9-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:00
19:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:00
19:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (19)
鮨晴 Hare ,予約困難店20/9/2024 Lunch 心中之首鮨店位附上環PMQ附近,午市$980, 晚市$1980。 亦都係由一位資深日籍廚師Moto San主理。 由於全場只有8席,無分上下輪時段,以及由用料,魚料處理技術,味道,呈現及價錢定位已經取勝好多餐廳,所以2024年所有訂座已經爆滿。 呢度嘅舍利最有個性,軟硬適中而帶偏強酸感。魚料亦都會因應不同情況再處理突出每款魚料風格(莫講話熟唔熟成,其實本身每種魚即使刺身都並非切完即食咁無技巧)😅。所以即使近年食少左壽司,Hare 都仍然係經常光顧之一。師傅握功亦都好穩定,每次都有一定嘅空氣感而不散,溫度適中。 用料亦都係上等貨,天然食材,論CP確實係高。當天每道菜每部100分☺️,估唔到一出就煙燻鰹🥹,松茸蛋好香,海鰻夠味又夠滑,香港一出汁卷👍👍當日菜式:鰹 煙燻鰯松茸 茶碗蒸墨魚 昆布金目鯛目光魚 天婦羅縞鰺赤鯥 炭焼北海道 厚岸 中拖羅 10天熟成北海道 厚岸 赤身漬 5天熟成大極上雲丹 三文魚子出汁漬 飯赤味噌湯海鰻出汁卷 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-05
一分錢一分貨,「鮨晴 Sushi Hare」 至今依然一位難求自有道理,大師級的手藝,江戶前手法,主廚選取最時令及上乘的食材之外,更預先處理令共鮮美度達至最高境界,醬油的調味恰到好處,可見每件魚生色澤亮麗;舍利的軟硬度、酸度、溫度及空氣感皆處理得很好;我最喜歡輕酸的赤醋飯!主廚 Motoharu Inazuka 稻塚基晴曾在「鮨佐瀨」工作多年,多年前自立門戶開了「鮨晴」,一來只得八個位,同時有不少熟客長期支持,開業以來一直訂位困難。美中不足是稻塚主廚比較文靜,送上壽司只說出名字而不作任何解說欠互動及氣氛!午市每位$980,不過我們追加了幾個項目,找數來了一個Double。墨魚壽司針魚壽司櫻鱒壽司鮟鱇魚肝 +$250銀鱈魚bb 壽司深海池魚壽司公魚天婦羅-炸漿極薄赤睦壽司燒白子 +$180酸汁白子 +$180一般來說燒白子比酸汁香,可能因為我在忙拍照及先吃酸汁而非即食影響效果,今次的不及酸汁的好吃。大拖羅壽司-完全無筋赤身壽司海膽壽司-根室大極上熱湯海鰻壽司玉子.酸蘿蔔蓉啫喱橙甜品 +$80非常特色、賞心悅目,我們更插上蠟燭預祝朋友生日。淺嚐 Sake  $250 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-29
行過千山萬水,終於踏進呢家食店,腳都軟晒,仲要落大雨,幸好最後不枉此行🌧️。呢度嘅裝修環境簡樸得嚟又有格調,等位果陣仲意外試到特製嘅薑,嗲嗲鹹中帶勁,突破我對薑嘅一貫想像。首先送上小墨魚,咬落去Q彈得滑,口感夠晒戲,伴隨嗰份醬油嘅深層味道實在齊人心弦。跟住來咗一週熟成嘅深海池魚,吖嘛,新鮮過度啦!肉嘅質感細嫩入味,醬油又一次偷咗show,提升咗整體味道。之後,佢哋家嘅水魚蒸蛋實在驚喜滿滿,順滑得黎唔膩口,滿滿嘅雞湯鮮美。白蝦嗰陣,我真係有種拍手叫好嘅衝動,細嫩而唔失彈性,令人一再夾起唔捨得停口🦐。等到鰤魚同竹莢魚出場嘅時候,我已經醉左喺呢片海味之中,鰤魚肥美享受,竹莢魚嘅油亮肉質更係帶領我飽嘆一頓海洋盛宴。總之,呢次嘅舌尖之旅,實在正到爆,值得我番嚟,唔怕再行過千山萬水👣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-10-16
i need to thank my friend for booking this restaurant which is apparently one of the most difficult to book restaurant in town. we planned our saturday lunch approximately half year ago. lunch was sharp at 12pm and it lasts approximately 2 hours, fully seated, nice environment. food was exceptional ofcouse and pieces of then are delicious. we already booked our next visit! in general i would prefer fishes with stronger taste, so I enjoyed the fishes that come later during the meal. overall the dining experience is well and the 8 pieces menu is sufficient for lunch! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-10-08
又係非常難book的omakase,上次去食lunch今次食dinner。 今次又好好彩,有朋友邀請一齊去食,dinner比lunch更好食😄份量對我黎講應該係最適合我的鮨店👍🏼唔會食到太飽好辛苦,而係有岩岩好非常滿意的感覺🫶🏼心目中top 3的壽司店,師傅非常認真製作👍🏼而且水準比較穩定,非常重要。每一款壽司就算同其他鮨店整同一款,佢就係整得特別好味👍🏼比起3千幾蚊一位嘅omakase,佢係非常值得再去🤭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)