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Saint Honore occasionally has some nice items to try and this time I spotted the Earl Grey Cake so got it.It reminded me of the chiffon cake because of the texture.Each one was individually packaged.Overall, it was quite nice as it was fluffy and soft.The Earl Grey taste was quite fragrant so it doesn't have that strong eggy taste like the local cakes.I liked the way they labelled it as COTTON cake to be different.
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是日太遲起床沒吃午飯,阿媽便到「聖安娜」買了幾個蛋撻及椰撻給我作下午茶。雖然個人認為「聖安娜」各式的麵包、蛋糕或西餅,水準一般,不過對於阿媽無微不致的照顧十分感恩......如果以蛋撻及椰撻兩款小吃兩說,個人較偏好後者,因為喜歡椰絲那爽爽甜甜又帶點清新椰香的感覺!至於蛋撻,當然是酥皮的較好吃!「聖安娜」的蛋撻及椰撻,形狀呈隋圓形的,而且size較大,跟平日吃到細細個圓形狀的有所不同。 先來吃一件椰撻,撻面焗至金黃,賣相不俗。吃落撻邊算是鬆化,不會太硬,但可以再鬆軟一點。至於撻身,咬一口已吃到椰絲的清香,軟軟的蛋糕夾雜著爽甜的椰絲,味道很不錯!接下來試一下那個蛋撻,蛋撻只是普通的一種,沒有我較愛吃的酥皮,撻邊的口感與椰撻的同出一轍,可以再鬆軟一點。至於蛋漿的甜度大概多了一點,質感雖算是滑身,算是吃得過的。吃了兩件撻,肚子有點滯,作為下午茶,算是不錯!
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