Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
Delivery Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (52)
Level4 2018-04-06
Solemate於青衣美景花園開張時,已有媒體報導宣傳,當時的我已對這餐廳頗有期望,並希望能夠一試。但家住青衣的朋友卻帶著負評,為何呢?今日難得一到青衣的朋友家,我還是硬著頭皮叫他們陪我食一次,當然,他們不會拒絕,就這樣.....令我對這餐廳完全改觀。差的並非食物質素,而是店主對食物的熱誠及對自己的出品分了貴賤的可憐。聽朋友說Solemate最先開業時,是沒有set dinner的,我覺得這是正常不過。但後來可能地區問題, 生意形態轉了而開始有set dinner. 這也是順勢而行。但這裡的老闆娘卻極度不喜歡客人點set dinner, 我們坐下時只提供高價食品的餐牌,當朋友問到set dinner時她才死死氣提供set dinner的餐牌,還補上一句"你地唔會只叫set掛?”😳😳😳當然,我地不會只點set, 因為餐牌內的選擇比較吸引,但小朋友會比較喜歡set, 因為有餐牌內沒有的意粉。所以我們點了三個set dinner及餐牌內五個"高級"菜式。最先上檯的南瓜湯很甜,質感濃郁。跟湯的包也很香牛油味,夠香脆👍🏼之後set dinner陸續上檯,說真句,一分錢 一分貨,我絕對理解,對它們也沒有太大的期望。不過這個蝦意粉還是不錯,雖然只是急凍蝦。這塊西冷牛扒則有點硬,牙力差一點都好難咬開。這個魚塊意份味道很淡,賣相好有快餐店出品的感覺。那幾片生菜簡直是敗筆之作。由於份量不多,所以在"高級"菜還未上檯前,我們打算叫多一份set dinner, 當時老闆娘黑著臉說客人太多,做唔到。我們環顧四周,真的是full house, 所以理解廚師應該會很忙,應接不暇,所以都沒有計較,算了吧!怎知這個老闆娘竟然攞本"高級"餐牌過來,話"如果要加野, 就叫這本吧!"😨😨我一心以為她是為廚師著想,怎知她可以膚淺到一個極點🤣🤣如果店主開這餐廳是希望所有客人都食住牛扒飲紅酒,食住海鮮飲白酒的話,我想你是選錯地點了。既然這麼清高,倒不如就走高檔路線,將被你們視為下等的套餐下架吧!但只怕是"高不成"🤓一間成功的餐廳食物質素重要外,其實服務質素同樣重要,有誰喜歡對著個黑面神食飯,你估我依家食緊"澳洲牛奶"😒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-01-03
越諗越唔抵....再三考慮後決定要劣評。想食好耐,滿心期待,以為呢個價錢,又似乎好評如潮,水準一定有返咁上下,唔會差得去邊。坐低點餐,點點下...未點完就走左去招呼另一枱熟客嗌咗一輪終於有另一位服務員落單。平均一個餐$100,沙律/湯要加$20,熱coffee latte加$20,凍嘅再貴啲。都唔緊要,來得就預咗食豪啲、食好嘢。來到2碟碟頭飯咁嘅樣,睇落同對面三和棧根本一樣。嗰幾條菜,我直頭懷疑係晏晝喺三和棧外賣食剩嘅。你起碼都俾蕃茄、車里茄之類做伴菜,都似樣啲啊⋯⋯ 外觀其次,味道又點呢?牛係ok嘅唔錯,羊腩好普通...真係太普通。整體味道唔算差,係好普通囉,完全唔值呢個價錢最後食哂先上2杯疑似係即沖嘅三花熱朱古力,而且味道較淡...難怪冇乜客人,9點左右得返我一枱就趕收工,馬上收錢趕我哋走了。中伏,好後悔。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-11-12
點都估唔到,青衣山頂上都係平民屋邨,當中竟有間頗 decent 嘅 cafe。餐廳嘅裝修係以藍白色為主,令人感覺好舒服。本以為屋村小店出品一般,可能本身期望唔大,食落反而有驚喜!好似佢嘅什菇帶子意粉就做得非常好,白汁味道剛好而且好入味,食得出唔係 hea hea 淋汁就算(呢一點可能好多連鎖店都做唔到)。雖然帶子細細粒,但其實又好多粒兼且有好多菇同洋蔥。Burger 都唔差架,漢堡扒唔係薄切切果啲,仲有大量蘑菇。加上麵包稍為烘熱咗,有脆脆嘅口感,仲吸收埋蘑菇汁。仲因為即時製作嘅關係,漢堡扒同蘑菇嘅熱力都將芝士溶化,入口果下真係非言語可以形容下,你自己下次嚟親身試下啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-11-11
Situated in Tsing Yi, tucked away on the podium of Mayfair Gardens, this is apparently the brainchild and jewel of a thoughtful proprietor. Decorated with a distinctly bourgeois-bohemian touch. As the only decent western restaurant in this corner, this place prides itself in slow cooked dishes and changes its menus on a monthly basis. The prices at first glance were a bit high but we would see if it's worth it. The crisp white toast was fair as an appetizer. The clam chowder soup with diced potato and was creamy and still light. Salad with smoked salmon and balsamic vinegar was so-so. Spaghetti Bolognese with a dash of spice and lots of red kidney beans was fair - interesting seasoning. Rock salt marinated slow cooked pork belly - meat was quite tender though a bit hard to cut through the skin. The garnishes were slightly sweet pineapple chutney, roast broccoli and purée and diced beetroot - not bad at all. Panna cotta of a unique shade of blue - coloured with edible Asian pigeonwings and underlying poppyseed in tofu. Coffee was satisfactory - and that's high by my standards. For $260 per head, quite a decent dinner after all. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-10-04
多年前已經睇過介紹既一間小店,終於有機會一試真假本身青衣已經唔多熟既我,黎到餐廳位於既美景花園,直頭驚訝會開系呢個位置叫左個豬柳同Risotto share食,豬柳十分之出色,Risotto亦煮得比較岩口味 (因Risotto正宗係比較硬)今晚終於明白開系咁冷門既位置都可以維持多年既原因,兩個字...‘實力’! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)