7-min walk from Exit A1, Exhibition Centre Station continue reading
The restaurant specializes in Sichuan cuisine. The restaurant offers a variety of spicy dishes. The restaurant has a vegetarian menu too. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
TV Broadcast
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (150)
Level2 2023-08-25
這店的份量實在太小了4人份根本都不夠一個人吃!份量少的根本是在搞笑!服務員也不是太專業!這間店只能夠用來聚會.回到家還要煮个麵才能夠睡得著!價格也非常的不理想太失望了謝謝希望他們以後能改進 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-09-10
Everything was delicious, appreciate the efforts for these手工菜, ho yau wok hei!My fav was Deep-fried bean curd roll stuffed radish (灌漿蘿蔔), Braised pigeon (紅燒頂鴿), Chiu Chow Fried crab with glutinous rice (潮式糯米炒膏蟹), and “Pagoda” pork belly w/ crispy rice (梅干寶塔肉伴鍋巴)😋But it was pretty full when we having the glutinous rice.Menu: 胡麻紫淮山 Purple yam w/ sesame sauce手拍青瓜免耳菌 Chilled Cucumber in Sichuan Style🤯灌漿蘿蔔 Deep-fried bean curd roll stuffed radish | I’m a big fan of all radish dishes, this was so good! 椒鹽九肚魚 Deep-fried Bombay duck with spicy salt金沙鮮魷 Deep-fried squid w/ salted duck egg yolk杏汁花膠燉白肺湯 Almond w/ fish maw and pig lung soup🤯紅燒頂鴿 Braised pigeon | Freaking juicy and delish, one of my fav in town!🤯梅干寶塔肉 (伴鍋巴) “Pagoda” pork belly (Add crispy rice $) | MUST ADD crispy rice, ultimate pork belly melt in the mouth, It’s so much effort to do this and they nailed it. I can’t resist any relation with pork belly w/ preserved vegetables(梅菜扣肉), this was so yummmm!潮式糯米炒膏蟹 Chiu Chow fried crab with glutinous rice玫瑰豉油雞 Soy sauce chicken | Super tender!黃菊酸菜桂花魚 Poached fish w/ pickled mustard green | yum!水煮新鮮牛頸脊 Sichuan poached beef neck上湯蒜子浸青蔬 Soup with garlic and green vegetables反沙芋Deep-fried taro tossed with sugar福果綠豆爽 Gingko mung bean soup continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-08-12
上次去的时候还感觉很好吃的,这次去吃的时候,友人和我都沉默了,太咸了,所有菜都咸,包括麻辣猪耳。醉了…这次就这样吧,感觉有一段时间不会再去了,湾仔那边好吃的很多,我再找找其他的地方。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-07-08
之前講過好姊妹生日,晏晝食左餐豐富既Omasake, 咁夜晚姊妹話想食川菜,咁啱係灣仔就上開飯到search搵到紅花會。 好姊妹聽到個名仲即刻啍番2句。 我地點左餐前小食皮蛋,覺得好好味,主菜必有既酸菜魚同水煮牛肉都好惹味,另外有朋友唔食辣,所以叫左隻鴨(唔記得全名),不過略為鹹左一點,再有魚香茄子煲好送飯,嚟多個炒麵。 真係飽到頂住個肚走。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-06-28
趁仍然是6月分享埋辣腳跟清麗村姑慶祝生日的一頓晚餐,超久沒跟辣腳聚餐這夜真係好開心。地點選來了名字氣概不凡的紅花會,餐廳主打川菜更設有素菜,最吊詭的是可以點埋9樓潮滙的潮州菜。餐廳內以紅綠雙色作裝潢挺刺激視覺,這夜幸運地被安排於廂房用餐坐得很舒適。人未到齊先來兩客前菜解饞胡麻紫山藥$138,充滿花青素的紫山藥健康有益,這種澱粉質我絕對願意吃下。然後到這客麻辣青瓜$88,青瓜口感爽脆辣度不弱尚算香口。終於人齊可以開餐了!先來一煲乾鍋豬膶$168,豬膶厚薄適中口感粉嫩亦夠入味,吃下麻辣鮮香味道不俗。然後到這紅花椒香脆辣雞$268/半隻,炸雞香脆度未夠火喉雞肉亦不夠嫩口,另配上相信是紅花椒辣汁味道奇特恕我不懂欣賞!每次吃辣必點水煮系列這夜也不例外選上水煮桂花魚$468,這價位不便宜但味道我們是滿意的,桂花魚挺滑溜沒有丁點腥氣夠新鮮,但我最愛是內裡的粗薯粉口感滑溜煙韌索盡湯汁之味好好吃。另點了三個潮滙的菜式來品嚐我想吃這個灌漿蘿蔔$148,理應外脆內軟口感豐富的灌漿蘿蔔雖然夠酥脆,可惜內裡的餡料口感黏黏的更吃不到蘿蔔的清甜味道!這個鮮鹹骨家鄉春菜煲$168本應味道很好,可惜師傅調味下得頗重手浸久了的春菜鹹得難以入口!最後的潮陽梅羔骨$188總算為潮菜爭回口氣,梅羔濃郁的酸甜滋味令一字骨添上生氣。大家好像不夠喉最後加多一個菜和麵來分享,清炒萵筍絲$138炒得清爽不油膩,萵筍獨特的香氣得以保留不錯吃。最後來的單尾是鮮雞燴麵$68一碗,湯頭夠鮮甜雞肉亦算嫩身,配的粗麵我覺得索湯力不夠幼麵來得好。Oli專程去買上這個生日蛋糕為久未見面的6月壽星女祝賀,祝妳身體健康、無憂無愁、生活愉快。這間紅花會大部分的服務員也招呼週到,唯一霸氣侍應令人有點兒........,食物中規中矩我覺得可以一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)