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Review (11)
I bought a Beecrazy deal for this restaurant and decided to try it out. The deal was for $58, you get a choice of soup curry with rice and a drink or dessert. Boyfriend and I chose one drink and one dessert to try out this place.Located in Kennedy Town, this is the second restaurant in Hong Kong that features soup curry. The first restaurant that had this version of curry was Sama that is located on Gough Street. Sama originates from Sapporo, Japan and is REALLY good. Seriously, REALLY good. Samurai Soup Curry is not from Japan, but from Hong Kong where the owner is French.The shop is very narrow. It's decorated with cartoons of samurai.Menu is very similar to Sama except Sama rates their curry spiciness as bears, Samurai  Soup Curry rates theirs as samurais. Menu is in English, Chinese and Japanese. You basically chose the broth, how spicy and what you want in your curry.Seafood Combo Soup Curry in Coconut Broth. Boyfriend chose the seafood combo in a coconut broth with a spicy level of adult samurai. He ordered something similar at Sama. There was clear difference between the soup curry here and at Sama. The broth was clearly not as thick as Sama's coconut broth. It wasn't as fragrant with coconut and tasted a bit watered down. The seafood was a couple of prawn and some squid pieces. Prawn wasn't very fresh tasting. Vegetables included lettuce, green beans and tomato. There was also a hard boiled egg.Roasted Chicken Leg Soup Curry in Crab Broth. This is the same thing I ordered at Sama but this was clearlh not as good. The soup was very watery and there wasn't much crab flavor. I chose spicy level of baby samurai and it wasn't spicy at all. The curry was very one dimensional. Wasn't fragrant at all. The chicken leg was a bit dry and tough as if it was over cooked. The vegetables were soggy and bland. The hard boiled egg was over done as well.Both sets came with tumeric rice. Though portion size for the rice is larger than Sama's portion size, the rice given here was dry and hard.Mango Lassi. Our Beecrazy deal could choose one drink so I chose a mango lassi. This was not very good as well. Not very mango in taste and a bit watered down. Was not thick at all.Runny Mango Pudding with Sweet Potato Cream. A dessert could be chosen with the other Beecrazy voucher we bought. We chose this to share. Generally, I love jelly or anything that is jelly in texture. But this was horrible. It was so horrible, I couldn't finish it. And I ALWAYS finish jelly. It was grainy in texture. There wasn't much mango taste. Combined with the sweet potato cream, this made it worse as it was one starchy mess. It tasted so horrible, I almost gagged.Service was top notch as very friendly. The staff was eager to please and that is a rarity in Hong Kong. It's too bad the food was so horrible. I think if I had not tried Sama, I would have thought .. eh .. ok, but won't return. But since I have tried Sama, this is a poor attempt and would not return and not even recommend it to anyone. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期日 , 因在大學忙功課 , 所以人在西環 . 餓了 , 就到附近晚飯 , 想起厚和街有家咖喱湯 , 於是去了試試 .  此店的主力是咖喱湯 . 看看餐牌 , 我們先選擇湯底 , 再選辣度 , 然後選主菜 .通常試食咖喱都會選吾辣 / 最小辣 , 一來可試清楚辣味以外的其他味道 , 二來如果好味 , 下次同女友再來時 , 可點一辣一吾辣 , 既可比較兩者味道 , 又可令愛吃咖喱但又不愛辣的女友食得放心 , 實在一舉兩得 .是日點了虾湯底 ( 主廚推介 ) , 吾辣 ( 偽武士 ) , 主菜係自家製羊肉 . 另附送黃薑飯 .先來一口咖喱湯 , 虾湯底雖然鮮味 OK , 但不夠濃 . 大致上不過不失吧 . 再來配菜 , 什菜同咖喱湯反而好夾 , 清甜之餘又有咖喱湯味 , 相信在加辣時能起中和作用 . 主菜係羊肉餅 , 味夠濃 , 而且肉汁適中 , 口感良好 , 在此給一個讚 . 黃薑飯味有點淡 , 加咖喱湯一起食會較好 . 套餐加 $20 元可點自家製印度奶昔 , 正是我的最愛 . 於是點了芒果味 . 味道不錯 , 口感可再軟滑一點 . 整體 OK 但不如正宗的印度奶昔好 . 自家製印度奶昔另設其他口味 , 我打算下次試印度奶茶味 .最後來個甜品 , 來個招牌流心芒果布甸配濃郁甜薯忌廉 . 雖然賣相不如味道好 , 但食落真係好得 . 甜薯忌廉加芒果布甸同脆脆配合得天衣無縫 , 口感香甜軟滑之餘 , 脆脆又能滿足咬口 . 在此強烈推介 .埋單時亦有驚喜 . 老闆娘在手寫單上畫了個卡通 , 心思十足 . 如此的貼心程度相信只有小店才能做到 . 一個讚 . 整體而言 , 此店值得一試 . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-08-08
是日家姐買左團購邀請我一齊食店面唔算太難搵, 地鐵出行5至10分鐘就到店員態度唔錯, 幾nice幾有禮貌我點左椰汁豬肉咖哩同士多啤梨smoothie家姐點左蝦味雞髀咖哩同芒果smoothie個椰汁咖哩係無椰汁亦無咖哩味嘅個飯煮得好濕家姐個蝦咖哩就正正常常咖哩味, 都唔覺有蝦嘅鮮味芒果smoothie中規中矩 士多啤梨就得個酸字總括而言, 如果唔係團購點都唔會黎試, 咁我唔排除係自己唔識揀, 佢其他嘢好食啲。但一間餐廳如果質素參差成咁都好極有限啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
香港上環堅尼地城厚和街28號地下D舖(+852) 65731356「人若變記憶便迷人,情令眼淺了便情深 ,認識一場 ,如雷雨一閃 ,就此沒有下文 ,無憾也覺得是遺憾.」老外多半對武士很有一種無形的愛好,法國大廚主理的Samurai の Soup Curry,位於堅尼地城,有地鐵,自然甚麼東西都方便去了..我相信法國大廚對武士很有偏好,從招牌到餐單,全都是武士.店內裝潢算是簡約.,以黃色咖哩做主調,鮮明又吸引.平日經常吃「咖哩」當然很耳熟能詳,但是「湯咖哩」到底是甚麼?其實「湯咖哩」是日式咖哩的變奏,添加了椰奶,也揉合了印度及東南亞的多種咖哩文化.北海道札幌風格的「湯咖哩」,比較稀.不會配烏冬或麵條,只,能,配,白,飯.這是就是「北海道札幌風格湯咖哩」!!「其實你已經是閒人, 其實我討厭被憐憫, 或者一時 ,疲勞到傷身, 弱得, 像個病人, 才像要找個肩膊枕一枕.」點餐流程:餐點一共有3個步驟。 步驟一,選擇湯底,有鮮茄,椰奶和蟹。 步驟二,選擇辣度.步驟三,挑選雞肉,豬肉,羊肉,海鮮等「北海道札幌風格湯咖哩」的氣味相當濃烈!特盛海鮮串燒是比較淡口的,因為咖哩已經相當濃味了!我挑了中級武士辣,已經辣到噴火!我幾乎沒有用「湯咖哩」拌飯吃,因為實在太辣,只能夠好好的吃配料!一個「湯咖哩」裡面的配料真多,有南瓜,茄子,薯仔,生菜,西蘭花,蕃茄,香草蛋,等,還有很多不知名的秋葵,紅蘿蔔,白蘿蔔!根本吃過光了所有配料,你已經飽了八成.配料真的好多,吸收了「湯咖哩」味道,所有蔬菜都好好吃,好入味.特別推介--看上去很醜,可是我很好吃,就是加hkd$58元的風味芥辣薯仔沙律!這個我稱之為「看上去很醜,可是我很好吃」,裡面的芥辣薯仔真的好吃到一個點.薯仔不會有煉奶阻著,只有香香的蛋黃醬,以及一點點芥辣.感覺真的不錯!軟軟的又帶點香甜的味道.因為太辣了,點了一杯草莓lassi,平日只會在印度餐廳喝到的lassi,出現在日本餐廳.媽啊,好亂呀.不過不要緊,fusion菜嘛,也沒有甚麼大問題.反正草莓lassi是真草莓l打成的,加入全脂乳酪和牛奶,解辣是常識好嗎.「含淚去葬花極麻煩,唯獨怨泣血沒時間,或者失意, 是為了工作,慟哭未夠浪漫,才暫借戀愛感覺去感歎.」甜品挑選了綠茶布甸配紅荳忌廉!綠茶布甸偏軟身,不過整個綠茶布甸都是非常好吃的說.綠茶布甸,綠茶味很濃郁呀!綠茶布甸是一磚滑滑的豆腐似的甜點,不會太甜,紅荳忌廉不打得太企身,反而偏軟.我覺得整個 甜點都很突出,很有風味的說.「難忘你,好聽過若無其事沒韻味,你真人,其實陌生得可以記不起,我本人,寧願為加班筋歇力疲.」或者,應該親口請你,快走了,好走了,讓我知道.吃掉了神奇的「湯咖哩」.我發現,我喜歡這種稀身的「湯咖哩」這是就是「北海道札幌風格湯咖哩」令人著迷 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我係日本、台灣同香港都食過多間以湯咖喱為主題的餐廳,唔係話要同日本去比較,但作為湯咖喱,真心覺得Samurai的水平離正常還差很遠很遠在日本,湯咖喱係以湯底可飲加多菜少肉為主的,但Samurai的湯底味道太單一,好似只用清水加咖喱粉開出來似的,味道苦澀。此外蔬菜的處理方法就更加像例湯湯渣咁,霉霉爛爛,雞腿用香草醃味本來應該要讚的,可惜係雞腿係翻熱過程中完全計算錯誤,雞腿只有外皮微暖,肉身係凍冰冰的。最後係果碗聲稱用日本米煮的黃薑飯,唔明白點解會完全無任何味道再加上都係凍的?如果以以上的烹調技術來作為一盤生意,真係要所有食客味覺全失先可以繼續經營落去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)