6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Plaa presents a modern interpretation of Thai cuisine highlighting both local and regional seafood and produce. The menu is built around fresh and seasonal ingredients with fresh herbs, spices and sauces to deliver vibrant Thai flavours transformed through refined touches from the kitchen. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (60)
今日趁住慶祝生日想食返餐Fine Dining 🎂 平時食開歐洲菜多但係私心都係鍾意食泰國菜🇹🇭所以特地簡左呢間黎慶祝🪅 味道方面有水準烹調方式都睇得出係Classic既法國料理手法🇫🇷 技巧同手法係有嘅但係個人覺得亞洲味道都係地道既煮法更加啱我味蕾😅 另外一個硬傷係餐廳空間比較細🫢枱同枱之間嘅距離欠缺空間感🫢 長梳化俾我嘅感覺似係樓上Cafe多過Fine Dining🌝 味道質素係合格嘅不過喺泰國同拎價錢會食到更高的質素⭐️ Shima Aji Ma Hor 🍍本身係泰式嘅小食用豬肉配上水果一齊食🍉今次換上青木瓜同埋鰝鰺💚 有種獨特嘅清甜但係同豬肉唔係特別夾⭐️ Truffle Kanom Krok 🍄街頭嘅椰子脆餅配上松露🖤感覺上Elevate左但係松露嘅味道有點Overpowering😉⭐️ Nam Jim Seafood 🦪Gillardeau生蠔果然新鮮有佢嘅水準🌊 配上蕃茄嘅酸甜同埋Horseradish既刺激感🍅好有刺激味蕾既感覺⭐️ Larb 🐚本身係香葉炒肉碎嘅口味🫛Translate左去帶子身上🩵個人覺得帶子應該更適合Delicate既口味⭐️ Tom Yum Goong 🥘經典嘅冬陰功配上牡丹蝦不得不讚鮮度好高肉質好鮮嫩🦐 口味比較溫和恰到好處🌶️ 自家製既Brioche配上辣椒牛油都好配合🥐⭐️ Tom Kha 🐟用椰汁雞湯嘅煮法配上魚🥥 南薑同香茅嘅味道好濃郁🫚香氣足夠但係醬汁同魚肉唔係好融洽🥹⭐️ Neua Gor Lae 🥩用和牛配上咖喱嘅調味好有新鮮感🎨和牛嘅烹調不錯留住肉汁🔥 咖哩口味有層次但稍嫌偏鹹🌿⭐️ Gaeng Bai Cha Plu 🦞龍蝦嘅肉質無可挑剔🧡 黃咖喱嘅香氣同樣好配合☺️ 唯獨係香料同蒜頭嘅份量偏多有點影響口感🧄⭐️ Wan Yen 🍧用上石榴汁配上杏仁山竹嘅刨冰甜品🥰口味好正宗同我喺泰國食到嘅一模一樣🏖️酸甜度適中好有地道感覺好有亮點🩷⭐️ Lam Yai 🍰好有法式現代感嘅賣相但係配上龍眼同埋椰子嘅口味😚仲想泰式嘅材料但係口味有法式嘅細緻唔會過甜🤩 加上Thai Whisky點綴好有特色🥂⭐️ Mignardises 🍬飯後嘅小點好有泰國傳統甜品既風味🍭細緻但係有心思 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-14
.香港罕見嘅泰菜fine-dining, 主要以海鮮為主, 每道菜都精心加入泰式元素👍🏻 調味都配合返香港人嘅口味, 唔會話好辣 但同時可以品嚐到泰國的辣椒,香草同香料! 整體不過不失; 10道菜嘅dinner set, 個人幾鐘意頭盤”Yum”用左Ama Ebi配羅勒同蕃茄,酸酸甜甜好開胃!.🔻🍽 Plaa📌 地址: 中環擺花街8號2樓.#tummysreadyatcentral #tummysreadyforsoutheastasian #tummysreadyforthai continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-05-07
Today is my last chance to visit this restaurant. I was told by my friend that the restaurant is going to close down, which is really sad.It's a pity to hear this news because the chef has a passion for Thai food and aims high to earn a Michelin star in Hong Kong. I hope he will have a great journey after he returns to Thailand.I like their seafood dish the most and I wish I could have time to try his food again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-01
呢間地方真係唔錯由環境裝修去到服務冇乜嘢可以挑剔裝修舒服優雅夥計服務態度好嘢食感受到係用心製作同埋啲餐牌會耐唔耐轉所以經常有新鮮感比到客人呢度好朋聚會情侶拍拖都係一個好嘅選擇未試過嘅朋友仔快啲過嚟感受吓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🧄Plaa (Central , HK) 🧄👅Taste: 4/5 (Special experience)🌌Atmosphere: 3.5/5 (Comfy and modern)💳Price: 3/5 (Reasonable)Modern裝修 入到去都幾靜 可能係平日夜晚無咁多人 但係環境都算舒服 唔會話同隔離枱好近 適合情侶/兩三個朋友傾吓偈嘢食方面 fine dine形式嘅泰菜我就未試過 有幾個courses係好熟悉嘅味道 但換左個靚靚form 個squid變左noodle令個口感多左層次配埋冬蔭功幾夾 馬友個魚皮都好香脆 龍蝦個dish糯米飯配埋啲乾蔥、乾蒜、炸紫米 令到個味蕾豐富好多 建議撈埋食 牛扒就standard但唔夠thaiServer都幾細心 食完曬啲course會嚟問下你feedback 比有個感覺係都會接納你嘅意見 係個小加分位🪐Overall Restaurant Review🪐👯‍♂️咩人岩去: Fine dine lovers/情侶拍拖/兩三個知己談心打卡Pros: -有啲嘢食都有小驚喜 出面少可食到-裝修簡潔 坐得舒服 -Staff好friendlyCons:-上菜都快 個幾鐘食完 但我唔鐘意坐太耐 值得 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)