7-min walk from Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (25)
Level2 2015-12-21
天氣凍,最想食熱辣辣的食物,之前見過介紹是正宗四川師傅製作 ,決定一試!鐘水餃,餃有別於平常食到的!配上四川地道source 甜甜辣辣的很特別因為友人已經食過水煮魚,今次點了酸菜魚,湯夠熱,魚片夠滑,湯香濃加上酸菜,味道很夾很好!👍香蘇肉,炸得很好. 肉很嫩滑!炒土豆絲⋯⋯有點失望,一點也不辣!再點了麻辣口水鷄,估計鷄及麻辣汁是上碟才合併,因為頭幾件一點麻辣也沒有,去到底的鷄件才有點點麻辣! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
經過旺角那條逐漸只有甜品店的廣華街見到一間川菜館, 同唔食辣的男朋友最岩就係去食辣喇~~hahaaa, 入到店舖只有1枱客有點清靜打開menu 有很多菜我都不認識所以好奇模式驅使下, 我都選擇一些未吃過的第一樣是眼晴發亮的青瓜豆漿我真係見都未見過呢個組合太有趣, 必試!!!基本上由擺上枱就已經聞到青瓜味非常強列唔鐘意青瓜的男朋友直情頂唔順但我就好鐘意佢青瓜味特出, 飲落有種可以解辣的感覺之後食左個粉好似叫甜水麵><!!!佢係甜辣的佢的甜係麻醬的甜加上大辣, 真係好特別的口感麵條更係有手指咁粗, 口感不錯不過最後我地食淨左, 原因係我地發現佢係最辣的一道菜鐘水餃, 我唔知點解有呢個名佢同平時D水餃的分別係皮多D, 肉小D佢個麻辣汁好正, 越食越辣, 男朋友成頭都出晒汗 wahahaaaa但係呢個辣到我覺得好適合我, 可能是辣香比較多, 唔會有太多辣椒籽所以我接受到仲會越食越追的!!!!最後叫左個炒土豆絲, 呢道菜係工作上有同事整過比我食已經非常喜歡!!!這裡的土豆絲切得很細, 雖然不是大小均一但因為幼細, 所以每條都好入味呢個辣我要拎開晒D辣椒籽先食到, 因為每條土豆絲上都沾有很多辣椒籽辣到我食一啖要飲一大啖豆漿!但又係一味會追的餸最後叫左個涼糕甜品呢個甜品令我有去旅行的感覺完全是未吃過的口感加上佢個汁有小小似甜豉油, 好搞笑的味道但涼糕本身係無味的, 唔加呢個汁真係唔太好味一試幾得意的, 但應該不會再吃總括黎講係會讓人想回頭的四川小店以這個價錢吃到這樣的質素已不錯=D continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-03-28
Dan Dan Mian are often a disappointment to me in Hong Kong.  It is not because the HK version is no good, but that the Sichuan original is SO good.  It was a massive pleasure to finally find a real dan dan in HK.So Sichuan Cuisine was started by a man from Chengdu who wanted to make his favourite food for other people.  I am pleased that he did.  I remember eating non-stop in Chengdu when I visited a few years ago.  The noodles there really blew my mind and when my bowl of dan dan arrived at my table here, I was very happy.They use flat noodles here, which is more in line with tradition.  There is no peanut sauce, just a strong kick of ma la flavour and a thick sticky texture.  The hua jiao is used very liberally here, which was not to my wife's taste, but I loved it.  The craft that went into the dish was plain to see.  Excellent bowlful.We also had some dumplings which were decent, but eclipsed by the noodles.If you want to try real dan dan mian, then this is the place to come.  I will return for more. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-03-26
勁中意食辣嘅我 一見到啲食評個個都話太辣我梗係要去試下個擔擔麵份量唔大一個人食都未必夠飽但食哂成碗辣就係辣嘅 味道都好好有擔擔麵應有嘅麻醬味亦有四川嘅辣味但絕對唔係辣到入唔到口果種什至連sit sit聲都未至於雖然都幾好食 但我覺得有少少失望不禁令人覺得 到底係店舖減少左辣醬定係唔食得辣嘅人偏要食四川野然後就話人地過份地辣(利申:我食辣只係普通食譚x米線都只能最最最多勉強叫到中辣) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-02-25
上oR見到蜀香嘅擔擔面有好多好評,於是就去試試。午餐有幾款可揀,我就揀咗擔擔面+口水雞。先講口水雞,超肥,醬汁就預咗勁多辣油,但我講嘅肥係指隻雞,勁肥,無乜肉咁滯!雖然多辣油,但唔算太辣,但又唔夠惹味。失色。到個出名擔擔面,一上枱,阿姐就吩咐要即刻撈,凍咗撈唔到。我咁聽話,當然放低手上嘅電話,即刻撈,撈嘅時候平平無奇,完全睇唔出係辣得咁利害!第一口已辣,仲要越食越辣,飲水都減唔到辣,由口唇辣到喉龍,真係甚麼味道也被辣蓋過。麵條似自家手打,幾滑,又彈牙!但實在太辣,份量咁少都無法完成! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)