Exit B, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Pica Pica is a contemporary Spanish tapas bar led by Chef Edgar Sanuy. The name Pica Pica comes from the Spanish expression “a little bit of this, a little bit of that,” which refers to the tradition of enjoying a fun, casual meal that consists of many dishes served in small portions. In true "Pica Pica" style, the food menu is rooted in tradition but features a modern take on classic Spanish dishes and cooking methods. Influenced by Chef Sanuy's culinary experiences throughout Europe and Asia, Pica Pica delivers a unique culinary approach to Hong Kong’s current dining scene with a produce-driven, small plate menu that’s inspired by regional Spanish cooking techniques. Each dish on the menu is meant to be enjoyed “family style” and sharing with dining companions is highly encouraged. Pica Pica's beverage program features authentic house-made Sangria recipes, some aged and delivered straight from Spanish sherry barrels. And in addition to aged Sangria, the beverage menu also focuses on a curated selection of Spanish wine and beer. Pica Pica is your go-to neighborhood hangout that provides an energetic, colorful, and exciting dining experience inspired by the tapas tradition and its ability to bring people together in a lively and relaxed environment. continue reading
Additional Information
Pica Pica位於上環,是一間現代西班牙小食酒吧。Pica Pica的原意是「這點一些、那些一點」(a little bit of this, a little bit of that),套用在這裡則指客人愉快地、不拘束地一同享受各款精緻小份美食的傳統。Pica Pica的食物和烹調以傳統為基,以當下為本。在這鄰區小店裡,客人們在輕鬆熱鬧的氛圍下,與親友享受一個帶勁又滿載色彩的品餐體驗。菜式的原念來自西班牙地方菜的煮食方法,以新鮮食材準備小碟菜式。無論是墨汁西班牙鍋飯、懶人煎蛋奄列或紅蝦熱狗,每道菜都旨在與一群好友親人同享,「眾樂樂」就是本店精神。除了美饌外,還有獨家釀製的西班牙水果酒,由原裝些利酒桶裡直接倒出,酒香醉人。此外,餐廳亦備有多款的西班牙酒品和啤酒。
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (300)
Pica Pica @picapicahk 📍:上環德輔道中317-321號啟德商業大廈地下G-H號舖🚗:上環地鐵B出口 步行3分鐘📞:+852 2811-9880💲:~HKD420/head for dinnerFood quality✔️:Octopus Galician style on Potato, Pica Pica Paella Surf & Turf (small)👌🏼:Basque Burnt Cheesecake, Red Prawns Hot Dog, Ajillo Prawns, Wagyu Steak Tartare on charred bone Morrow總結:😋上環人氣爆登嘅西班牙🇪🇸餐廳 閒日超旺場 氣氛一流 適合慶生或週年紀念😋整餐最好食係八爪魚🐙薯仔 彈牙爽口配埋薯仔好食😋Paella就唔錯嘅 不過冇咩驚喜 但值得推薦又係整餐cp值最高嘅一碟 有分大細size真係非常細心 細嘅只需$108都夠三個細食嘅女仔食😋服務好好 朋友生日🎂擺盤靚 仲送即影即有同員工圍住你唱歌 好有氣氛🤔巴斯克蛋糕🍰食落口係暖嘅呢點幾特別 似鹹點多過甜點 口感較硬身啲🤔紅蝦熱狗🌭係佢嘅招牌 但個人覺得係整餐最唔抵食 份量超少 蝦🦐冇話太特別 吱咗蝦頭啲汁同膏係好食啲 但一人一舊仔$162就太貴了🤔另外牛骨髓他他又係好多人推薦 但名不副實嘅一碟😨性價比真係低 整餐都比較平實 食物冇咩大驚喜位😣😨全外藉員工 要講英文 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友們鍾意食 #西班牙菜 ,呢日去試朋友推介,位於上環嘅呢間!餐廳樓底高,空間夠,座位與座位距離可以,我覺得算坐得算舒服而且燈光、氣氛剛好,印象唔錯👍#RedSangria $233/jug而家食西班牙菜必點😌 一坐低就叫一樽先😌😌呢間味道都可以🫶🏻上網睇完人哋食咩,再望吓隔離左右,呢兩樣差唔多檯檯都有😂-Wagyu steak tartare on charred bone marrow $175呢個下面用鹽墊起舊牛骨,用匙羹𢳂起要小心,跌咗落啲鹽到勁鹹😂 另外跟咗包,可以一齊食-Black paella rice $198/bigger好濃郁,好香,飯有少少焦做到個口感👍另外仲叫咗呢啲:-Octopus Galician style on potato "al caliu" $138 - 八爪魚偏淋,但個底嘅薯蓉幾好食🫢-Tomato bread with Arbequina extra virgin olive oil $33-Salmon bikini $92 - 好香黑松露+芝士味-Jamón Ibérico acorn fed, up to 52 months curation $125-Ajillo prawns $172-Deboned suckling pig, sweet potato purée, raw spinach $197-80g Beef Tenderloin skewer cooked medium rare with grain mustard mayo $98/pc 食西班牙嘢,開返支 #西班牙酒😌La Rioja Alta Vina Ardanza Reserva $788呢支我覺得唔錯😌😌✅裝修+氣氛好✅嘢食平均唔錯✅賣相都精緻呢間環境、氣氛同嘢食overall我覺得唔錯,可以搵日encore😆唯一唔好係book位得6/8點幾揀🙉如果有7點幾就好🙉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期日同屋企人去咗 Pica Pica 食 tapas,嗌咗幾款seafood & meat,真係大飽口福!先講 Octopus Galician style on potato "al caliu",啲八爪魚煮得好腍,唔會韌,食落口有煙燻味,薯仔就綿綿嘅,口感幾好。跟住係 Red prawn hotdog,個包烘得好香脆,入面夾住隻紅蝦,仲有蝦膏做醬汁,味道幾夾。不過食落有啲論盡,但餐廳有提供濕紙巾。Wagyu steak tartare on charred bone marrow,啲和牛他他好新鮮,入口即化,啲骨髓就好香油香,兩樣嘢放係脆片上一齊食,好豐富。Deboned suckling pig,乳豬皮燒得幾脆,啲肉就好嫩滑,配埋啲番薯蓉同菠菜,幾解膩。最後係 Black paella rice,即係墨魚汁西班牙飯。啲飯煮得幾好,唔會太濕,又唔會太乾,粒粒分明,配埋沙拉醬,全部清晒。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-02-09
想試呢間餐廳好耐,聽聞長期滿座,終於有幸一試。餐廳內氣氛不錯,令人想飲飽食醉嘅感覺強烈。先點咗Sangria,味道不錯,頗合我心意。Heirloom cherry tomato salad, avocado, tuna belly - tuna 超嫩滑,蕃茄及牛油果比例味道平衡。不錯吃!Beef marrow - 牛肉質感不錯,味道稍鹹。Foie Gras on toast - 絕對是招牌之作。香而不膩,encore咗兩次。Deboned suckling pig - 呢間乳豬外皮鬆脆,肉質嫩滑,亦非常入味。Jamon tortilla - 食西班牙菜點少得呢道Tapas。呢道菜出面食得多,但呢度嘅蛋餅確實香口,口感好之餘,再配上有質素的Ham,確實大推呢道菜。Lobster and octopus juice rice - 龍蝦海鮮飯,醬汁味道濃郁,送飯一流。整體水準確實不俗,可以再encore。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-02-05
當晚用餐的時候,遇上有三枱客人都是慶祝生日,在吃甜品的時候切蛋糕,說這裏是朋友聚會好地方也不為過。西班牙Tapas的好處,是可以任性的點很多菜式,也不怕吃不完,而且選擇夠多。先來一道番茄沙律配牛油果及油浸吞拿魚清清味蕾;八爪魚配薯仔口感嫩滑,調味恰到好處;品嚐紅蝦熱狗前,記得擠出紅蝦蝦頭的蝦膏,淋在熱狗上,分外滋味!點了黑板上寫著的是日推介西班牙火腿粟米餅Tortilla,火腿咸香與鬆軟的粟米餅是絕配。西班牙乳豬外皮香脆,肉質嫩滑,令人驚喜。炭燒牛骨髓與烤鵝肝多士配焦糖洋蔥,同樣芳香濃郁,呷一口sangria認真爽!今次沒有吃西班牙飯,點了龍蝦海鮮飯,濃郁的龍蝦汁,讓每粒飯都充滿鮮味,感覺比較像意大利飯。茶餐廳西多士就吃得多,西班牙式西多士還是第一次吃!配搭了咖啡啫喱和朱古力雪糕,味道不太甜,以為已經很飽吃不完,結果瞬間食晒!總括而言,下次會再來,不過兩小時用餐時間感覺有點趕,可以坐耐啲應該更盡興。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)