3-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
19:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
19:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (87)
Level2 2024-07-13
同事加人工請食飯,決定試吓這間 omakase,見食評很好,又有朋友推介!午餐有幾個set俾你選擇,都好抵食,決定叫咗個中間價錢個 set 來試吓。店舖好有日本風,有一間房間,其餘都係向壽司枱坐,坐位大約10個左右,全店座位不多。叫咗一個有12件壽司的Omakase!先嚟一個茶碗蒸和八爪魚前菜,之後12件壽司排隊出場。大部份都係好好食,好新鮮,以呢個價錢真係值得推介。最後有雪糕做甜品,唔食雪糕嘅可以要咖啡,咁就畫上完美句號啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-11
終於一嚐友人推介的鮨慎 也指定日本師傅Kami san為是次用餐師傅特別深刻印象這家自家製招牌的昆布海膽一團軟軟金黃的海膽與昆布緊貼交織成一份軟心綿滑的口感兩者之間互不搶去對方的鮮味和特性 海膽鮮甜但不算太濃郁 細嚐下淡淡的昆布味道也在後端散發出來整體感覺比一般海膽更加讓人回味和印象深刻首次吃到友人大讚的鮟鱇魚肝 果然是無法形容的滋味入口是一種軟心綿密細膩 甘香濃郁 沒有丁點內臟腥羶 這部分絕對是意外驚喜 兩三塊拖羅薄片重疊加重呑拿魚應有的魚香肥美沒有太多根部的薄片 更體現出師傅刀功了得的技能 甜蝦和赤身也新鮮美味得簡單直接前者味道肉質鮮嫩帶少許黏性蝦味甘甜後者𠝹紋後的肉身更有彈性魚香 也是當中較重酸味的喜愛一款還有 同伴最喜愛的漬物 酸薑蘿蔔也好合我倆口味味道不會過酸或嗆喉 切件大小也是恰到好處日本師傅Kami san見到我倆好喜歡漬物不只每次吃光後快手補上 又拿岀一整條大根說笑要送給我們吃而且他的刀功和待客服務都很不錯 臨走時也會親身鞠躬送客為表謝意﹆茶碗蒸﹆慢煮八爪魚﹆魷魚﹆中拖﹆甜蝦﹆左口魚﹆深海池魚﹆鮟鱇魚肝﹆赤貝﹆昆布海膽﹆金目鯛﹆赤身 ﹆大拖羅﹆黑鯥魚﹆紫蘇呑拿魚蓉手卷﹆玉子燒﹆水蜜桃/曲奇雪芭𓏭𖤥 鮨慎 中環安蘭街18號12樓𓏭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-05-27
1、用餐过程中,每上一道菜品,主厨并以介绍,当我们用普通话和英语与他交流时,他装作听不懂的样子,拒绝回答。服务人员与主厨通过粤语沟通,再向我们转述成普通话,整个用餐过程都是这样。但当我们与店长反映此问题时,主厨明白我们说的用普通话说的每一句话并进行反驳,毫无歉意。2、作为一家omakase店,普遍的用餐时间都在两小时,电话预约时间,服务人员也通知知道一个半小时​​,但实际上我们在50分钟钟就结束束用餐,主厨争分夺秒填鸭式做完菜品立刻开始清洁桌面,一秒钟不想多下去的样子。3、在制作寿司的过程中,主厨多次将寿司掉落台面,拍摄食物时恰好拍下其中一幕,而主厨也从未因不专业的职业素养道歉,依旧正常把菜品递给我们。4、我们点了最贵的set,但所上菜品与周围local相比完全不同,当我们询问餐品数量时,服务员的回答是因主厨不同而有区别。套餐结束没有上甜品,直至我们问后才补上,但依旧少上了水果。5、刚结束用餐,服务员拿来了帐单要求结帐,我们使用支付宝结帐,在收到扣款成功的显示和短信后,服务员表示未收到付款。她第一时间不是向银行核实交易,而是要求我们再次付款。再我们要求她去和银行核实,她确认了交易没问题,便说了一句 “你们可以走了” 没有因耽搁我们20分钟而道歉,并反驳和她没有关系,而是pos机有问题。6、临走店家告诉我们后续会给一个满意的答覆,当我们再次联系时,已经被拉黑,表明不愿解决此事的态度。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-05-24
鮨慎是一家老店了,最近来的少了,但是近期看到他口碑两极分化,于是决定来试一次。今天没有request kami san的板,所以吃的是本地师傅的板。中午场他分12点和1330两个时段,所以会有点赶,比较建议周中来吃。装修和服务都没问题,服务非常周到,走之前师傅会送到电梯口,这个不是每家店都有的服务。今天吃的是680套餐,含了3个酒肴,12个寿司(含玉子)和1个手卷。加正常都有的茶碗蒸,汤甜品这些。小食有八爪鱼,鮟鱇鱼肝和荧光鱿鱼(我不吃生蚝,不然应该是半颗生蚝)。寿司分别是中托罗,左口鱼,甜虾,深海池鱼,赤贝,北极贝,海胆,金目鲷,酱油渍赤身,大托罗和毛蟹。整体感觉鱼料是非常新鲜的,寿司上的鱼用量也非常慷慨(中托罗和大托罗分别都给了厚切的2~3片),其中印象深刻的有北极贝非常肥美,几贯托罗,金目鲷鱼肉爽弹以及毛蟹。但是整体有个毛病就是寿司比较“散”,到什么程度呢,就啊我用手得用4个手指去抓,不然担心他会散。原因除了捏的松之外,可能跟他寿司饭偏软已经鱼生分量较大有关。虽然这么说,但也不影响吃,味道还是能接受的,如果把他当散寿司的话。中环区,这个价格这个质量我是收货的,寿司松散的问题,下次我再试试看kami san再看看? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-05-13
I am writing to express my disappointment and frustration with the experience and terrible food that I had in your restaurant. As a customer, I was expecting to enjoy delicious food and a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Instead, I was subjected to unprofessional service and racism from one of your chef and waitress which can be summarized in three parts. 1. The chef ignored us for long periods of time and pretend don’t understand our needs and questions. Throughout our meal, our chef pretended not to speak English and Mandarin and refused to communicate with us. As a bilingual country, I attempted to speak to him in English, but he continued to pretend not to understand us. When we confront him and his boss because of his attitude and unprofessional service in Mandarin. He started to understand every words we said, but still refuse to answer in English or Mandarin. Although the restaurant accepts Alipay & Visa & Wechat all the different payment and we can make reservation on WeChat, but for language, only Cantonese.2. After receiving our bill with Alipay, the app shows “transaction successful” . Instead of check with the bank, the waitress asked us to pay the bill twice, and accusing us of not paying. We have waited 20 minutes for the waitress confirmed the transaction with the bank. Without any apologize, as we all felt that our integrity was being questioned, and we were being unfairly treated. She said she don’t understand how her POS work.3. The food is terrible, our chef served us totally different dish compared to other customers who were seated nearby. Although we had ordered the same set, the food that was served to us was of inferior quality and size compared to what was served to other customers. The chef dropped a sushi onto the towel. Instead of apologizing and offering to replace the dish, he picked up the food and proceeded to serve it to us, we have filmed it, and we will post on all the social medias. We strongly believe that this was a result of our race, as we were the only people who speak Mandarin in the restaurant at the time.We attempted to communicate our concerns to the restaurant, but rather than addressing the situation, they actively blocked our message and ignored our requests. It is unacceptable for anyone to be made to feel unwelcome or discriminated against based on their race, and I am deeply disappointed that this happened in restaurant. Furthermore, the service I received from your staff was not up to the standards I would expect from a restaurant of your caliber. The chef and waitress were unprofessional, unfriendly, and inattentive. You guys need to learn what is professionalism. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)