6-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
This Chinese restaurant was founded in 2016. It uses less salt and less oil with local creative cooking ways to serve traditional Guangdong, Sichuan and Shanghai cuisines. Among them, Zhizun Pickled Fish and Braised Pork are part of the signature items. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:30 - 20:30
Mon - Sat
07:30 - 20:30
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
07:30 - 20:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus BoC Pay UnionpayQR
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (48)
Level3 2025-01-02
話說今日又喺灣仔搵嘢食,見到咁大個招牌又係川菜即刻就諗到又可以試一試呢一間嘅口水雞掂唔掂。點知食完,真係搞唔掂🤦🏼‍♂️雖然門口都有幾個人排緊隊,睇佢個餐單見佢最出名係醉雞,心諗口水雞應該都有返上下。咁我就叫咗個口水雞配擔擔麵。個餐嚟到嘅時候見到有雞髀心諗應該好滑溜,正啊~但係睇睇下見到隻雞點解咁白雪雪😨擺落口一食,點知啲雞係冇味….特登沾多啲紅油同辣椒先至有少少味。唔知係咪用醉雞嘅形式配搭呢一種質地會好食啲?所以口水雞出嚟嘅效果變成咁。除咗雞髀之外,雞件有啲好嚡。紅油嘅味道又唔係好夠,係好彩個擔擔面都叫做尚算正常~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-30
呢間餐廳灣仔英皇旁邊的機利臣街,本身呢條街都有好多食肆可以選擇,我見人流並不算太多,所以就選擇在呢一間食,估唔到都有啲驚喜又係帶住啲細路本身唔會諗住食辣嘢,點知佢原來一問,酸菜魚都可以走辣,另外個麻婆豆腐都可以走辣這件事情令我佢哋嘅服務都幾好我哋入到去餐廳之後就選擇咗一個酸菜魚,一個麻婆豆腐同埋一個炒飯,因為係一個set佢仲加送咗兩杯冰粉全個價錢都只係三百幾蚊價錢相當合理味道和質量方面: 個酸菜魚魚片都算多,整體味道都好好另外個豆腐都煮得好滑,所以呢一餐飯嘅體驗都覺得非常滿意👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
👍🏻智尊金湯酸菜魚 $84 呢度招牌菜!新鮮鱸魚,厚薄適中好嫩滑,啖啖肉唔多骨,完全唔腥小辣辣度同酸度幾溫和,唔會太熗喉刺激魚肉份量都唔少,仲有大量芽菜、酸菜同粉條,勁吸湯😛整體好足料,食埋啲配料都夠哂飽🤣-👍🏻四川水煮魚 $84少少麻辣,啲魚都好嫩滑,仲有好多驚喜有大量芽菜、酸菜同粉條,勁吸湯😛整體都係好足料,幾個同事一齊過嚟叫幾個餐夾份食夠哂飽🤣-對於灣仔打工仔嚟講係一個非常好嘅選擇😋✨#灣仔美食 #灣仔餐廳 #四川菜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-23
After a tiring morning, I went to this resto with my colleagues for lunch. .We ordered the following dishes to share:-Supreme Boiled Fish with Pickled Cabbage & ChiliThe dish had plenty of fish fillets and pickles. The ingredients didn't absorb the broth as much as expected though. -Liquor Soaked Chicken with Rice WineThe chicken was smooth and refreshing. It absorbed the rice wine subtly and had an aromatic scene. -Taiwan Three Cup Chicken The sauce had a sweet taste and the chicken was quite meaty. -Sweet and Sour Pork Not a memorable dish. -Shanghai Spare Rib with Vinegar The pork had a slightly sour taste due to the vinegar, yet it was quite greasy becoz of the fat content. -Supreme Boiled Beef with Pickled Cabbage & ChiliThe beef was soggy and separated into small pieces, making it a bit hard to eat. -Shanghai Chow MeiThe noodles were quite oily, and the texture seemed too soft. -Sichuan Dandan Noodles The mala sauce was well-balanced, and the addition of peanut butter on top added a touch of sweetness, resulting in a savory taste. -Shanghai-styles Noodles in Soup The dish tasted rather plain. .The table was a bit oily and the utensils didn't seem to be very clean. The floor was sticky too. The staff appeared to be quite confused from time to time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
放lunch時間,當其他鋪頭大排長龍,而呢間餐廳可以直入都知伏。其實以前我成日嚟呢間餐廳,因為抵食又通常唔使等,但自從有次發現佢啲酸菜魚退步咗好多就冇再嚟。隔咗一年幾經過唔想等,就諗住畀多次機會。友人嗌咗一份口水雞,本身係裝喺一個碗,下面墊住一個碟。上檯時,待應先放低個碗,繼而放低埋個碟,由於分開咗放,所以一放上檯就見到本身被遮住嘅碟上面有幾嚿食物嘅殘渣。我相信個待應都見到,但佢都係直接走開咗。我自己叫咗一份上海排骨拼重慶酸辣粉,再加$5跟一杯凍飲。食食下碗麵見到有一嚿米白色嘅嘢,一開始以為係腐皮,我仲咬咗一啖,點知原來係紙巾/紙制品,即刻吐返出嚟同冇曬胃口。個staff一開始話再整一份麵畀我,但我已經唔想再食,佢先肯幫我取消我自己份餐。點知見到張單佢收返我杯凍飲正價$22,佢話因為我取消咗個餐所以要收返正價,但明明係你哋嘅食物有問題我先去取消,理論完之後就改返收我$5。其實收錢完全冇問題,因為我的確有飲到,而且喺咬完呢嚿紙巾我更加淨係想瘋狂飲嘢漱口,不過咁計較嘅處理手法就真係少見。講返啲食物,碗酸辣粉可以話係冇味,我要𢳂我朋友份口水雞嘅杯先有返啲辣味。總括嚟講,呢間餐廳嘅衛生情況、處理手法同食物質素有好大改善空間,完全唔會推薦大家去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)