4-min walk from Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash
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Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (30)
Level4 2022-08-13
Came here for my hubby’s bday as he was craving for oysters. We tried 4 types of oysters from South Africa, France and Irish.. all taste really fresh and delicious. Also ordered foie gras (duck liver)on toast (goose liver was not available).. steak, and duck liver risotto .. All taste not bad but nothing special or memorable .. the dishes kinda lack of creativities.. slightly on the pricey side which I don’t think they actually worth this price tag.. the Risotto looks like a Chinese fried rice from local restaurants… (the staff fried it with egg and scallion in front of me.. but it didn’t really help to make it look more high-end, kinda felt it was the other way round 😂) is just not the risotto that I was expecting .. although it taste alright. The whole vibe was just a bit off.. Overall, food was not bad, service was ok, is not a bad choice if u want some fresh oysters.. just I think there are way more alternatives for its price. $1200pp including a bottle of wine Rating : 6.5/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
已經第二次嚟呢間餐廳成間餐廳嘅design彷彿好似暫時去咗旅行自身係一間外國餐廳嘅感覺餐廳佈置細緻典雅而且食物質素都相當高好適合一對情侶 生日聚會光臨🎂兩款時令生蠔 聖子刺身拼盤兩款時令生蠔相當新鮮肉質厚實帶有濃郁海水味聖子刺身Size都幾大🤩加少少豉油一齊食能夠吊起聖子的鮮甜味 爽口彈牙黑松露菌忌廉湯呢個湯有驚喜😻聞落去已經好香黑松露味入口好Creamy 濃郁 成口都係菌粒 好滿足呀芝士黑松露大蘑菇🧀芝士同黑松露份量都相當唔吝嗇入口好Juice👍🏻美味燒鴨胸看似做法簡單 食落去相當美味鴨胸表皮燒到有少少焦香外脆內軟 肉質很嫩肉汁被高溫鎖住食落去一啲都唔乾😻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
估唔到有間咁高汁嘅地庫西餐廳!應該好少人會發覺呢間餐廳,拾級而下好似去咗個私竇咁嘅感覺,環境舒服,典雅~有啲歐式嘅感覺!因為我無睇過當晚嘅menu,所以唯有看圖說故事🌝價錢我都唔係好清楚其實..✨西班牙紅蝦蟶子刺身..🦐好正好新鮮,擺盤好誇張,紅蝦刺身好鮮甜,原來紅蝦好大隻。可惜無影相🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼抱歉😵‍💫😵‍💫✨和牛刺身🐂哇,真係第一次食,有咬口嘅肉片,似係實淨版嘅薄三文魚片?撈啲生洋蔥🧅食,再加啲sauce。✨葡式乳豬🐖同平時食開啲乳豬唔同,啲肉有啲似雞肉,係啲皮燒得麻麻哋,不過好似係醃完後風乾咗再拎去烤嘅皮,唔知係咪本身係咁😂😂。(上網搵咗資料,隻醬有黃梅、白醋、豬骨,酸酸甜甜幾正。)✨鴨肝蝦子麵✨南瓜湯🎃好濃好味好細滑😋正!✨M4牛M4但佢一啲都唔韌,煎得幾好!✨紅蝦意粉🍝我哋食完刺身佢哋就拎咗頭紅蝦頭嚟煮意粉。哇,啲蝦好入味,蝦頭煮熟咗但一啲都唔嚡。✨芝士檸檬撻+朱古力撻+焦糖燉蛋🍮🍋酸酸的檸檬撻,食完甜嘢食呢個可解膩。🍫朱古力味好濃,除咗個皮仲有層脆脆!🍮布甸也不錯!入面環境就係好唔錯,有feel,而且都幾隱世。如果重要嘅人生日或者有大日子慶祝又想靜靜的,呢間餐廳真係不錯,可寫字!食物水準不錯,可以食到時令海鮮🦞!不過要預咗準備比較多嘅銀兩。但我覺得值得嘅。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-08-30
如果想開會或者朋友之間聚聚,呢度係一個合適嘅地方;而且食物質素都好好,一定能夠有一個愉快嘅飯局!當晚有以下嘅食物:呢啲份量係四個人一齊分,除咗個潤腸之類嘅物體我係冇食到之外,其他全部有食嘅都覺得好好食,食材新鮮!同行嘅朋友就好欣賞乳豬同埋個薯蓉,我自己都好鍾意食!比較surprise係沙律,佢係龍眼同芒果沙律,係一個比較少食到嘅組合,好清爽!甜品方面都非常出色!如果份量多少少就好,四個人分大家想食多少少,但係出於禮貌都收左手🤣Overall呢間餐廳係好值得encore,會再約朋友去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-02-16
情人節黎左呢間餐廳,充滿歐陸古典氣氛,但係店內只有一位侍應所以菜與菜之間等候時間都頗長。我哋另外都點左幾多菜式所以我重點介紹一下我覺得印象深刻㗎啦 •Seafood Platter- Oyster and peony shrimps 呢到主打生蠔🦪,所以另外叫了幾款(好似南非生蠔加其他),兩種都是含海水味而鮮味十足,價錢適中($50-60/pc),值得一試•Grape fruit salad•Duck liver •Smoked French Quail leg •Baked Japanese Scallop •Lobster Bisque or Mushroom soup蘑菇湯超超足料,很濃味而且不是一般cream蘑菇湯只有少許蘑菇的味道,但龍蝦湯很淡很稀所以不推薦•Grilled Australian Lamb Rack羊騷味很大,不過羊肉煮得很嫩,很易入口•Grilled US Prime Sirloin Steak平時淨點都要around $330+,情人節套餐$6xx真係好抵,點了Medium steak,煮得很juicy,一點也不鞋口,肥瘦適中,而且不會有很多筋,不錯•Grilled Canadian Pork Chop同樣煮得好好,就算沒有肥肉也不鞋口,而且醃得好好味,鹹味適中•Linguini w/ Japanese Scallop With Lobster Sauce帶子比起baked version更甜更入味更juicy,意粉配龍蝦汁感覺很夾•Dessert 流心芝士蛋糕最有驚喜的甜品,不是很濃很鹹的芝士,而是好像souffle那類的芝士蛋糕!必試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)