Restaurant: Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
Pak Loh serves Chaozhou cuisine with traditional ingredients and cooking methods while combining with modern elements since 1967. Presenting dishes with cooking method of poaching, steaming and braising which are the core values of Pak Loh to maintain the spirit of Chaozhou cuisine. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:30
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 21:30
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday
10:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 21:30
*last order: 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (115)
Level4 2025-01-08
當代潮州菜先驅傳奇食府「百樂潮州酒家」一向致力以優質地道食材炮製正宗潮州菜餚,並融會潮汕熱情好客的民風,讓百樂之名成為家庭聚餐的溫馨首選,及商務宴客的得體之選。2025年即將是開業58周年慶典,今個冬季,由第二代傳人帶領第三代傳人貝樂欣 (Alexa Bui) 及貝祖榮 (Jonny Bui) 與行內備受尊祟的集團行政總廚許美德師傅攜手以「百樂傳奇」為主題,誠邀來自四方八面的美食愛好者一同見證品牌邁向全新里程碑,發掘為人津津樂道的地道潮菜瑰寶。環境:✨室內裝潢設計以棕金色為主,地方寬闊,每張圓桌之間保持遠距離,不會顯得太擠迫。✨另設有多間舒適雅致的獨立貴賓房,是舉行商務會議及各類宴會筵席的理想之選。服務:✨職員友善有禮,上菜節奏快,用餐時間足夠。食物:🪿 滷水鵝肉鵝肝拼盤 ($418)✨精選生長於沿海的汕頭澄海地區,潮州人引以為傲的「世界鵝王」— 獅頭鵝入饌,肉身厚嫩味醇,鵝肝軟腍甘香,沒有帶難嗅的內臟味道,並滲入57年來用心保存及定期調整的陳年滷水汁,交織出質感細膩、餘韻縈繞的極致享受。🥕 蘿蔔灌漿拼炸芋絲卷 ($280/ 8件)✨兩款潮式家鄉小吃,前者包裹着清甜無渣的蘿蔔蓉,更是集團行政總廚許美德師傅的兒時至愛;後者包裹著濃密芋絲,具飽腹感又好吃。🥣 胡椒鹹菜豬肚湯 (每位$80)✨最近筆者好需要一碗熱湯治癒身心,喝前已傳來濃郁的胡椒香,入口順滑不嗆喉,尾韻帶鹹辣感,很過癮;豬肚軟腍不附腥臭味,是冬季暖身的好湯品。🍲 潮式混合圍爐 (2位$498/ 4位$698)✨冬至及農曆新年過節必備,深受大家庭歡迎的老少咸宜佳餚。✨內有乾坤!凝結潮州文化重視家人團圓的核心價值,將精選食材如鮑魚、海參、花膠、魚鰾、鱔片、帶子及鮮魷等共治一爐,增添海洋氣息之餘,賣相更奢華。🐟 頭抽煎鯧魚片 ($368)✨甘香鮮嫩的魚肉散發淡淡醬油味,樸實又能突顯海洋鮮香。🦪 蜜餞燒金蠔 ($220/ 4件)✨隻隻飽滿肥大厚肉,散發着蜜香味且有光澤,邊皮帶微「燶邊」,一口一正沒有腥味,過癮!🍜 糖醋伊麵 ($168)✨酸甜香脆的糖醋伊麵是潮州菜的熱門菜式,先以上湯煨煮全蛋麵,捲形再煎香和添加調味料,蠻開胃。🍩 鴛鴦水晶飽 ($68/ 6件)✨顆顆晶瑩,飽滿圓潤,以蓮蓉及紅豆為餡,清甜可口。🍠 潮州返沙芋條 ($158/ 8件)✨非常考究師傅的經驗及工藝,需將砂糖由粒狀煮成溶液,再將芋頭下鍋不停推煮至被糖漿覆蓋至外皮脆口,熱烘烘卻甜而不膩,筆者更差點燙傷嘴呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-12
讚-幾闊落-炒飯做得最好 乾身有米香 唔會太硬 豬肚湯夠晒黑椒香 同埋好足料 豬肚都軟熟 金蠔炸得夠透身-茶相當出色彈-滷水鵝肉硬味淡 鮑汁味淡 唔知點解好多嘢食都係以潮州嘢黎講好淡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
係時代廣場既百樂潮州一直係我最鐘意既酒樓。當出面大部分酒樓都賣工廠點心,宜間仲係手造新鮮點心,食過就知道真係同工廠做既機械點心係完全唔一樣,真係好食好多!燒賣,蝦餃,韭菜果,粉果都係皮薄餡靚,味道岩岩好,唔會太咸。鐘意食辣既可以點埋佢地自己廚房煮既辣椒油,更加好食!除左點心真係仲要大讚辣椒油。不過最令我驚訝既係佢地前菜都好出色,又係佢地自己廚房自家製,食過貢菜,酸菜,花生同埋辣蘿蔔,睇落簡單既材料,佢地廚房就係整得用心好味,食完仲好開胃可以食多D點心。仲有餐前餐後一杯濃郁的功夫茶,實在太滿意! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-01
The food has always been up to standard, but service is terrible. Our table was small, so when we finished a dish, we would put it at the corner of the table so that the server can take it away. Our table was already full, and another dish came. The server could have taken that dish away first before putting the new dish, but she only pushed away the rest of the dishes. I had to tell her to take away that empty dish, so there was space and she gave me a look that she was not very satisfied.As well, when I asked for the bill, another server came with just the bill. I was gonna use my Apple Pay to pay. She told me she did not bring the machine and asked me to go with her to the counter. As such a (medium/high classed) restaurant, you would think they have better service. At least she could’ve told me and asked me to wait for her to bring the machine over and let me pay the bill and not ask me to go to the counter. This is not a wonton noodle shop where you go to the counter to pay at the cashier.If you want service, do not expect from here. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
潮州菜又稱潮汕菜 是中國八大菜系之一 這間中菜廳供應多款潮州經典菜式 這裏的行政主廚在中菜業內擁有逾30年掌廚經驗 品質有保證.【前菜】▪️滷水鵝肉鵝肝拼盤 | $418鵝肉選用獅頭鵝 鵝味甘香醇厚 肉質鮮美嫩滑 因而被冠以世界鵝王的美譽 鵝肝肥美柔軟 滷水醇香美味 肥美柔軟細膩的口感與滷水的鹹鮮令人驚喜.▪️蘿蔔灌漿拼炸芋絲卷 | $280蘿蔔灌漿以秘製改良配方 為白蘿蔔裹上香脆不膩的輕薄炸漿 入口外脆內軟 與芋頭的粉糯細緻形成鮮明對比 令人一試傾心.【湯品】▪️胡椒鹹菜豬肚湯 | $80豬肚湯湯頭清透 散發著濃郁的胡椒香氣 豬肚口感滑嫩且富有嚼勁 微微的辛辣感在舌尖綻放 溫暖又滋補.【主菜】▪️潮式雜燴圍爐 | $498 (兩位) ; $698 (四位)潮式雜燴圍爐材料豐富 多款矜貴食材如鮑魚 海參 花膠 魚鰾 鱔片 帶子及鮮魷等共治一爐 湯底鮮甜滋補 特別適合寒冬享用 熱騰騰相當滋味.▪️頭抽煎鯧魚片| $368鯧魚片外表金黃酥脆 肉質煎至恰到好處 並保留了魚肉的鮮嫩 選用的頭抽醬油使魚片鹹香中帶有一絲甜味.▪️蜜餞燒金蠔 | $220蜜餞燒金蠔是當晚很喜愛的菜式之一 金蠔選了來自流浮山歷史悠久的蠔場出產的金蠔 肉質飽滿肥美 色澤亮麗 配上甜美的蜜汁 入口齒頰留香.【飯麵】▪️糖醋伊麵 | $168糖醋伊麵由潮式炒甜麵演變而成 以潮州的全蛋麵配以上湯適時煨煮 麵條吸收湯頭鮮味 煮熟後的麵條以巧手捲成麵餅 入口焦香軟腍 蘸上白砂糖及陳醋享用更加酸甜開胃.【甜點】▪️鴛鴦水晶飽 | $68每顆水晶飽晶瑩剔透 透出內餡的豐盈 外皮薄而軟嫩 內餡有蓮蓉和紅豆味 輕輕一咬便能感受到其彈性和香甜.▪️潮州返沙芋條 | $158這道甜品非常講究廚藝功架 當中採用了反沙技藝 過程中糖漿會由液態轉回固體 為鬆化粉嫩的芋頭披上一層甜脆的雪白糖衣 .中菜廳位於銅鑼灣時代廣場 食物整體質素高 每道菜式上菜節奏快 店內裝潢以棕金色為主調 地方寬闊舒適 另設有多間雅致的獨立貴賓房 想品嚐潮州菜 不妨到此一試💆🏻‍♀️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)