5-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 23:00
*截單時間: 堂食晚上05:15及外賣自取晚上08:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
下個來臨的節日,該是在10月最後一天的 Halloween 萬聖節喇!根據習俗,萬聖節夜晩主要活動就是小孩們裝扮成各種恐怖樣子,逐門逐户按響鄰居的門鈴大叫「Trick or Treat!」,即是「不給糖就搗蛋!」的意思,主人家便會拿出一些糖果、朱古力或小禮物給小孩。跟好友到銅鑼灣 Ruby Tuesday 暢聚,室內佈置已充滿 Halloween 氣氛。來這裡吃飯因為做了會員可享食物及酒水半價。開了支我喜歡的 南澳洲 Chardonnay 互相分享, HK$169。若成班 friends 以會員價來歡聚暢飲確抵:每次來都會點邪惡度爆燈的「Ruby’s Classic Burger」HK$118麵包稍微烘香,質感鬆軟皮少許脆口,是我喜愛的。餡料煙肉、手打牛肉漢堡扒、半熔芝士、酸瓜、蕃茄、洋蔥醬及生菜,微辛有令肉味更出眾:入口先感到濃香肉味,後有芝士鹹香及洋蔥醬帶來的味道層次,一如以往的不俗。另配上即炸薯條,是做得好的 wedges,鹹脆熱騰用來邊送酒邊傾偈,很 chill 及感覺率性:「BBQ Chicken Thigh」HK$108一般 Barbecue Sauce 總是太鹹,這個調味上明顯加多了蜜糖吊味,配肉嫩雞扒,整體討人歡喜:
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朋友生日飯局,去到見到好多小朋友都喺嗰度開生日會😂睇完個Menu,發覺做member同唔做member價錢真係爭好遠,雖然做member 要俾$1500,但係基本其實你有幾個人嚟食,再加上半價優惠即時已經可享有,所以做member一定係抵啲。都係叫咗啲signature 食物,例如ribs,Buffalo chicken wing, mussels 同埋nachos 等。味道都到位,除咗個雞肉覺得冇乜味,個通粉我實在太飽,冇食到😅。
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分享第二間生日餐廳(🧑🤝🧑提前過生日去的)【Ruby Tuesday】美式扒房西餐🍴也是家很適合節日 情侶/姐妹約會小聚的餐廳哦~👉點了店裡推的signature雙人餐🥩肉眼牛扒10盎司超大牛排(應該是近300g)配薯條和烤蔬菜好大一盤,三成熟肉質超嫩!這家在香港挺出名,吃牛排來這裡 怎麼選都不容易出錯🍝蘑菇雞肉蝴蝶粉賣相好看而且一上來就超級香,濃濃的菌菇奶油味!蝴蝶粉也有水平,不是那種煮過了的軟piapia 比較有口感的。還搭配了高蛋白的雞胸肉哦🍨濃情朱古力本餐重中之重🌟選這個餐就是為了吃這杯超大巧克力甜品!滿滿的奶油頂下藏著兩個大香草雪糕球,底下是微熱的巧克力蛋糕,一勺挖下去,口感層次豐富、高密度的甜蜜感!罪惡感滿滿但還是忍不住多吃幾口
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其實服務態度好好,但價錢真係好貴 佢嘅價錢可以食到Pici 食到其他貴西餐 仲要分會員價同正價 大偉嘅時候問有冇會員已經覺得好奇怪打開本Menu啊會員價係超平 正價係貴佢一倍!!!!!!!!!!野食其實OK嘅,但未去到好特別 買單要成千蚊有點可惜 要賣呢個價錢 佢又好似未夠班賣單時,仲要Sell你$1000做會員 第一次都係最後一次。 無下次!!!!
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- ¨̮♡︎ My friend is a member of Ruby Tuesday and it's almost time for her membership renewal so she invited us to come for dinner. Staff here are friendly and welcoming. Booth seating is comfy and spacious, environment is bright and clean. Love the overall ambience of this branch! Food portion is in american size so very huge, better to come in group with family or friends. Sharing is joy and you could try out more items!RT cheese fries was topped with generous amount of blended cheese sauce and truffle paste. Fries kept its crispiness even being covered by the warm gooey sauce, good job! Very indulgent but worth the calories!Full rack fork-tender ribs was basted with classic barbecue sauce, served with mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables. Meat was so tender and soft that you could debone it easily! The smoky, sweet and savoury barbecue sauce balanced out the greasiness of ribs, absolutely scrumptious!Loded nachos was topped with chili corn carne, melted cheese, jalapenos, diced tomatoes, sour cream, guacamole and slasa. Every bite is filled with flavours but the sour cream and salsa sauce could be better! Apple crumble was served warm in a skillet. Thinly sliced fresh apples were covered by cinnamon sugar crumble baked with a big scoop of vanila ice cream. Not bad but not the apple crumble that brings you surprise or gives you a wow.Double chocolate cake was again warm and served with a scoop of ice cream on side. Gooey chocolate sauce oozed out when we cut into it. I'm a chocolate lover but definitely not this one. Nothing tasted like chocolate except the color, quite disappointing.Overall, it was a pleasant dinner! Its savory dishes are way better than the desserts!
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