9-min walk from Exit C2, Cheung Sha Wan MTR Station continue reading
61364045 (WhatsApp)
It is an arty style Thai restaurant. The cement wall is decorated with realistic paintings. The menu is diverse and the dishes are tasty. Among them, Thai boat noodles are made with pork bone soup. continue reading
Additional Information
No 10% service charge at lunchtime
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
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Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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Reward Dining Points
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10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (190)
泰國嘢食真係太正,最近我喺長沙灣搵到一間泰式船麵,呢間店走少少文青風格,睇吓ᴍᴇɴᴜ食物價錢都幾合理,走街坊價💰路線:🥢ʟᴜɴᴄʜ ꜱᴇᴛ泰式船 🛶金邊粉(牛頸脊)$75THAI Noodles with Beef Chuck 本身我都好鐘意食船麵,所以見到介紹特登過嚟食,呢度嘅湯底都幾地道,以「新鮮的豬骨、人蔘薑、香茅和八角等多種天然香料精心熬製而成,不添加味精」,果然個湯底好濃郁,牛肉就半生熟啱啱好,仲有炸豬皮,香脆嘅炸豬皮浸湯好正啊,而金邊粉順滑掛湯,難怪呢個船麵喺呢度招牌!🦪泰式蠔餅 $88🔥蠔餅有別於中式:比較厚身少少,表面都炸到酥脆,蠔🦪仔都算大粒,呢個蠔餅點埋泰式辣汁一齊食幾yummy!🥭芒果糯米飯$75MANGO WITH STICKY RICE甜品每次都會點糯米飯🍚:可以揀用大碟上定係杯仔上,杯仔芒果糯米飯好可愛精緻,又方便同朋share朋友,泰國芒果一如既往地香甜好食,糯米飯好特別:白糯米飯混斑斕汁💚煙煙韌韌之餘,味道層次又多啲!🍋‍🟩青檸梳打 (套餐加$5)開胃之選✨小店做街坊生意,店員招呼極好,超有人情味,掛住泰國菜嘅你哋可以過來食吓船河解吓癮!σ`∀´)σ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Came over for lunch break in this hearty Thai eatery in Cheung Sha Wan after our morning grinds. The lunch sets come with a drink so I got my fix for Thai milk tea- really good and authentic! I didn’t specify less sweet but it tasted just right for my liking. I planned to order the Tom yum pasta unfortunately they ran out of Tom yum paste that day, so I switched to their popular boat noodles with sliced beef. Picked egg noodles which were quite soft, but the soup was rich and delicious- pretty comparable to the taste in Thailand. Also there were crispy pork rinds to soak with your noodle soup, very Thai-style! Their Rayong stewed pork knuckle with rice was yummy too. The skin and meat were so soft and tender, served with a very typical Thai sweet & sour vinaigrette dipping sauce. Don’t forget your daily intake of vegetables: stir fried water spinach with belacan. It’s a highlight of our lunch I’d say- crunchy and savoury. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
平日夜晚想搵間小店食泰國菜🇹🇭見到呢間裝修好靚,係少有嘅文青風所以就book咗枱同屋企人嚟試吓🥰大約八點嚟到唔係好滿座,店員任我哋揀想坐嘅位置~我哋坐低咗發現可以偷偷地望住貓咪小店長🐈‍⬛(店員仲俾咗啲醬醬俾熟客同佢玩添!!)由於唔係好肚餓,我哋只係嗌咗兩樣嘢1️⃣🥬正宗泰式生菜包 $118THAI STYLE CHILI MINCED PORK WITH LETTUCE WRAP屋企人唔係好食得辣🙈所以落單嘅時候問咗店員有冇得揀辣度~叫小辣就啱啱好啦~又惹味~又唔會辣到要係咁灌水 啲肉唔會太肥!好好呀👍不過如果生菜可以多多少少就perfect啦😋2️⃣🍜冬蔭功(米粉/金邊粉/蛋麵) 雞絲•扎肉.$88TOM YUM GUNG (RICE VERMICELLI/ PAD THA/EGG NOODLES) W/CHICKEN & MEAT SLICES如果又想食冬蔭功又想食金邊粉叫呢個就可以一次過達成兩個願望🧞‍♂️🧞‍♀️叫呢客金邊粉嘅時候~店員已經主動問需唔需要小辣!!細心到咁真係好加分❣️❣️📈冬陰功香料味足!!越食越開胃~加埋金邊粉真係好好食門口雪櫃仲有啲一盒盒嘅泰式糕點可以外帶偷聽到有個食客想查詢一下點樣加熱~有善嘅店員已經即刻Offer可以幫佢加熱埋❣️不得了~呢間食物同服務都值得回頭🥰P.S. 廚房嘅店員都真係好似係泰國人!唔怪之得啲嘢咁好食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-12-05
#foodiezo食在長沙灣 #foodiezo九龍篇估唔到長沙灣都會有好食嘅泰國嘢🤓 裝修都好有泰風🙂 店員好nice 都會主動介紹佢哋嘅餐牌😚 同埋都唔會急急腳要你落單,等你揀好先order😜 今次主要試咖哩同船麵,我成日會用船麵黎評價一間泰菜lol —————————————————————🐔青咖哩雞煲 $138 + 薄餅 $45正常青咖哩係辣嘅,但我哋order時話自己唔食到太辣,店員都好好幫我哋調整咗辣度🤪 椰奶除咗可以降辣仲可以令成個汁更綿滑🥸 雞肉都係一般雞柳,薯仔好粉🫶🏻 仲有蘑菇、洋蔥,煲到淋曬勁啱蘸薄餅食😍 整體味道都好香濃,下次可以試返正常味道haha-🐮正宗泰式牛頸脊船麵 (金邊粉) $88牛頸脊薄切更食得出肉汁同牛味😋 湯頭香濃而不膩,大量香料熬制,非常足料😉 金邊粉都掛到湯👍🏻 炸豬油渣令人一嚐再嚐🥸-🥭芒果糯米飯 $75用杯上,咁仲易控制到自己食幾多haha 芒果清甜,糯米軟糯加埋椰奶,軟軟綿綿😌 以此作dinner ending 真係一流😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-12
食正宗泰菜唔使成日去九龍城嘅,😊 長沙灣其實好多美食㗎 ,今次我試咗區內人氣正宗泰菜餐館,💕 餐廳座位坐得舒適 ,服務員態度親切有禮, 還有打卡泰國菜式 ,價錢公道合理, 區外市民都會過嚟幫襯呀。✨食泰菜點少得要串燒呢, 餐廳貼心地有三拼豬 ,牛,雞, 醬汁好特別, 可以食到濃滑沙嗲味花生碎呀, 我最鍾意食雞肉,啖啖肉好彈牙 ,另外牛肉有少許辣味 ,超開胃 ,豬肉亦都好淋 ,食唔停口了😋✨另外泰式生蠔杯 , 賣相非常吸引開胃😁 ,蠔肉非常鮮味呀。 配菜有芫茜 ,蒜頭,店員話唔好分開食 ,一齊放落口就最好味喇。😋✨泰式濕炒豬肉金邊粉,🍝 配料好多呀 ,有菜心, 椰菜花豬肉等✨呢度嘅泰式奶茶 ,係我近期飲過最好飲嘅 ,非常香滑茶味香濃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)