Restaurant: | Salaam Namaste Curry House |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
5-min walk from Exit A1, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
A Taste of India in Hong Kong: Authentic Flavors, But Mind the Ambiance如果你在香港想品嚐地道的印度美食,這家小餐廳或許能滿足你的味蕾——儘管它的環境有些讓人卻步。餐廳空間不大,裝潢簡樸,清潔度也不盡如人意。通風系統似乎不太理想,用餐時偶爾會飄來一些不太愉快的氣味,讓人聯想到垃圾堆或廁所,實在有點影響食慾。😞🤢不過,讓我們把重點放在最重要的部分:食物。這家餐廳的印度菜風味濃郁,絕對地道,在香港這個許多餐廳會為了迎合本地口味而淡化香料的地方,這裡的菜式顯得格外突出。If you're craving authentic Indian cuisine in Hong Kong, this little gem might just hit the spot—though it’s not without its quirks. Tucked away in a modest space, the restaurant doesn’t win any awards for its ambiance. The shop is cozy but feels a bit cramped, and the cleanliness leaves something to be desired. The ventilation, or lack thereof, occasionally lets in some unwelcome aromas that can distract from the dining experience. Imagine catching a whiff of something that reminds you more of a dumpster than a kitchen while savoring your meal—definitely not ideal. 😞🤢But let’s talk about the star of the show: the food. This place delivers bold, unapologetically authentic Indian flavors that stand out in a city where many restaurants tend to soften their spices for local palates.以下是我點的菜式/ Here’s what I tried:----🍴 羊肉香料飯 / Lamb Biryani (HKD 108)這道香料飯還算不錯——不會太乾也不會太濕,不過沒有用傳統的鍋具盛裝,稍微讓人失望。味道算是中規中矩,沒有特別驚艷。 The biryani was decent—neither too dry nor overly wet, though it didn’t come in the traditional pot, which was a slight letdown. The flavors were comforting but didn’t quite blow me away.評分/ Rating: ⭐⭐⭐----🍴 蒜蓉烤餅 / Garlic Naan (HKD 25)這道蒜蓉烤餅簡直是驚喜!外皮酥脆,內裡柔軟,口感完美平衡。以這個價格來說,絕對是物超所值。強烈推薦!This naan was a revelation! Crispy on the outside, yet pillowy soft inside, it was the perfect balance of textures. At this price, it’s an absolute steal. Highly recommend!評分/ Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐----🍴 咖哩魚/ Fish Vindaloo (HKD 118)這道菜是辣味愛好者的必試之選!魚肉入口即化,比起其他地方的魚肉咖哩常常煮得過老,這裡的表現非常出色。咖哩本身香辣濃郁,香料味十足,完全不像香港其他印度餐廳那種淡化的版本。A must-try for spice enthusiasts! The fish was melt-in-your-mouth tender, a rare find compared to the often-overcooked fish curries I’ve had elsewhere. The curry itself was fiery and packed with robust, aromatic spices—nothing like the toned-down versions you’d find in many Hong Kong Indian restaurants.評分/ Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐----🍴 印度烤雞/ Chicken Tikka (HKD 108)雞肉多汁且香料醃製得恰到好處,味道濃郁,但對我來說稍微偏鹹。如果你喜歡重口味的肉類,這道菜還是值得一試的。The chicken was juicy and well-marinated, with a bold hit of Indian spices. However, it leaned a bit too salty for my taste. Still, a solid choice if you enjoy rich, flavorful meats.評分/ Rating: ⭐⭐⭐----🍴 瑪德拉斯羊肉咖哩 / Lamb Madras (HKD 128)這道菜絕對是亮點。羊肉非常嫩,切得恰到好處,燉煮在香濃的咖哩中,雖然菜單上沒有辣椒標示,但還是帶有一絲微辣。而且分量十足,羊肉給得相當大方!This dish was a winner. The lamb was incredibly tender, perfectly cut, and simmered in a fragrant, slightly spicy curry. Despite the lack of a chili symbol on the menu, it had a pleasant kick. Plus, the portion was generous—plenty of lamb to go around!評分/ Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐----🍴 羊肉咖哩角/ Lamb Samosas (HKD 78)外皮酥脆,內餡塞滿了香濃的羊肉,每一口都是滿滿的滿足感。咬下去先是脆皮的口感,接著是濃郁的羊肉香氣,讓人愛不釋手。Crispy, golden, and stuffed to the brim with flavorful lamb filling, these samosas were a delight. Every bite was a satisfying crunch followed by a burst of savory goodness.評分/ Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐----總體評價/ Overall Thoughts:•性價比: 分量十足,價格合理,食物的質量和分量都對得起價錢。•風味: 如果你已經厭倦了淡而無味的印度菜,這裡的濃郁風味絕對能讓你耳目一新。•環境: 可惜的是,用餐環境與食物的質量不成正比。清潔度和通風問題讓人有些卻步。•Value for Money: The portions are generous, and the prices are reasonable for the quality and quantity of food.•Flavor Profile: If you’re tired of watered-down Indian food, this place delivers bold, authentic flavors that truly stand out.•Ambiance: Sadly, the dining environment doesn’t match the quality of the food. The lack of cleanliness and poor ventilation can be off-putting.總結來說,這家餐廳是香港少數能提供地道印度風味的地方,但環境確實有待改善。如果你能忽略這些小缺點,這裡的食物絕對值得一試——或者你可以選擇外帶或外送,避開環境問題!😅In summary, this restaurant is a haven for those seeking genuine Indian flavors in Hong Kong, but it’s best suited for takeout or delivery unless you can overlook the less-than-ideal dining conditions. For the food alone, it’s worth a visit—just maybe hold your nose while you’re there! 😅
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其他食評已介紹好多,尤其大廚background 之類,唔多講了。價錢中等,今次主推薄餅,油蘇餅係冇得輸,淨食,配咖哩都一流! 一個人絶對食到兩份,真心推介。另外就係牛油雞,佢嘅汁比咖哩更出色,大廚話牛油雞係印度名物,試過之後,下次必點!呢間絶對可以列入食好嘢系列。燒烤系列,一般般,試咗烤羊同烤雞 ,咩肉都係嗰隻味,唔算太出色。 Lassi, 好好飲,可能因為啲味太濃,中途會飲好多嘢,所以好快飲晒。 要整多杯,不過價錢都要50蚊杯,要就住飲。Overall, 有下次,和下下下次!
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星期六係油麻地附近搵食,見呢個印度咖喱餐廳的評價唔錯,就去試試看。星期六,日都有午餐供應,$6× - $7x, 有湯,主菜同野飲,唔加一,價錢算好相宜。我地叫左1個牛肉和1個雜菜咖哩做主菜,牛肉唔錯,好淋又無渣,帶點辣好開胃;雜菜就只算不過不失;烤餅即叫即做,唔會好油,掂。小店的座位有限,所以其實係枱同貼枱都幾逼,不過我地2位佢見唔算人多都安排我地坐4人座,服務算好好。整體黎講,我覺得值4(out of 5), 可以再幫襯。
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又係時候去果欄入貨😝入貨前當然要喺附近食餐飽補充足夠體力先😌今次喺附近搵到間都幾正宗嘅印度菜😋仲要好抵食🤑連週末都有set lunch😙🐥印度牛油雞 ($78) 食印度菜最鍾意牛油雞😋蕃茄酸酸甜甜再加少少香料嘅辣,對我呢啲少辣人士就最啱😝🐑印度馬薩拉羊膝 ($149) 估唔到係連骨上嘅羊膝🫢羊肉軟熟易甩骨👍🏻不過羊騷咩唔算好重,可能被香料蓋過😆但充滿香料嘅咖喱真係好惹味,沾Nana好夾又好食😋🧄蒜蓉Nana (+$15) 🧀芝士蒜蓉 Nana (+$15) 每個套餐其實都已經包咗湯同飯/烤餅/Nana😁但強烈建議加錢轉有味嘅Nana😌淨食都好好食🤤本來以為會好相似,但點知連口感都唔一樣🫢蒜蓉味比較脆身,而芝士蒜蓉因為加咗芝士🧀多咗份煙靭感,個人比較鍾意芝士蒜蓉🥰🥰🧋凍印度拉茶 (+$5) 🥭芒果Lassi (+$28)
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