生生市場 (Wing Tak Building)

Raw Mart (Wing Tak Building)
5-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
10:30 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 20:00
Public Holiday
10:30 - 20:00
Public Holiday Eve
10:30 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Authentic Korean Flavors with No Additives by Korean Mothers!
A authentic Korean takeout eatery run by several Korean mothers who handcraft a variety of Korean delicacies every day, including Korean Rice Rolls, Bibimbap, Rolled Omelets, Fried Chicken, Fish Cakes, and more. Whether you're looking for a quick and convenient meal or a comforting bowl of soup, “Raw Mart” has got you covered. Their daily freshly made Korean Rice Rolls are especially recommended, providing a taste of warm Korean home cooking. They also specialize in a variety of handmade Korean side dishes, insisting on natural and healthy ingredients without adding any additives. 80% ingredients are imported from Korea, aiming to bring the most authentic Korean cuisine to every Hong Konger with a passion for food.

Review (186)
這間位於鵝頸橋附近的韓式外賣店🥡主打自家製傳統韓國料理亦有多款韓國醃製小菜 之前試過這家店的泡菜覺得好好味😋小店特意引入韓國食材 味道很正宗質素不錯 價錢都好親民💯✨韓式炒魚仔紫菜飯卷飯卷是每日新鮮製作的 飯卷好足料飯的比例少😍👍🏻魚仔炒得乾身很香帶微微甜味 白飯帶有麻油香氣配合大量蔬菜🥒吃起來好清爽味道很不錯✨韓式海鮮嫩豆腐湯 配飯韓式豆腐湯嫩豆腐的配料好豐富 有蜆肉🐚魷魚🦑溫泉蛋🥚金菇 而且豆腐夠嫩滑 還加了泡菜🌶️味道酸酸辣辣地好開胃🍚配上飯一起吃也不會太辣✨甜辣無骨炸雞細份的炸雞份量都好夠🐔無骨炸雞每件都大大塊啖啖肉 肉質嫩滑粉漿好薄👍🏻整體味道比較甜不會辣✨新鮮辣泡菜新鮮辣泡菜是店鋪每日新鮮製作的招牌菜🥬醃制時間相對短 口感爽脆😍味道比較香甜好醒胃 要注意辣度會有點高✨海鮮煎餅配料有新鮮海鮮及韭菜🥕🥬不會煎得油膩 邊緣煎得金黃焦脆 口感煙韌有嚼勁 沾上清淡的韓國醋醬 酸酸甜甜加入白芝麻粒味道更香😋✨飲品飲品選擇都幾多 要了兩款比較少見的韓國青葡萄汁跟梨汁 連酒類飲品都有提供👍🏻📍生生市場 (永德大廈) (灣仔)灣仔堅拿道西15號永德大廈地下G13號鋪📍生生市場 (捷榮樓) (元朗)元朗教育路2-6號捷榮樓地下C號鋪 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
有一日同屋企人喺銅鑼灣行街行到攰就諗住買嘢食返歸慢慢歇行經鵝頸橋附近見到呢間外賣韓食店🇰🇷除咗有凍肉、一碟碟前菜之餘仲有好多韓國菜式可供選擇於是我哋就決定買返屋企食🤤睇單點韓國菜睇到眼花撩亂最後決定向套餐埋手🤣揀咗🔸2至3人套餐C🔸貪佢有飯又有麵仲有我最愛嘅蛋卷🩷外賣即叫即整 而且因為都唔少人嗌大約要等咗15分鐘先有得拎哇 一拎上手 超級重!估唔到份量咁多🤣🍖韓式炆牛肋排湯配飯呢個絕對係重量級!起碼佔咗總重量一半有六件牛肋排每一件都超大嚿 超多肉排骨肉質軟嫩湯頭牛味濃郁超級推薦👍🏻👍🏻🍜炸醬麵為咗唔好咁索汁炸醬當然同麵分開另上仲有隻煎蛋🤣與中港台炸醬麵不同韓式炸醬麵別具風味濃稠嘅醬汁偏甜麵嘅份量亦好多食完超飽肚🍗原味無骨炸雞因為炸雞即刻食先最好味 所以我喺鋪頭已經急不及待試咗一嚿Size 比一口炸雞略大外皮炸得香脆雞肉可口😋回家後用氣炸爐翻熱味道仍然一流👍🏻🥚雜菜煎蛋卷自從韓風席捲全球韓式蛋卷同日式蛋卷可謂並駕齊驅🍳兩者烹飪方式大不同 各有千秋韓式蛋卷口感較為厚實用料較為多元 會加上紫菜、芝士或各種雜菜碎粒 味道層次更為豐富而呢間韓國菜嘅蛋卷更加入了少見嘅海帶令人有眼前一亮嘅感覺😋仲要有足足10件蛋卷對蛋控嚟講實在太滿足😍套餐可以揀2款飲品🧃我哋就揀咗梨汁同甜米露 都係地道韓國罐裝飲品清熱解膩一流😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-28
嚟灣仔買材料夜晚打邊爐,晏晝就順便喺附近買埋外賣先返屋企。記得之前有朋友推介過堅拿道西嗰間「生生市場」,店舖主打韓式料理,由幾位韓國媽媽主理。原來呢間舖頭係同「新國華肉食公司」聯乘,除了一系列韓式熟食和伴菜外,還有扒類和急凍食品等供應。買咗紫菜飯捲、牛肉拌飯、炒粉絲、炸雞同一罐菠蘿汁。 烤牛肉紫菜飯捲 ($53)  飯卷份量好足,一客有成 12 件,材料塞得滿滿,有烤牛肉、醃漬黃蘿蔔、青瓜、紅蘿蔔和雞蛋等。牛肉調味剛好,飯卷包得夠紮實,唔會一夾就散。烤牛肉拌飯 ($65)  店員好細心,將配料和飯分開盛載,牛肉鮮嫩多汁,配菜多樣,有紫菜、大豆芽、翠肉瓜、菠菜同香菇,飯面仲有一隻煎蛋,撈埋啲韓式拌醬一齊食,充滿住家風味。韓式炒粉絲 ($48)  粉絲炒得好入味,用料很豐富,落咗好多菠菜、紅蘿蔔、洋蔥、香菇同雲耳一齊炒,入口啖啖麻油香,乾身又唔油膩。原味無骨炸雞  ($72/大)  盒炸雞雖然拎到返屋企先至食,但外皮依然香脆,緊緊包住Juicy滑溜嘅雞肉,就算食原味都會 dry,再飲番啖甜美嘅菠蘿汁 ($10/罐),好滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🇰🇷 Recently, upon the recommendation of a friend, I had the opportunity to explore the culinary delights of Raw Mart, an authentic Korean food takeaway store. Last night, my friend and I decided to order takeaways from there.1️⃣ Fresh Spicy Kimchi (small) - $38This is one of the best Kimchi I’ve had in Hong Kong! Although it's the smallest portion, it is generously sized and more than enough to satisfy the appetites of two people.2️⃣ Sweet and Spicy Boneless Fried Chicken (small) - $48Savor the crispy and succulent boneless fried chicken, glazed with a tantalizing sweet and spicy sauce. This dish perfectly balances the flavors, creating a delightful combination of sweetness and heat.3️⃣ Kimchi Pancake - $48Experience the delightful texture and flavors of this traditional Korean pancake infused with kimchi. Its crispy exterior and savory interior make it a perfect companion to any meal.4️⃣ Korean-style Beef Rib Soup (Served with Rice) - $110Indulge in the comforting and flavorful Korean-style beef rib soup, served with a side of rice. The tender beef ribs and rich broth create a hearty and satisfying dish.5️⃣ Korean Grape Juice - $7Quench your thirst with a bottle of Korean grape juice. Its sweetness and vibrant taste make it a delightful accompaniment to your meal.💰 The total bill amounted to $251, and no service charge was added. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-06
呢間餐廳係灣仔既賣韓國食品同雪藏牛肉,我地叫左一份烤牛肉紫菜飯卷$53份量都幾多有三層切左大約十幾件,而且每件都好足料入面有醃蘿蔔,紅蘿蔔,青瓜絲同牛肉,牛肉咬落啖啖肉配埋呢d配菜好夾。仲叫左份無骨炸雞甜辣醬,醬汁好多而且無骨岩晒唔鐘意咬骨既人,辣醬甜甜地好有韓式風味。職員仲整左個洞俾外賣盒抖氣拎到反去無甘易淋晒。半隻人蔘雞雞肉嫩滑口感軟熟入面仲有紅棗同人蔘味都幾香濃。配埋白飯都只係$68蚊,真係好抵食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)