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Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:30
Tue - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
已經幾年冇嚟呢間意大利餐廳食飯 佢似乎轉咗老細喎 同我以前見嘅員工好似唔一樣 我哋同行三個人坐低 侍應同埋老細非常之熱情 為我哋介紹食物 我哋叫咗一個燒雞 同埋一個pizza 另外每人嗌咗一杯大啤酒 個燒雞 非常之好味 廚師話係經過風乾 24小時 然後到我哋食嘅時候再烤焗一次 所以個皮特別脆 Pizza 呢 都係一貫嘅好味 傳統意大利pizza嘅味道 啤酒就太大杯啦 我哋都飲唔哂 侍應好貼心 當黃昏天黑嘅時候 佢怕我哋凍開咗暖爐畀我哋 整體嘅服務 我真係相當滿意 唯一遺憾嘅係 以前有嘅teramisu 今次再嚟佢哋冇咗呢一樣甜品啦 所以結果我哋係冇食甜品就離開 呢個係一個小小嘅遺憾 希望佢哋將來會有返呢樣嘢啦
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細個個陣住西貢 只知有呢間餐廳存在 但一直無特別想話食 直至搬離左西貢 有次朋友帶我食呢度食飯我記得 蒜茸蜆意粉 好好食 可惜太細份 應該食2碟就差唔多 之後有期 要返西貢做野 咁岩逢星期三 牛扒買一送一 就同先生去試 牛扒好重牛味 好好食 到上星期 因為家事再回西貢 又再去返呢間餐廳食dinner 今次除左Order 意粉 牛扒之後 都叫左個BBQ醬烤雞pizza 又係好食到癲左線
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I placed the take away order at 18:45 while my starving kids are waiting on the car. Till 19:10, they still not call my number (my number was 14 but they were preparing food for 28). I asked the staff the status and she was telling me I still have to wait for the kitchen food. At 19:20, kitchen was sending out order but that wasn’t mine. I asked again for the status, I saw the staff secretly printed my order and gave to kitchen. I asked again and finally they told me that they missed my order and I have to wait for another 15 minutes. That was totally ridiculous to let your customer wait for nearly 40 minutes for nothing.Finally I got the refund and went to McDonald instead. Leaving this message to warn somebody else, unless you want to waste your time to wait for nothing.
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第一次嚟,覺得間舖頭好溫馨,老闆nice, 招呼好。嗌咗個招牌10吋批、一客牛肉醬焗千層麵同一杯smoothie. 我比較貪心,smoothie 揀咗士多啤梨+芒果,mix 得好靚,酸酸甜甜好開胃!招牌10吋批係厚批,落單先整。雖然等得耐少少,都值嘅。上邊肉腸芝士好多,批底有噍頭。千層麵真係要讚下!因為自己喺屋企整過,但唔好食,而且功夫多。哩度啲肉醬同芝士超多,反而千層麵少啲。小小建議,千層麵可以多翻少少仲正。
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西貢Pepperonis 既pizza對我嚟講係最好食嘅pizza 平日dinner去仲要有優惠嫁我今次係買3送1除左肉類,全個menu都可以買3送1我哋3個人食,嗌左脆炸魷魚圈小食拼盤 新奧爾良pizza(14") 芝士長通粉新奥爾良pizza係極度推薦佢cheese底係拉絲嫁上面有薯仔,雞肉,蘑菇重點係有一pat唔知係咪sour cream/cream cheese 真係超級好食!大家真係一定要試餐廳有4張枱係室外,可以帶狗狗不過唔可以坐上櫈老闆好nice 會成日出嚟傾下計
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