻.Belon 000(2隻)🦪大隻爽口,少少金屬味😋.La Reserve No.1(2隻)🌊鮮甜細膩,肉質富彈性😆.Tarbouriech Oyster Pinky No.2(2隻)🩷先鹹後甜😗海水味重,肉質飽滿結實😛.Tia Maraa Pearl(2隻)🇮🇪海水味比較淡,相對清新💦.北海道活赤貝🧡肉質爽厚,鮮味十足😗.有雞尾醬🌶️豉油、青芥末紫菜、檸檬🍋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
喜歡食蠔嘅朋友介紹✨話呢間由自家法國蠔場入貨,生蠔海鮮超新鮮而且質素穏定🥰適逢母親節,當然要食海鮮同媽咪好好慶祝一下啦😚最好係可以自選海鮮再組合,唔使驚有嘢唔啱食😋 重點質素好過酒店自助餐嗰啲好多🙈店員教路由三片檸檬順時針咁樣食,已經排好由淡至濃味~🇮🇪Tia Maraa Pearl 來自愛爾蘭嘅生蠔,味道相對較清新😆🇵🇹Josephine 來自葡萄牙,肉質富彈性,鮮甜✨🇫🇷Gillardeau No.2來自法國,入口爽脆,海水味最濃郁😋🇨🇦Canada Sea Urchin 海膽超!鮮!甜!好creamy! 每一啖都係大滿足✨✨✨加好少好少豉油芥辣配上紫菜,幸福感覺🆙🆙🆙🆙🆙🇫🇷French Blue Prawn肉質較一般生蝦更加彈牙,而且鮮味無窮💕推介指數:⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️餐廳環境:⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️服務態度:⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️再訪:Yes continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-04-15
平時外面食生蠔食得多 好少起屋企開party都食生蠔🔥今次訂購左蠔灣 @oystercovehk 既生蠔海鮮刺身拼盤 屋企人都大讚新鮮又好食🥰除直再會之外 佢地衣亦提供堂食及外賣自己 鐘意食蠔既千祈唔好錯過啦🙌🏻Oyster Cove既外賣海鮮拼盤好高質 份量都好重 外邊既包裝好專業又靚 成個發光冰盤帶返屋企😂裏面有好多層冰包住啲蠔 仲有得打開個燈💡仲可以可自選拼盤内容及數量 方便又好食!▫️店員向我介紹嘅時候 話由檸檬🍋開始 順時針食起 由淡味食到濃味🦪1️⃣Tia Maraa Pearl出產於愛爾蘭東南部既生蠔 味道較淡 好清新2️⃣Cocollos no.2口感細膩 海水味濃 帶子位好鮮甜 3️⃣Masses No.2味道相對平均 後帶甘甜4️⃣Speciales de claire質地相對結實 好有口感!5️⃣Tarbouriech Oyster(Pinky)微微透出粉紅色肉 入口時味道先鹹後甜 海水味重6️⃣ 原隻龍蝦兩食將龍蝦分成刺身同蝦肉兩款 前面鮮味十足 彈牙無比之外 啖啖好滿足🙈後者蟹鉗肉好多 惹味🔥7️⃣北海道帶子好鮮甜厚身 有點回甘 粒粒都好巨型 好飽滿🥰8️⃣北海道活赤貝食落肉質爽厚 鮮甜無比! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-03-12
I recently visited a takeaway specialty store that not only specializes in oysters and sashimi, but also offers a wide range of options to cater to different needs and budgets.🤩✨Customers can either choose from the pre-set platter recommendations or customize their orders according to their preferences for different occasions and budgets😝💓What's more, this specialty store sources fresh seasonal oysters and seafood from all over the world, so customers can expect different surprises depending on the season. Additionally, the oysters are directly imported from oyster farms in France, ensuring the highest quality and stability in taste🥳Overall, this takeaway specialty store is a great option for those looking for high-quality seafood for different occasions. Whether you're looking for a pre-set platter or want to customize your own order, you're sure to find something delicious and fresh.🫡✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-03-11
之前有同事幫襯過呢間外賣生蠔,讚口不絕,今次輪到我一個鍾意食生蠔嘅朋友生日,就幫襯呢間,呢間都幾方便,可以喺佢地個app到訂購 (Oyster Cove 蠔灣),有唔同款式,唔同國家嘅海鮮刺身選擇,而且可以任揀款式同數量,又或者直接揀拼盤推介又得,唔錯唔錯,一早選擇好,個日去攞外賣,餐廳就一整個外賣袋,超方便,餐廳整得好乾淨企理,一打開,影完靚相打卡,就已經即刻食得,即使係外賣亦都擺盤精美,打卡一流,而且應該有嘅醬汁豉油,全部都包曬,超方便,我今次就揀咗Tia Maraa,Tia Maraa Pearl,Cocollos,Gillardeau,Tarbouriech Oyster (Pinky),每款要兩隻,咁就可以樣樣都試下,個app好方便,有啲蠔可以揀尺碼,例如Cocollos,我地揀咗最大size,超大隻,不同款式的生蠔有啲海水味濃郁,有啲鮮甜,有啲金屬味重,有啲口感爽脆,有啲creamy,大部分都肥美厚肉,不過最重要都係夠新鮮,有驚喜嘅,估唔到拍得住高級酒店水準,以後開party,外賣生蠔刺身就多個好選擇,北海道牡丹蝦大隻,口感爽脆,味道鮮甜,北海道活赤貝新鮮厚肉, 同樣脆口,肉質鮮甜,北海道帶子大大粒,厚身,鮮甜味美,我睇介紹,原來呢間餐廳會搵唔同國家當造嘅生蠔或者海鮮刺身返嚟, 咁以後開party淨係訂一間都幾方便,有時突然之間想食啲新鮮海鮮同生蠔,都可以喺個app度,好方便咁自訂份量,外賣返屋企,嘆世界美食。總結:可以去餐廳個app度,自選唔同種類唔同款式嘅生蠔同海鮮刺身,又或者直接揀設定好嘅拼盤推介,餐廳pack好成個袋,外賣都擺盤精美,喺party到一打開就食得,醬汁配料一應俱全,超方便,又可以打卡,質素亦有高級酒店水準,夠新鮮,以後開party就多個好選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)