4-min walk from Exit C, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station; Intersection Between Third Street and Eastern Street continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Tue
Wed - Thu
18:00 - 23:00
18:30 - 23:30
11:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 23:30
11:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (15)
1. Regardless of the egg which kept sliding down when served, it’s a tall stack of pancakes which was out of our expectaction2. Thick pieces of ham, melted cheese stacked in between the pancakes3. Eating all the layers together made it a really enjoyable and filling brunch4. Salad on the side is flavoured with pepper and black vinegar, very nice indeed5. Stack lives up to its fame in serving amazing brunch!1. Again, this hash brown is not quite what we expected, but it is surprising delicious!2. We could see the chef make it with heaps of shredded potatos3. It’s more like a delicious potato pancake rather than ordinary hash brown4. Crunchy top, potato mash underneath, with bits and bites of potato5. We totally ignored the ketchup served with the hash browns, as itself is already good enough! No ketchup needed! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-04-17
自港島西堅尼地城線開通, 西營盤變得不一樣, 餐廳多左, 區外人又多左來”搵食”多謝識飲識食既朋友,令我有機會認識同試到唔同style 既restaurants. Stack, is one of the best!Though the environment is not spacious enough, but also comfortable to dine and it just like japanese style. First of all,  we serve with the most high % alochol of "Chinese beer", no worry! Its just up to you, whether drink! 海膽奄列, 以花入鐉, 有泡泡包圍, 滿有從前 Bo Innovations 既影子!Chinese Style Clams with suitable portion butter!Grilled Chicken Breast Beef with olive grill oil Snallop with 28 months para ham Mocktail: passion orange Mocktail:flower again, lemonade mango crossoverDessert: Running Honey, Must try item! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-03-19
今日約左6個舊同事去左第一街附近度搵食, 之前朋友成日黎呢間野打躉因為成日都見到明星嫁所以我地今次又去試試. 呢度冇咩特別既MENU, CHEF已經幫我地7個人準備好, 有D似日本OMASAKI 咁. 店舖細細, 一行的位圍住個KITCHEN.  呢個linguine vongole 好重白酒味, 煮得好香好CREAMY. 大大隻既calms 係鮮嫩又唔老香煎西班牙黑毛豬真係食左番唔到轉頭, 豬既味道香濃香煎完再加上CHEF既自家制黑椒蜜糖醬,又香甜又野味.呢個medium rare既A4 和牛, 面係焦香封實左肉的JUICY~ 做到咁鮮嫩同埋咁重既牛味,唔落任何醬汁已經可以食到呢一碟真係最主角中的主角, 我未試過咁好食既DISH~ 真係食完畢生難忘. 佢係炆龍躉邊不過用左好多FUSHION既原素. 先先佢下面有好多豆苗放底上面有新薯. 蠔仔去炆個龍躉. 味道鮮到不得了, 食任何一樣野都可以食到其他配料既鮮味. 而且所有既食物都係好鮮嫩, 一D都唔老係滑到離晒譜呀!! 真係好味到好過分呀~餐廳所有既餐具係用我的至愛LC 嫁... 所以更加會加分呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期六都要返工,緊係約住附近嘅朋友食吓lunch喇!呢間小店喺雜誌、facebook、同instagram 見過好多次,終於有得試喇!間嘢喺正第三街街頭,公園對面。加上西環成日都超好太陽,個feel係正嘅!入到裏面唔係好多人,大約6個人度。我想食鹹點,但係當然又想試佢個pancake。 所以我叫左個mushroom omelette,朋友就叫左個 running honey pancakes。不過等咗差唔多半個鍾啲嘢食先到。。個omelette略嫌蘑茹少左啲,同埋芝士多左啲。蛋冇乜香味,中規中矩喇!呢度始終係pancake出名!Pancake 好有午油香,鬆軟度啱啱好,同埋過咗好耐都唔會淋pat pat。隻honey 冇溝稀,好香,好好味!加埋啲焦糖脆脆真係好正!隔離枱都叫咗個strawberry pancake。睇落好正,下次試吓先! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-05-08
早前與友人晚上在西營盤小聚。正所謂「正餐甜品兩個胃」,吃完晚飯後,我們便想到stack一嚐它的招牌pancake。奈何當天夜已深,店舖早已打烊。。。今天友人剛巧在上環出沒,我便再相約友人在Stack嘆個weekend brunch!來到Stack,當然要order它的pancake。pancake選擇不多,只有3款,於是我們須臾間便點了一份Running Honey。pancake賣相不錯,份量亦適中。pancakes之間夾著半溶化的牛油和焦糖脆脆,而上面則澆上了層層蜜糖。pancakes的口感偏扎實,咬下去相當濕潤,齒頰間縈繞著淡淡的蛋奶香;配上半溶的牛油,香味更為濃厚。可惜焦糖脆脆稍微烤焦,帶有一股苦澀味,令pancakes稍為失色。整體而言,食物質素中等偏上、不算驚艷,但勝在用餐環境舒適,而且小店客人不多 ,適合和三兩知己相約小聚。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)