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Review (27)
Level1 2011-11-10
行過皇室堡去睇戲,早到咗,肚餓就去隔離睇, 食壽司食到厭, 走開啲,新發現!間Pho24有三文冶! 試吓先!個經理話要三十分鐘左右.,好在有時間,冇問題啦!睇住佢地馬上做出嚟,好新鮮咁,我就試個招牌三文治啦!等冇多少時侯,三文治出爐! 一咬落去,口感好! 有鵝肝味!又香!真喺超好食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-09-27
九月八日 (星期四)是日約了舊同事吃午餐大家已分散各地,銅鑼灣是最適合不過的聚腳地最後選了此店,記得在i-Square也有分店問一問待應確認一下,我們的記憶力總算沒倒退地方頗大,人不多, 不訂位也沒問題而且環境不錯,可以坐得頗舒適人未齊,不等了,我們幾位先點菜午市套餐包主菜一款,可另加小食和飲品即將會去越南旅行,老公仔決定先試一下港式越南滴漏咖啡的滋味河粉略嫌有點稔,欠了點口感牛肉還是不錯的,頗煙韌,帶香濃的牛肉味湯底清香,亦帶點牛味豬扒頗厚肉的,但煎得頗到位熟了還能保持鬆軟的質感不過飯本身就有點保留已涼了,而且有久鬆軟,美中不足又名滴滴金,就是牛奶咖啡其使用的滴漏工具是一有乳的金屬器皿,因此不用更換濾紙下面用小杯接着一滴滴的咖啡隨餐附送的小食一般而已服務員着不要打開蓋,因咖啡味會散走待了十分鐘,一小杯精華終於聚集而成杯底己一早加入了鍊乳,攪拌後就可飲用除咖啡味濃郁外,味道偏甜,是老公仔喜歡的那種不知越南地道的滴漏咖啡又是怎麼味道呢...看來非試不可 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-09-15
今日一支公諗住吃碗越式粉,特別推介是蕃茄扎肉蝦蟹湯檬, 原價$68特價$48, 真係平嘢冇好?蕃茄好甜, 3只蝦-只有手指公塊指甲大小, 3塊半片扎肉--好精緻又係小小的, 湯聞到蟹味但吃唔到味, 味精好勁。而最勁係d粉, 應該係檬粉,碎到夾唔到, 要用湯匙吃的, 隔離枱2個鬼婆望住我碗嘢都擰頭, 幾搞笑, 又冇附上碟芽菜香葉,係杯青檸梳打正常, 埋單$73, 我諗都唔會再來囉。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Stepping into Summertime, i am in love with Vietnam cusisine (because some of them are really refreshing)A first try here with the stunning Victoria park view overcasted.Awkward feeling at first (since it is a new outlet there, staff there are so green and not well-trained in a sense-.-)We orderedeep-fried Spring roll with 'mong fun' : the portion is small i feel, not really fit for 2 (spring rolls are just so-so, not impressive at all)New product launch - Foie gras club sandwich: Like trying something new. It was hot served and really nice. Meat was succulent! Could try the other two flavours as well.Mojito drink: special drink and i feel the mint is pretty strong in flavour~it's okay!In general, i guess i prefer another one in CWB, this is just fine to have chat with friends and enjoy the view but not the food. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-07-03
晚上九點先同朋友兩個人食飯, 獲安排坐窗邊大卡位,喜出望外!落地玻璃外對住維園景好正我地都坐得好舒服, 傾左成晚計唔肯走講下d食物啦:生牛肉牛筋牛丸河: 落配料前先試左佢個湯, 覺得有d普通, 但加埋d配料青檸辣椒粒芽菜同d越南香葉後, 味道層次提升不少! 所以唔好睇少佢提供果d配料既威力呀, 落左好味好多!而生牛肉牛筋牛丸都不錯, 牛丸彈牙, 另外河粉亦爽口特飲叫了兩杯, 咸檸七同青檸梳打原來佢做緊promote, 叫左可以免茶錢係呢d地段環境既餐廳算幾抵佢仲成罐七喜咁上咖, 唔係果d得杯冰既貨色, 幾有誠意!其實我地仲叫左個香茅雞亦, 不過見佢大大隻熱辣辣咁, 所以我同朋友二話不說就食左, 因此相都唔記得影:-p環境真的不錯, 加上類似西班牙文的歌曲襯底, 令人非常relax但人流不多, 可能因為皇室堡這商場本來就唔太旺啦總括來說是不錯的新嘗試 跟朋友都感覺良好! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)