5-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
The Japanese wooden design is elegant and grand. It presents a classic-contemporary take on the modern Japanese omakase experience with worldwide food. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
Level4 2024-02-25
Finally got to try the sushiya adjoining Teppanyaki Mihara.Dinner hosted by generous SakeLover, trying the seasonal ebi menu.Counter seating approximately 10.Served by head chef Jacky, expertly trained in French cuisine. Anticipated some fusion elements. Also recognized Chef from Senn.Here’s what we had. White shrimp with Himalayan saltSlow cooked French blue lobster accompanied by a buttery tomato sauce Américaine.-赤蝦 from Hokkaido with yuzu and strawberry brandy sauce.-Deep fried shrimp coated in shell-crumb. Not crispy/crunchy enough. Preferred normal coating. On the side: deep fried tiny shrimps to go with our alcohol. Brother didn’t like that they had gone cold. -Clam soup10 times of sushi:-Hoikkado scallop-竹籤魚 sprinkled with Salt-針魚 - very 爽. Chef noted that this particular one would serve up 6 pieces.-地金目鯛-池魚infused with French elements: spring onion and olive oil-赤貝-剝皮魚- esp loved the seaweed; very crunchy.-游水牡丹蝦- torched with brandy-Toro aged 15 days. Seasoned with 淡雪鹽. Aging did away with the usual fattiness-Add on: ikura-斑馬瀨尿蝦 from Philippines, cooked at 60 degrees. Paste was succulent and delicious. -Add on: Uni -烏魚子- loved the fishy umami taste! Not too salty like some.Spanish red prawn paella pearl rice Dessert: melon and pistachio ice cream. In summary: outstanding attentive service. Rice was a little bit loose but otherwise an innovative fusion night showcasing Chef's creativity, pushing through the boundaries of traditional sushi, with super fresh ingredients. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日行過銅鑼灣邊,喺Cubus搵到間鮨宝山,食咗個Omakase lunch,真係賞心樂事!一入去,師傅嘅熱情招呼就好有喜感😄。頭盤嘅三品,每樣都非常出彩。黑梅貝彈牙得嚟又鮮,咬落啖啖肉,真係解渴。太刀魚🐟肉厚得黎入口即溶,脂香四溢,外層烤得啱啱好,再蘸吓沖繩海鹽,鮮味更提升。至於煮文蛤,喺朝早嘅鮮甜下,真係正!茶碗蒸嘅細膩同蟹肉三文魚籽嘅鮮味,係種品味,感覺自己好有福氣🍀。每貫握壽司,師傅都好似講故事咁細說材料嘅來頭,見到原隻真鯛展示前嚟,瞬間覺得好尊貴。帶子、真鯛、金目鯛,每一口都好似嘗到海嘅精華。太驚艷喇,北海道根室嘅馬糞海膽仲要話一說,質感細滑,味道深深嵌入心坎!最後嘅秋刀魚磯邊卷,加咗茗荷與紫蘇葉,好有秋意,卷物嘅清新好像係個完美符號,為呢頓飯畫上句號。最後結尾嘅海鹽雪糕🍨,清新而不甜膩,真係一個美好嘅午餐!轉角遇到愛,呢間鮨宝山,值得再黎𓌗! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-07
嚟到鮨宝山食嘅午市Omakase,感受到Jack師傅個人風味喺每款壽司度。前菜嘅黑梅貝同靜岡蕃茄,味道真係好新鮮,青草味十足;至於太刀魚就嫩到入口即溶,但又保持住啲海味,簡直一流👌。文蛤湯啲文蛤鮮到爆,湯汁又香濃。走過無數壽司店,但今次嘅松葉蟹肉茶碗蒸真係過癮到講唔出嘢嚟!茶碗蒸入面啲蟹肉,鮮甜味美不勝收。至於壽司系列,每一貫都展示到師傅嘅刀功同對食材嘅尊重。富山灣白海老個鮮味充滿咗柚子香,活帶子嘅鮮美令人憶猶未了,而大拖羅更加係油脂光澤,滋味滿分!呢啲海膽,真係軟滑得嚟香濃無比,一啖口福🥰。餐尾嘅秋刀魚磯邊卷帶領人哽咽香氣,仲有後續嘅海鹽雪糕,回味無窮!總括嚟講,鮨宝山係一間好值得一試再試嘅好地方,無論係食材選擇定係手藝展示,呢度都做到一流水平🙂🍣👏。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-07
📍鮨宝山 (銅鑼灣)銅鑼灣開平道1號Cubus 3樓B號舖• Omakase Lunch | $680(🕛: 12:00- 14:30)最鍾意試新嘢,見環境食物一樣咁出色✨即刻想試吓❗️簡約日式木系裝潢,舒舒服服享用午餐,坐喺壽司吧枱,更能欣賞師傅手藝👏🏼•前菜 三品螺肉、靜岡番茄西關燒秋葵三文魚外層脆身,配上一旁嘅柑桔仔,味道酸酸甜甜,更顯清爽清酒煮蜆用清酒、新鮮蜆煮成非常鮮甜,師傅手工整嘅蝴蝶形嘅蜆•松葉蟹肉茶碗蒸三文魚籽增添一份鹹香,滑嫩雞蛋更食到啖啖鮮甜蟹肉•白海老白蝦上面有少少柚子皮,鮮甜更添清新•真鯛•北海道帶子帶子新鮮又厚身,竹炭鹽更顯鮮味•金目鯛•北寄貝•池魚•中拖羅醋飯中和了油脂感•醬油漬吞拿魚•海膽•秋刀魚•素麵昆布做湯•桃味雪芭🍑#廚師發板# continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
💖前菜 刺生 茶碗蒸🔸汁煮黑毛貝配新鮮蕃茄新鮮爽口 小小鹽味恰到好處🔸鹽燒太刀魚有桔仔會fresh d,口感鬆軟,外皮焦脆 🔸清酒煮文蛤日本大蜆加海苔煮湯,超清甜🔸松葉蟹肉茶碗蒸加入三文魚子,嫩滑好味😋🔸北海道獅魚配台灣烏魚子碎特別用用鹽曬乾後採用)呢度好貼心食完前菜刺生換左杯熱茶比客人💖🔹特選金目鯛 (原條)超吸引呀 見到原條金目鯛,以為要去日本先可以見到呢d新鮮活物🤩💖壽司🔹北海道活帶子加入左柚子皮同柚子汁,特別清新開胃🔹真鯛魚🔹金目鯛🔹北寄貝🔹剝皮魚(肝油)呢幾款壽司都非常鮮美,尤其係剝皮魚充滿魚油既口感一流😋🔹池魚配陳醋飯由左賀關,即係最靚池魚聚集地出產,簡直係一流🫶🏻🔹大拖羅🔹中拖羅溢🔹醬油漬赤身有無吞拿魚愛好者,呢幾件真係不得了,超級肥美,油脂滿瀉,尤其係大拖羅,有種入口融化既感覺,食完覺得呢餐值得啦😆💖馬糞海膽見到個板海膽即刻兩眼發光,超級鮮甜,有種即開即食既感覺🤤🤤🔹秋刀魚海苔捲呢個秋刀魚係季節出品,而且卷物包括我最愛的紫蘇花同冥河(日本薑),口感好特別😋🔹自家製海鹽雪糕最後梗係唔少得甜品,淡淡牛奶味陪上小小海鹽味,好滿足呀🤤😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)