4-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station
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Opening Hours
09:00 - 19:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 19:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
每個weekend 都想去cafe chill 吓,碌下ig 搵靈感,首選港𡷊區發現了一間充滿復古風的CafeRetro 推開红色大門 ,裝潢以冷色為主調,特別選了二人枱,那牆上的掛燈配上木製的餐牌和那昏黃燈光,給我是新派的懷舊風格。三文魚牛油果沙律整體食材也非常新鮮,擺盤合格,不想吃得太過heavy 的日子,可以試吓,份量也足夠有餘。是店員推介「特濃朱古力muffin 」送上已經預熱過,一切下去已見內裡呈現半流心的朱古力溶岩,朱古力味十級rich ,甜度略高也是意料中事。Piccolo Cappuccino 咖啡味道偏向nutty ,正合我意,拉花合格,水準平均之上。
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在大部分cafe都走清新簡約路線,英倫復古風格顯得別樹一格。拉門後,像走進某套電影中的咖啡館,復古韻味不是店裡擺放什麼懷舊小物,而是暗紅和木調的裝潢配搭,經已營造出”Good Old Days”店內滿座,所以也不好意思隨意拍攝。相比舒適的梳化,我更喜歡店內靠牆的座位,因為都裝設獨立牆燈,燈光圈出各自氛圍的空間。點了最近推出的creme brulee cheesecake,落單後店員隨即燒製,蛋糕質感柔滑卻輕盈、微甜,和硬脆的焦糖搭配剛剛好☺️
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Nice decor in this cafe, they do a decent espresso tonic. The menu is actually quite simple which was surprising but what they do it's done very well. Salads and sandwiches mainly. Also pancakes which I didn't try Open top sandwich with prawn avocado, really good tasting with sourdough. Ingredients tasted fresh and especially the crunch of the bread. Chilled atmosphere in this cozy cafe, it's not bad but quite good for photos too
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在附近煩惱去哪裡吃早餐時,看到這家店氣氛不錯,於是決定進去試試。店內復古風格,十分有格調。Dark Mocha (左),Piccolo(右)拉花非常漂亮,呈現出精緻的圖案。咖啡味濃郁,溫度剛剛好。Smoked Salmon with Avocado
厚厚的煙三文魚,搭配脆邊吐司,再加上剛好熟度的牛油果,十分美味。Truffle Scramble Egg with Avocado
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