3-min walk from Exit B1, Exhibition Centre Station continue reading
Known for refined Western cuisine and an elegant dining atmosphere, this restaurant combines innovative techniques with quality ingredients, frequently introducing seasonal menus to offer diners new experiences. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (202)
Level4 2025-02-04
一年容易又生日,今年選址在The drawing room 吃午餐,大約都有兩三年冇來過,今次重返感覺硬件依然,氣派仍在。。。招呼亦都很到位,準時到達帶我們來到一個窗邊位彩光度十足,由於是年初三(紅日),本心想着是沒有套餐形式但附上餐牌一刻看到原來依舊有套餐還要沒有太大加幅,實在是驚喜!先來是一個餐包籃,但係清潔程度就有點令我詫異,上枱時俾我看到有一邊全是果醬,不過不想再麻煩職員,所以沒有更換,而且餐枱布全都是(皺摺非常)為何會在一間星級酒店看到這個情形?不是會將餐枱布燙過給客人坐著用餐?這是一般有餐枱服務的必要禮儀(但竟然給我發現每一枱都是)👎當日我和(蝦子餅)就每人選了一份套餐額外再點了一份主菜,套餐方面HK$398未計加一(每位)分別包括前菜,主菜與及甜品~先來試老公的前菜,我們選擇了63度雞蛋/炒蟹肉/蘑菇/嫩菠菜及海鮮泡沫,偷試一口,味道感覺,源於蘑菇身上,溫泉蛋做得相當恰好,流心作用令整個前菜混和,不錯⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️至於主角就令加《$68》要了一份(和牛牛小排),這份牛小排相信取自的部份來自一嚿大骨,所以看得很清晰,肉質稔相信炆煮一段相當長的時間,據職員輕輕解說好是是用陳醋汁來烹煮而成,入口即化的肉地老公說好吃,這邊還配上馬鈴薯仔及炒過的蘑菇,感覺上輕輕有點重複~⭐️⭐️⭐️甜品是開心果櫻桃手指,口味比較複雜自己就覺得不是我杯茶,而且亦較為甜~⭐️⭐️⭐️對於自己就要上一份煙三文魚沙律穩打穩陣,也不用再多文字的補充⭐️⭐️⭐️主角方面自己就要了一個(咕嚕肉配甜椒鳳梨及白飯),冇錯,由於我想嘗試一下他們中餐廳給予的體驗,所以今次就是來一個中餐最平實不過的菜單,上餐時咕嚕肉是微暖,亦可能是冬天關係,不過咕嚕肉就較為偏瘦,很酸很生的菠蘿絕對是每一口都感受得到,至於白飯我就覺得真係略為遜色,亦感覺着好像沒有嚴格挑選過米飯一樣⭐️⭐️⭐️來到了另加上的西式主菜(油封烤鴨)$298,但係其實我覺得職員應該要提問客人是否一同呈上,我就一時忘卻要職員稍後才送上,所以就一同在一張枱上有三份主菜,吃得較為狼狽,亦都要將用餐時間趕快一點,(冬天天氣冷會比較凍食物會比較易冷)油封鴨本身做得不錯,但都是一句由於上菜太急我們分別將嘴巴分別放上自己的主角還要追着油封鴨來吃,下次都是免得太貪心,亦都免得給予他賺得太多🙂‍↕️甜品選擇了杏子迷迭香手指,酸酸甜甜的感覺是最為適合口味,感覺上亦比之前甜較為輕手一點~至於套餐方面,我哋每人一杯熱latte還有凍的Cappuccino,熱latte感覺上奶質地比比較薄身,咖啡質素亦都平平,凍的Cappuccino我就沒有將老公的那一杯去嘗試,所以不作評論!★首先我會覺得招呼是好的⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️★食物質素是可以,但有進步空間⭐️⭐️⭐️★至於清潔與及整齊,我就覺得主管要重新看得比較緊一點,勿太鬆懈⭐️⭐️此餐廳有另加一服務! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-31
exclusive Guerlain-themed CNY afternoon tea at the Drawing Room Starting from 15 Jan til 14 Feb abalone x Black Truffle Tarlet (✨lobster Spring Roll⭐️Confit Duck Leg sesame Ball🌟Ratatouille Jelly ( not too special )Sweets that I pick Lantern ⭐️(honey sponge)Pecan Cake⭐️ Cannele ⭐️ ( Hojicha ) ST REGIS CAKE⭐️( peanut mousse) + freshly baked scones$888 for 2 + 10% (想食afternoon tea 酒店🏨 有得選擇鹹點或甜點 任揀根據個人口味喜好 全鹹點全甜點又得 酒店會介紹所有款式等你慢慢揀 有些鹹點會加熱先Serve 打⭐️🌟✨都係可以再點鹹點既ingredients ( lobster , Abalone, duck leg, 好新鮮 推介 ( 旁邊好多其他食客都點Caviar Cheese Cake& foie gras Rose…但我無揀😂)所有甜點都不太甜 細細件 bite size 啱晒ladies 食完有個red packet 🧧 抽獎 x Guerlain deluxe beauty set continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友相約我來到The Drawing Room嘆下午茶,是我第一次來這裡。有分室內及室外座位,室內樓底夠高,加上室外的陽光經過落地玻璃透進來,令人感到悠閑舒適。The Drawing Room Afternoon Tea Menu是可以讓客人自選共8款的鹹甜點,並包2件鬆餅及茶/咖啡。入座不久,職員先捧著一個裝載12款茶葉的木盒來向我們逐一介紹,既然如此有誠意,這次當然是選茶飲!然後職員再推餐點車來到我們面前展示各款鹹點及甜點,食物賣相精緻。Foie Gras Rose (玫瑰鵝肝) 和朋友每人點了一件,是很正確的決定!因為這是令我有最深印象的一款鹹點,玫瑰花造型的賣相,嚐到鵝肝香及champagne gel的微甜,搭配底部的薑餅,香濃馥郁而不膩。另一款得我們歡心的是Oscietra Caviar No.2,底部是布里歐麵包 (Brioche),塗上蛋黃醬,加配少許蔬菜,魚子醬的鹹鮮味突出之餘,又帶點清新爽脆感。幸好這款也是每人一件!Lobster & Crab Jelly,簡簡單單的利用鮮味的龍蝦肉及蟹肉,面層加上用是拉差辣椒醬特製的沙律醬,微微的辣更吊出食材的鮮。鹹點的頭三位要數的是這幾款,其他的味道也不錯!甜點也有兩款好值得推介~可麗露 (Cannelé)外層夠脆口,搭配冧酒及呍呢嗱,用料簡單,但味道很香,不會太過甜膩。St. Regis Cake果然是招牌甜點,朱古力慕絲外層,包裹著rice pudding及朱古力海綿蛋糕,朱古力味特濃,質感柔軟細滑!鬆餅 (Scone) 正正常常,可塗抹clotted cream外,也有蜜糖及三款果醬任大家自行搭配。時間來到5:30pm,職員更會邀請在座客人一同觀賞馬刀開香檳的傳統儀式,表演令人讚嘆。香檳亦會平均分給所有在場的賓客。第一次食下午茶會覺得如斯享受,既有美點,亦有表演,而且職員會向客人逐一介紹餐點及茶品,不是只從冷冰冰的餐牌點選。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我是與老公慶祝生日。我哋早到了20 分鐘,餐廳外等待的服務員有禮向我說廳內整理緊,要等一下,有笑容、態度親切。 大概11:55 已經邀請我哋入內坐低,替女士拉椅,有關注客人喺選擇上可能出現疑問,好快已經上前協助、解答。餐飲,我地揀左三道菜,餐包好特別、係暖,好𥯆軟,可添加。主菜,我地揀左羊架,蜆肉闊條麵,羊架冇蘇味,味道仲好好,d伴汁好特別,蜆肉闊條麵嚟到嘅時候都仲係出煙嘅,口感唔錯,彈牙。而且咖啡都非常好味,但不可不提個甜品,嚟到一定一定要試,咁既價錢,勝價比非常高。而進食主菜之後服務員都有兩次問我哋味道覺得如何非常關注我哋嘅感受,期間亦不停添加水給我哋,而服務員永遠都面帶笑容非常有禮貌非常推介這間餐廳。當日我哋喺慶祝生日事前有告訴服務員,所以當日已為我準備好生日牌放喺甜品上面非常窩心。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-30
Went for a causal lunch one week day to try out this place which was quite popular for afternoon tea. The design and atmosphere of the restaurant was of high standard and on par with that of a 5 star hotel; tables not too close for comfort, high ceiling with modern decorations and attentive service levels. I opted for their three course set lunch menu priced at $398 (plus 10% service charge). I selected the following; Cajun PrawnCaesar Salad Crispy Parma ham, bread crouton for starter, Kalamata Olive & Herb Crusted Salmon Sautéed squid, pearl couscous, potato foam for main and Pistachio Cherry Finger for dessert. As for drinks, I had their unlimited NORDAQ Sparkling water priced at $40 per person. Tea and coffee was included in the set lunch menu. Here are my tasting notes:Cajun Prawn Caesar Salad Crispy Parma ham, bread crouton - I didn’t want anything spicy that day and asked for the Cajun spice to be removed which they said could be done to cater for my needs. This was the dish which disappointed me most; the prawn was very dry and tough, way overcooked and tasteless . The Caesar salad was just okay, not enough to save the dish. Maybe I should have ordered the Oyster Rockefeller which my companion ordered which looked good and the feedback from my companion was positive. Kalamata Olive & Herb Crusted Salmon Sautéed squid, pearl couscous, potato foam - the salmon was slightly overcooked for me and I couldn’t taste the herby crust. However, the potato foam went very well with the pearl couscous and sautéed squid and was delicious. Pistachio Cherry Finger- this was by far the better dish of the day. The nuttiness from the pistachio cream and cake was not overpowering and paired well with the slightly tart cherry cream and pieces. The sweetness was well balanced. Overall, the level of service was commensurate with the high standard expected of a 5 star hotel but the food provided to me on that day was a let-down. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)