7-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
They offer Vancouver-styled Vietnamese beef noodles. Using Angus Beef so the taste is really good. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (90)
Level4 2018-08-27
安格斯生牛肉湯河粉 $46湯底夠香濃🐮另外碟上芽菜、青檸、九層塔可以按自己喜好落😋牛肉肥瘦均勻肉質軟腍香茅豬扒飯 $39❌肉質好鞋🐖完全無食慾☹️☹️☹️☹️加$15轉set,有小食同飲品加左越南春卷即炸夠香脆唔會好油👍🏿服務一般,當係糧尾同速食既選擇ok食物質素好參差要試下邊d好邊d唔好豬扒就唔會想再試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-08-23
灣仔嘅越南餐廳有好幾間,但要數最親民最貼地嘅一定揀Pho 778,幫襯咗幾次,食物水準keep到之餘,價錢又唔貴,啲員工仲好nice! 生牛肉河:佢嘅安格斯牛肉好新鮮,肉味好濃,而且帶有藥材味嘅牛骨湯上檯嘅時候熱辣辣,河粉亦都要讚,好滑唔會「碎濕濕」,唯一要挑剔嘅就係份量小咗啲,叫正常份量唔夠飽!香茅豬扒撈檬:水準之作,豬扒即叫即炸,上檯嘅時候仲係熱辣辣嘅,而檬粉個汁簡直就係神級之作,聽店員講撈檬汁係店家自己做調較嘅,酸酸微辣,好惹味!小食:試咗蝦餅同網絲春卷,春卷真係好脆好香口,配埋個汁真係好好食!可能係春卷真係太好食嘅緣故,顯得蝦餅有點平凡,不過都幾好食!飲品:薏米水,幾好飲,清甜又解渴,連同行嘅小朋友都搶住飲!題外話,女店員真係好貼心,我地食完無即刻離開而選擇坐多陣傾計,佢幫我地收晒啲碗碟等我地可以慢慢坐,服務一流,抵讚! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-08-08
由唔知幾時開始,一碗Pho由$30-40幾蚊碗變成而家郁啲$80-90蚊碗既湯粉,過百蚊都係閒事。亦都越黎越多外國回流既香港人掛住外國既湯河味道,於是係香港開店希望食得番。當年我係澳洲讀書都係食好多當地越南華僑煮既地道越南食物,莫講話係Pho啦,好多食物都響香港食唔番呢。呢間既店主又係響加拿大回流返黎,但價錢係so far最親民。點左個安格斯生牛肉湯河,特別既係個湯底帶有小小藥材味,但又未算好濃牛湯味,個粉就幾滑呢。主菜生牛肉話係安格斯牛,不會太薄食落牛味香濃有嚼頭。加左個越式蔗蝦,都彈牙好食既。總體味道就不過不失啦,價錢$45一碗細碗未必夠,加個小食就應該先夠飽勒~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-08-02
湯底:食越南湯河之前梗係要試啖湯先,顏色就好深,但飲落去係冇牛肉味嘅,得甘甘地既藥材味...生牛肉:肉味唔算濃,而且懷疑係雪藏解凍得唔好,搞到個湯又唔夠熱又整唔熟d牛肉...坑腩:厚過d生牛肉少少..肉味重少過d生牛肉..😒點做到..服務:覺得啲職員其實真係好唔想做生意...間鋪頭細細,一眼望曬,明明冇野做,有食客食完俾錢走咗過咗最少5分鐘先至識執枱同叫出面等緊嘅人入嚟湯河就唔掂啦,但見佢門口有張好大嘅poster寫住下午茶時段(3-5pm)外賣越式法包買一送一,諗住第二日試吓啦...3:30入到去,見到有得一男一女濃情纏綿緊,以為係食客,點知佢同我地講咗句我地落緊場..我問唔係下午茶時段咩,佢地重覆落緊場..er..我再問,咁你地幾點鐘係下午茶時段,佢又好理直氣壯咁樣答我三點至五點...咁我冇野好講啦法官大人...我諗比老闆知道佢d員公拒絕做生意大概會激死 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這個可能是全港,加拿大,越南最差的餐廳!!!THIS IS BY FAR THE WORST PHO RESTAURANT I HAVE EVER BEEN TO IN CANADA, HK AND VIETNAM!!! It is a complete rip off eating at this restaurant! Food:The pho is absolutely terrible! * Soup base - It is very watered down and have zero contribution to the pho. * Beef - The so called angus beef had very high content of fat. Unless they have upgrade the angus to kobe beef, I am not sure how could it be considered as premium meat. * Noodles - Quality of the noodle is only so-so* Drinks - I ordered a chinese rice water drink. It tasted like soap! YUCK! * Veggies - for additional $15 I got 4 pieces of chinese lettuce...Impressions: I walked in at 6pm after work and behold, one of the staff is sleeping on the dining table. She did not bother to move and continue to sleep for the next half hour. What a great way to welcome your customers! Service: When it came to ordering food, the waiter did not bother to walk up to my table to take the order. He made me yelled over other customers so he can conveniently input the order in the computer. Talk about laziness! Hygiene:Hygiene is very poor! The waiter wore rubber gloves and he had it on to handle everything! That included food, money and dirty dishes! I am so lucky to not get food posioning from this place! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)