Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (77)
Level1 2018-02-12
因為屋企人生日去食, 都唔係好多人, 服務幾好, 食物都好食, 值得推介!蝦, 牛肉都好食; 糯米飯都好好食, 不過芒果有少少酸; 千層糕好食!之前有薑茶, 不過而家無左.... 龍蝦湯底都無左啦..... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Happy Friday,又是令人想吃得好一些 豐富一些的日子所以這天又來了這間泰國餐廳吃半自助午餐,套餐由$98起,以在九龍灣略有質素的餐廳來說,算是蠻划算的。上次到訪時,對它的自助餐留下了挺好的印象,因為每款食物的味道都很不錯,而且refill得夠快。不過,是日人手明顯不足,食物盤子空了好一些時間,才見職員refill。想拿食物的客人都站在旁邊空等了好一會。另外,放出來的湯碗和盤,某些是看到污漬的,明顯清潔不足說回味道,倒還是不俗的。沙津部分有, 札肉、豬頸肉(偏咸和韌)、無骨鳳爪同青木瓜沙律,全部也帶適中的辣味和泰式的酸甜,作為前菊,的確挺開胃。(豬頸肉偏咸和韌)不嚐辣的,也可選擇蘋果沙津或自行配搭車厘茄、玉米、生菜等主菜時間泰式去骨海南雞飯($98)油飯唔算幾香, 不會感到油膩鷄的份量給得不少,尚算嫩滑,啖啖肉!紅咖哩香茅豬扒飯($98)飯和紅咖哩汁是分開上的。紅咖哩不辣,有香濃椰汁味, 用來拌飯可算是絕配飲品點了菊花薑蜜,既有菊花的清甜又有薑那微微的辣勁,是暖胃之選甜品都是泰式糕點如椰汁糕、西米糕等,而我最喜歡的,就是芒果糯米飯甜甜的芒果切成丁粒,配上煮得夠淋夠黏糯米飯煮得夠淋夠黏,上面再加上香甜椰汁,就算是飽了,也還是想再添幾口服務或許是週五較繁忙的關係?是日的上餐和飲品時有點亂,有下錯單的的情況,結帳時,也多數了我們一個餐,店員叫我們簽單時,語氣也不太好總的來說,食物的味道和質素挺不錯,是小妹會想再訪的餐廳,可是前提是,餐具衛生、店員之服務態度要加緊改進呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-11-22
Select only the salad bar for $88 and need to pay extra 10% service charge.The only service I got was the collection of empty plates.Soup: chicken and coconut(I didn't find any chicken in it after scooping several times),tom yum gung(The only dish I feel ok for this meal, you can find shrimps in it)Salad vegatables: only lettuce, corn kernel, cucumbers and cherry tomatos.Thai salad: green papaya, cold chicken feet, cha lua, grilled pork neckDessert: Sticky Rice with Mango(I never had any mango more sour than it before!)Coconut Milk and Pandan Jelly: Now I understand the "Mainland Chinese feel" in another comment, it tastes like plastic added in...Forgot Swallowed: same aboveCoconut Cream Jelly: quite normal, don't know the reason for placing a kernel  on it.Can barely feed up myself but it is certainly overpriced. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-10-09
好抵食,亦好好味,尤其隨意任食的食品比主菜還更出色,絕不媽夫!主菜食唔晒仲允許打包,絕不浪費,值得稱讚。但主菜海南雞伴豬脾肉附帶的滷水汁把美味的雞油飯弄濕而變得不好吃了!另餐廳環境優美舒適,露天部份更覺雅誌! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-10-01
見團購有優惠,賣相又幾好所以落搭了,個團購係半自助餐形式, 我地揀左8:15-10:15pm 呢段時間。當日全場有4,5 枱人, 而食物種類唔多,賣相亦唔吸引。泰式鳳爪:呢d 基本菜式以為泰國餐廳唔會差得去邊, 點知-----------「葉」得唔入味好重雪味。泰式豬肉: 豬有豬嘅味, 汁有汁嘅肉。主菜:海南雞拼豬手: 出色,雞淋唔滑,好重雪味,一大舊唔切就上枱比客, 正! 而豬手味ok, 有d 似中式扣肉味但太肥膩。黃薑飯好得, 室溫飯,差在唔係比凍飯我食姐! 泰式龍蝦: 除了啖啖肉外無特別。甜品:椰汁西米糕: 睇相就知啦, 西米係未熟嘅。蛋糕:d cream 口感好有太陸feel, 唔識點形容。唯一ok: 炸雞槌, 因為味同0麥記好似, 所以叫擺得入口。 服務:其他職員正正常常,但一個肥肥地嘅執枱阿姐, 起我地仲有個main course 只係食左幾啖時,就走黎問我地係咪唔要嫁啦, 下一秒就想收走我地d 野,果時都只不過係9pm, 完全好似唔想你繼續食落去,阻佢收工咁。 呢間野完全無下次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)