2-min walk from Exit D4, Lai Chi Kok MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
08:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (33)
This Chinese restaurant is a decent option for a family dinner, primarily because of the large portions. However, the food quality is just average, with nothing particularly outstanding.We ordered several dishes, and the overall impression was that they were a bit too salty. The fried rice, however, was the highlight of the meal. Each grain was separate and distinct, with a nice "wok hei" flavor and well-balanced seasoning. If I were judging solely on the fried rice, I'd give it above average marks.Unfortunately, the lobster noodles were a completely different story. The noodles were overcooked and sticky, clumping together with an unpleasant texture. The lobster itself wasn't fresh and lacked flavor. This dish was a major disappointment.The other dishes we ordered were unremarkable, neither good nor bad. The portions, as mentioned, were quite generous, and we ended up taking some leftovers home.The service was acceptable. The staff were friendly, and the food arrived promptly. However, the restaurant environment was rather noisy, not ideal for a quiet, relaxing meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
食物已經唔算好,叫個職員阿姐攞BB凳,佢拎張BB凳嚟嘅時候,將張BB凳飛埋張枱度,枱上面嘅茶都瀉出來。仲同你講,你即管投訴我啦,我唔怕架!啲咁嘅服務態度,點同大陸比。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-25
4月27日周六,我朋友一家15人為了大桌面去了宇晴軒的名門一號酒樓用晚餐,食頭圍6點入席。要了一份12人全包宴外,另叫3份素菜。由一位年青侍應接待,好快便上了4碟餸菜,朋友向部長提出減慢速度,不用太急,希望慢慢用餐。豈料等了很久很久都未見上菜,食完4碟後叫年青侍應來問,竟然反指是朋友要求唔要急上菜, 所以就慢了。為怕他們在餸菜做手腳,只好忍氣要求重新上菜,這時部長過來,語氣非常不友善咁話:唔好再要求改上菜速度。之後部長及年青侍應都沒有再出現,餸菜到來,傳菜左望右望也不見有待應, 只好自行上菜。跟住的傳菜都不再揾人, 並好自動咁幫我地上菜。非常勞氣食完一餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-05
今日唔知同屋企人去邊度飲茶,屋企人突然間話去呢度飲,全部住新界嘅人走出嚟九龍飲茶為咗咩呢,原因係呢度二搵位易啲喎。星期日都懷疑搵位,感覺有啲伏。入到去,環境都算寬敞,樓底亦都好高,所以就算多人都唔覺得佢會好嘈吵。開左左壺香片幾好飲有回甘。見到張點心紙,下午茶再加埋特價點心都有好多選擇,比起出邊一般下午茶嘅下單紙多三份二嘅選擇,簡直係心心眼。蒸嘢嚟講新鮮熱辣份量亦好足。幾鍾意佢個雞絲份卷,而家出面唔係好多酒樓有得食,同埋呢d餡料,好多時候都喺廚房長期擺放會有機會變壞,但係呢度就唔會。裏便啲西芹粒重好爽脆。蝦餃亦都相當大粒爽口。藥膳豬手都好淋滑,試左個汁有藥材香但無味,呢個就解釋唔到。不過個鴨腳柚皮就有啲失望,塊植皮處理得唔好,仲有苦澀味。平時都好少食炸嘢,但屋企人鍾意食,就叫咗一啲來試,皮薄餡多,最重要係唔會炸到油淋淋,平時好少叫炸嘢,因為出邊好多時候都炸到又黑又滿口油。呢度嘅韭菜餃係超驚喜,嗰邊係脆㗎。而蜆蚧鯪魚球亦都好彈牙。另外叫咗個福建炒飯,裏面有啲鮑魚BB,並唔係鮑汁。$60都唔使真係冇投訴。唯獨個艇仔粥較失望,冇乜料同埋個粥底比較稀。其實食到都差唔多飽,最後都係忍唔住食埋個燒腩卷,雖然凍咗但係都好好食,肥膏只係佔咗成塊燒腩嘅八分之一?如果塊芋頭可以厚返少少就相當完美。呢間酒樓嘅回頭率,對於我來講相當高。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-26
住係樓上,難得來呢度食個正餐。本身就無好大期望,不過叫左六人套餐,都中規中矩。龍蝦很彈牙,伊麵調味適中,小朋友很喜歡。個燒鴨其實有驚喜,皮脆肉香,加上薄餅青瓜大蔥,對得起個價錢。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)