Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (21)
Level3 2013-08-28
團購價套餐很超值,所以很快都買光了(幸好我早買了)(奸笑) (你..)ఠ_ఠ九龍灣店地方比較大,當時人流不多,坐得很舒服的說( ̄︶ ̄)店員都很有禮(嘛…包括幾位有刺青的帥哥)(喂)lll先來重點海南雞,雞肉肉質很滑,比外面的完全不同,吃了那麼多家都沒吃過這麼滑的肉質,而調味方面,是沒有任何配料的味道,這樣可以吃出雞肉的鮮味,而且油份適中,配上3款醬料再伴飯很不錯(很讚就是了)(́>◞౪◟<‵)ノシ (你寫得也太長了吧)菜應該是用湯來煮的,味道很鮮甜,♨湯味道很濃,配料也很足~團購卷買的外買原隻去骨海南雞,份量很多的說 ~(不過拿回家里,很快就給吃光了…(汗...)(́。◞౪◟。‵)"豬手口感很彬,吃落肥而不溜,味道調配剛好,皮和肉都很滑,伴飯很好吃,但這個餐沒海南雞的那麼多配菜,但份量跟味道都很不錯~(= ̄ω ̄=)大滿足是也~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-14
I went all the way to Amoy Plaza's Pak Dong Hainan Chicken as it claims to offer "authentic" Hainan Chicken. I checked the reviews which was quite positive and promising, yet you should never trust anyone's taste bud but yours.Boneless Hainan ChickenI like how the chicken was de-boned, making it very easy to consume. The chicken were smooth and tender but was also flat in texture. The skin was fat and aromatic. The sauces were horribly tasted, the red sauce was weirdly sour and the black sauce was sweet but watery. The chicken rice was not pleasant either, the rice grain were flat and stuck with each other. How could they call them authentic? I had Hainan Chicken in 5 different restaurants when I was in Singapore and none of them tasted like what I just had today. Don't claim something authentic if you couldn't live up with the standard.Pak Dong Curry with PorkWe were surprised by the portion, it was gigantic! The curry looked a bit pity but the pork was of generous amount. The pork was actually delicious, the battered was deep fried to give a crispy texture and withhold the pork's juiciness within. However the pork itself was bland, it had to be taken with the curry sauce to give some taste.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-08-03
很滿足的一餐地方很大,燈光通明,冷氣夠涼爽是晚跟男朋友吃了這個無骨海南雞餐如圖所示,份量很足夠呀!有湯有菜仲有餐飲連肥豬仔都食到夠哂飽!中湯味道不錯,夠熱,飲得出有料菜正常,都幾大碟!抵食海南雞正正常常,無骨真係好方便油飯,我喜歡,唔差:)岩我地呢種懶人附有三種醬汁,除左匙油普通d其餘兩種都好正!$40樓下,for晚餐黎講,又食到飽一飽,算很正啦如再有團購,會encore幫襯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-23
計劃了去吃意粉,在等位接近一小時後才發現我手持的優惠券並不適用,唉,我實在是太粗心大意喇!心灰意冷下朋友建議去應該無需等位的栢檔去骨海南雞飯看看。晚上八時多,顧客頗多,座位幾近全滿,正好有兩位食客離開,彷彿讓座給我們,哈哈,就姑且試試這兒的海南雞吧!我們點了一個$138的二人餐,包括了兩碗油飯、湯、飲品、一碟油菜、去骨海南雞和滷水元蹄。食物細評如下~住家靚湯:湯內有紅蘿蔔、粟米、豬骨、南北杏,算真材實料,味道甜,但感覺有味精,而且不夠熱。去骨海南雞:自問舌頭不靈活,是一個懶人,這碟雞實在是我的最佳選擇,勝在啖啖肉,正!雞皮看似很肥,所以我沒有吃,而雞肉則很嫩滑,真的是以海南雞為賣點的餐廳呀!滷水元蹄:本來二人餐可選咖哩,不過朋友說要吃肉,那便順應民意吧!加上看到旁邊食客的咖哩,貌似街邊十元一碗的樣子,選配滷水元蹄是明智的。元碲賣相一般,很肥,肉質腍,味道不錯,亦是無需吐骨,果真是「懶人餐」呀!蠔油生菜:生菜軟硬適中,蠔油極多。海南雞油飯:飯偏乾,但粒粒入味,偏好重口味的我更將那碟色澤過份綠的蔥油拌到飯中,令我特別開胃。整體而言,我滿意去骨海南雞飯的食物,每人$70吃得飽飽的,價錢頗實惠。不過店內有數隻小蒼蠅自由地飛舞,衛生一般。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-01-04
原本只係諗住落街隨便食餐lunch,冇諗住會寫食評,所以sorry,冇影相愈食愈覺得忍唔住喇要打食評抒發一下....第一次來,叫了一個$42招牌的大無骨雞飯,有湯,3碟醬,冇骨雞和一碗飯拿食物時才發現原來$42(大)和$33(小)的雞的數量是一樣的,只是多了碗湯和碗飯大小小吃第一口雞時發現,舊雞啖而無味,而且凍冰冰細心一睇下原來雞油已經凝固成jelly了~~ 就好似放左好耐咁 =_="成碟雞真係好冇味,連基本的鹹味同雞味都冇,又唔滑,食到冇曬心機連個3碟醬都好唔吸引,最好算係橙色個碟,有點酸酸地,但同舊雞又不是太match綠色的所謂 "薑蓉",沒有薑味.....仲連蔥味都好微弱最誇張是黑色個碟鼓油.....冇味冇味.....連拎來點雞的鼓油都冇味...............無奈............睇返樓上的post,原來呢間野係標榜"不加味精",但如果不加味精 = 冇味 的話...我真係冇言.....呢間野,我以後都唔想再吃!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)