6-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (37)
🐻A so-so #thanksgiving dinnerHad a thanksgiving dinner with my uni friends, and for old time's sake we decided to do a thanksgiving dinner. The Thanksgiving #turkey I guess is quite pricey and hard to come by in HK, so the pricetag many restaurants posted is quite ridiculous, thousands and thousands of dollars must be spent. Stone Nullah Tavern was a more sensible choice. The menu costs $598 and the reviews seemed positive so we had a go.The turkey came very fast after we sat at the table... but that was just for show and photos. It took them about 20-30 more minutes to bring out the cut out version. The staff was circling the main table having some sort of meeting during dinner time.The Southern deep fried turkey was not impressive at all, all of us had the same question: was it fried turkey or fried chicken?? Would stongly suggest they just cut this option. There was no meat and mostly the deep-fried coating they served.Other dishes were strong. Salad was fresh, bread was very well made as well. The mac and cheese and stuffing were impeccable. Even the desserts were true bombs. It is sad that the turkey was not that great, or else I would highly recommend it.Besides the wait-time, the service was great. The waitresses were warm, and topped up water very frequently. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-05-01
呢間上年同事一致選為灣仔區年度最佳餐廳既小店其實名不經傳,但唔同飯腳都讚不絕口,今日又心思思黎食個小奢華既lunch。Set lunch既重頭戲係揀pizza或entrees,會包埋類似salad bar既buffet。 其實主食款式唔多,多數人都會揀pizza、burger或mac n’ Cheese,轉餐牌後更加冇左好好食既雜菌闊條麵。記得第一次食既時候傻傻地一人叫左一款,點知份量大得誇張,pizza多到要打包,mac n’ Cheese又比想像中膩,最後變相食個main得黎浪費左個buffet。 經過反複驗證,其實三人行既話,兩個人叫buffet only ($89),再揀一款main一齊食就岩岩好。今次兩個人黎,每日special menu唔太岩食,決定大家都叫buffet only。多數主打自制新鮮沙律既salad bar對我呢個食肉獸黎講絕對唔係賣點,所以特別鐘意呢度既buffet菜式設計,款式唔多、亦冇粉麵飯,但貴精不貴多,樣樣都好高質。沿住吧台一字排開,頭尾分別係餐湯同餐包。 今日既餐湯係牛肉羅宋湯,撈到大量蔬菜同牛肉,略嫌咸左少少。 記得曾經係度飲過幼滑香濃既西蘭花忌廉湯,由於款式日日唔同,真係睇彩數。每日有兩款熟食,眼前既香辣蜜糖雞翼 Chili Honey Wing同忌廉羽衣甘藍Creamy Kale可謂夢寐以求既組合。香辣蜜糖雞翼味道同韓國既甜辣炸雞差唔多,甜甜地好開胃惹味,最正係即使沾滿醬汁,放幾耐都依然甘香酥脆。雞槌、雞翼嫩滑入味,無疑係當日最受歡迎既菜式,店員亦不斷refill,幾時都食到新鮮熱辣既雞翼。忌廉羽衣甘藍幼滑香醇既忌廉汁同嫩滑清甜既羽衣甘藍相輔相成,羽衣甘藍夠軟腍、煮得岩岩好,幾欣賞廚師選用原塊羽衣甘藍,口感特別鮮明突出。自製沙律區主要有新鮮爽口既生菜,配料同醬汁竟然有14款咁多。 因為我好少食沙律,本來呢區對我黎講都冇咩意義,但醃墨西哥辣椒好岩我口味,絕對可以就咁啪;脆脆可以用黎送湯飲,有時仲有炒雜菌添,唔食沙律都可以係度尋下寶。沙律區右邊會有兩款蔬菜菜式,今次有青瓜沙律同炒椰菜花。最深印象既係簡簡單單一道菜都配合唔同既香料,青瓜沙律除左沙律醬仲可以見到迷迭香碎,而椰菜花亦用左咖喱粉同炒,味道溫和帶微辣。火腿同芝士冷盤各有三款。 火腿偏咸,但柔軟甘香。 最鐘意係處於半融化狀態既brie cheese,配麵包一流。 其實有時酒店都未必有呢款,係度見到幾有驚喜。基本上我當左佢做雞翼放題咁每輪都夾幾隻,神奇地雖然人流不絕,每次出去都唔會見到任何清碟既情況。 員工密密做冇停手,令客人不致撲空,返到位餐桌亦已經執拾好,完全達到高質buffet既應有水平。人少少可以坐門口位,透過落地玻璃望下街景、感受下自然光。 由於小店係藍屋對面,景觀開揚,特別有度假既感覺。店內採簡約型格路線,客人以外國人為主,係昏暗既燈光下都幾有氣氛。當然連鎖、有名又貴價既西餐廳品質有保證又唔洗煩,但味道正宗、氛圍令人猶如置身異國既街角小店,似乎更有魅力。的確唔需要大肆宣傳,默默地發佈一個希望冇咩人睇到既食評,就讓我獨享好了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-02-23
Everytime I passed by Stone Nullah Tarvern, I was attracted by its exterior design. It feels British style with folding doors which can be opened when you are sitting in the bar area. I tried the dinner this time after work at 11 pm. The NachosIt has crispy pig ears with chili, cheddar, sour cream and jalapenos. The pig ears with crunchy texture and it is tasty than the usual meat with nachos. Wood Grilled Pizza – MargharitaOne of the best tonight is the wood grilled pizza which has mozzarella, tomato and basil. The pizza base was crisp and bready and it is the highlight of the night. We ordered white wine and rose as well and we will definitely come back for $99 free flow happy hour for house red/ white wine and house spirits during weekday from 5-7 pm. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-09-03
Saturday brunch.339$ for all you can eat main dish (choice of 4 or 5 like cheese burgers and hot dog?! How many cheese burger one can eat?). Too much glazing on the ribs it also felt like boiled although the waitress said it is smoked. Fish tacos didn't look all that appealing. Fried chickens were not very crispy, the meat was tender but not enough marinated there was still a smell in it that wasn't to my tastingThe taco buffet was nice and probably the highlight of the brunch. Nice crispy tortilla with hot chili con carne and hot cheese sauce and jalapeno. But seriously at 339$?!?We had some sparkling water that the waitress was very adament for us to refill and ended up paying >500$ per head. Margarhita and can beer for drink packages at 99$ were a very limited selection of drinks...Won't repeat this one at this price. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
又又又係semi buffet 太愛半自助餐啦!對黑洞胃黎講 食buffet真係慳唔少 比起全自助餐 dor更鐘意半自助餐 因為salad bar比買盒沙律實在抵食太多 加上個main另外叫通常廚房有心機煮 質素會高啲今日適逢#greenmonday 黎到灣仔街市附近既西餐廳食semi buffet lunch 淨salad bar $89+1 加埋pasta/pizza 都係$129+1 份量都唔少 可以shareSalad bar唔算好多選擇 但樣樣都幾好食 特別啲有3款cheese配埋個法包食好好味呀 今日個湯係#羽衣甘藍蕃茄雜豆湯 好足料好健康 另外個#巴馬臣芝士茄子 都好正 不過呢度既main更加出色試左好多食評講到係so called the best mac n cheese in HK 既芝士通粉 #macncheese 有隻流心蛋黃喺中間 撈勻黃金連埋芝士真係好creamy好邪惡 通粉都彈牙 係好食既不過真係好膩 同埋要襯熱食 凍左啲芝士瓊左好難食 整體唔算有驚喜 冇講到全港咁好食咁誇#Truffledorganicmushroomstroganoff 呢個反而真心好食 醬汁creamy加上唔同既菇好juicy 呢隻蛋黃麵煮到al dente 好彈牙而且掛汁 份量都唔少 好味!呢個會再encore總結都算抵食 淨salad bar $89+1 加埋pasta/pizza 都係$129+1 份量都唔少 可以share 又坐得舒服 service都唔錯 會再返黎! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)