4-min walk from Exit B1, HKU MTR Station continue reading
31811666 (WhatsApp)
The Praya is a premium casual neo-Chinese restaurant at the heart of Shek Tong Tsui that pairs subtle Chinese elements with modern aesthetics. At The Praya, you’ll find a menu full of Chinese culinary techniques presented in a contemporary style that makes it easy to fall in love with our food. Inspired by the 1960s Bauhaus design in Hong Kong, The Praya creates a premium, functional and contemporary dinning hotspot. The restaurant incorporates many classic Hong Kong design elements and building materials, such as terrazzo and mosaic tiles, and the black lines of the Central Market. The interior design coincides with the concept of the restaurant, which is a combination of Chinese elements and modern aesthetics from ancient times to contemporary times. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
*Lunch 11:30 – 15:00 À la carte 18:00 – 23:00 Happy Hour 15:00 – 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (71)
🪭又係輪到熊妹同豬妹貓妹羅賓漢一行四人出動的時候。📌今次慶祝好閏蜜貓妹大壽🎊,當然揀間有派頭高質素的餐廳先襯得起佢。位於西環粵海181酒店三樓的《The Praya》係一間高級中菜餐廳,華麗摩登的裝潢✨,配合高水準的中式佳菜,牽起一時城中熱話。📌環境地方好大,樓底好高,暗黑嘅格局營造浪漫嘅氣氛💞,紅酒配佳餚,氣氛絕對一流。大大張餐枱可以擺到好多餐碟碗筷🍽️,枱與枱之間距離很大,熊妹高談闊論都唔怕🗣️。糟鹵鵝肝,$178一向怕內臟味怕食鵝肝嘅熊妹,今次真係另眼相看。聽個名以為係潮州滷水菜式,但係擺款竟然係超級西式化,四大片厚厚嘅鹵味鵝肝入口軟綿綿,好似慕絲質咁軟滑,唔係粉狀,一口放入口令佢慢慢溶化,而且滲入了滷水嘅醬汁但係一啲都唔鹹,濃烈嘅鵝肝味道一直在口腔中縈繞著,遲遲都未散,可以繼續感受食後的餘温,呢份鵝肝係做得好出色,可以配合酸甜嘅橋頭除掉鵝肝味再可以品嚐下一道菜色。陳年花雕醉蜆,$288一大碟大大粒嘅醉規放喺碟上面,望落好吸睛,花雕味好重但係一啲酒味,而且帶點甜味,甜味可以更出蜆肉嘅鮮味,相輔相成,呢個花雕汁做得好唔錯。粒粒蜆肉脹卜卜食落好鮮甜,美中不足嘅係有幾粒蜆食落有一兩粒沙,睇吓好唔好彩食中。芝麻蝦多士,$188三大隻蝦型嘅蝦多士,面頭灑滿黑白芝麻,賣相做得非常吸引。蝦多士混入了蝦肉同麵包一齊炸起,大大粒脹卜卜,蝦肉彈牙同軟綿的麵包一齊食口感好夾,驚喜地炸到咁脆口但都唔會食到成口油,做法唔錯,值得一試!黑毛豬叉燒,$228招牌菜黑毛豬叉燒當然要點來試吓!切到一片片厚實的叉燒整齊咁排列係碟上面,一上枱,真係令人嘩然😯。真係冇得彈!本身用上黑毛豬口感會比較爽口,慢煮製法令肉質軟淋得來都好實在,肉裡間帶點脂肪,加強豬肉的油脂香味,叉燒表面燒灼過形成一層好薄的脆面,但又唔會好乾身,叉燒醬汁味濃但唔鹹,食完一舊再一舊都唔會覺得好膩濟,果然係招牌菜🏵️。煙燻三黃雞,$238煙燻味好重,雞肉嫩滑,主要用烤焗嘅方法泌出好香的雞油油脂,收乾油份的雞皮又好脆口,跟上有同油雞絕配的蔥油,但熊妹認為唔需要點任何醬汁原油原味已經好夠味。荔蓉香酥鴨,$288一籠三件芋泥酥,好大一件,半個拳頭咁大,入面包裹好豐滿的芋泥蓉,口感綿綿,外表炸得酥脆,實行外脆內綿的感覺,當中再混入了鴨肉,淡味的芋頭蓉令本身獨特的鴨味味道更出,再加點紅醋汁多一點點酸甜味,成件荔蓉香酥鴨用上三款和而不同的材料,配撘出意想不到嘅味道,讚!薑汁啫啫芥蘭煲,$128食咗咁多肉,緊係食啲菜,解下膩消下濟健康一下啦。芥蘭煲直呈用上瓦煲上枱,芥蘭份量都幾多,瓦煲焗出嚟嘅芥蘭冒出煙來熱辣辣,焗的火喉剛剛好🔥,每條芥蘭好翠綠,食落好爽口,唔會烹調過度變得太淋,感覺好新鮮,食左好多纖維落肚清腸胃,舒服哂。大根魚湯浸瓜,$148貓妹話想要個湯湯水水濕潤一下,大根魚煲出嚟嘅湯雪白色,望落就知真材實料。湯入面有腐竹,青瓜🥒同絲瓜切成絲煲湯,好清甜,冬天飲呢個魚瓜湯,成個人都暖和起來。臘味煲仔飯,$288有肉有菜都要點返個主食,《The Praya》煲仔飯都好出名,食煲仔飯緊係食正宗嘅臘味煲仔飯。呢個煲仔,對一般人來講一啲都唔煲仔,可以話係巨人嘅煲仔飯。一揭開煲蓋,熱辣辣的蒸氣冒上來,面頭鋪滿切片的臘腸潤腸,仲有粒粒白菜仔,紅紅綠綠望落去已經令人流哂口水🤤。臘腸潤腸係飯上面蒸,令米飯吸盡豬油精華,很窩心地將白菜仔切粒🥬,可以撈飯入面變成菜飯,食啖飯就已經食到成煲飯的精髓,難怪咁受歡迎👏🏻。黑芝麻豆腐布甸,$78壽星女貓妹望個甜品menu就話好想試呢個布甸。又叫得幾好喎,超級驚喜地係用上湯碗🥣咁大個碗裝上的布甸而唔係一般的布甸杯仔,唔講個味道淨係講份量已經夠晒抵食!豆腐布甸質感軟滑,完全不似有魚膠粉,淡味豆腐味淡淡,食食下會食到濃烈的流心黑芝麻,兩者互相輝映,味道絕配。面頭有一大片薑味薄脆,同埋布甸一齊食,慢慢滲透出薑味,好似糖水加了薑汁咁,而薄脆仲多了重脆片口感,成件事就係將一個中式糖水變成西式甜品,掂!合桃費南雪配自家製雪糕,$98又一驚喜甜品傑作,剛焗起的法式financier外脆內軟,甜甜地原來係紅棗味!實不相瞞,真係第一次食紅棗味蛋糕。將中式嘅元素融入係西式的甜點,感覺好奇妙,咁創新的做法真係《The Praya》先諗得到!四小碟,$98中式甜品四小碟原來係花椒伯爵千層卷、紅棗鬆餅、桂花酒釀小丸子、焦糖合桃酥,擺款特別,每樣都係一啖仔,當中花椒伯爵千層卷想法係新穎,但加入中式花椒元素,蓋過了伯爵茶味,而且味道帶辣,熊妹認為辣味的忌廉就真係唔係幾夾做甜品🥲。Langmeil ‘Three Gardens’ 2022,$380一啖美食一啖紅酒🍷,充滿法式的浪漫感受💕。📌《The Praya》的菜式新穎有趣,中西合璧,環境氣氛既時尚又浪漫,難怪成為城中一時佳話。更值得一讚的係服務良好🕴🏻,店員態度有禮,帶有微笑的對答,仲會不時自動加水,成頓飯的感覺都食得好舒服。一生難得遇上好知己,能夠與閏蜜們係優美的環境氛圍下享受美酒佳餚,熊復可求?📌生日快樂🎂! continue reading
永不會飽日記 📔香港篇章- 香港新派中菜餐廳The Praya傳統與創新的華麗結合,每位$988,每一道菜都精心設計,寓意吉祥,同時帶來極致的美味享受。前菜:風山水起 - 虎蝦撈起鮮嫩多汁的虎蝦搭配清新的柚子醬,帶來酸甜開胃的口感。前菜:發財大利 - 金衣發財大利卷金黃酥脆的外皮包裹著奢華的內餡:和牛牛舌、半乾蠔和蝦膠。加入髮菜,讓這道菜的口感層次豐富,鮮味十足。湯品:如虎添翼 - 黑虎掌菌燉雞這道需要提前48小時預訂的燉雞湯,暖心亮點。黑虎掌菌的濃郁香氣與雞湯的清甜完美融合,喝上一口,彷彿整個人都被溫暖包圍。主菜:年年有餘 - 剁椒蒸馬友蒸馬友魚是一道令人驚豔的主菜,魚肉的鮮嫩與自製剁椒的酸辣相得益彰。保留了魚的原汁原味,又增添了刺激的味覺體驗。主菜:大展鴻圖 - 煙燻三黃雞讓人回味無窮的菜餚,蘋果木的煙燻香氣與雞肉的鮮嫩多汁完美結合。搭配的薑蓉醬更是點睛之筆。主菜:金銀滿屋 - 金銀蒜豉椒白鱔煲仔飯壓軸之作,白鱔的鮮嫩與鍋巴的香脆形成對比。自製的豉椒蒜蓉醬更是為這道菜增添了濃鬱的風味,每一口都讓人滿足。配菜:財源滾滾 - 臘味炒芥蘭簡單卻美味的配菜,芥蘭的清脆與自製臘味的鹹香相得益彰。甜點:步步高陞紅棗費南雪佐自家製紅豆雪糕餐後甜點以紅棗費南雪搭配自製紅豆雪糕,為這場盛宴畫下完美的句點。費南雪的濕潤口感與紅豆雪糕的綿密相得益彰。總結:環境: ⭐⭐⭐⭐(優雅而充滿節慶氣氛,適合慶祝場合。)食物: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(傳統與創新的完美結合,風味濃鬱,食材奢華。)服務: ⭐⭐⭐⭐(細緻周到,為用餐體驗加分。)性價比: ⭐⭐⭐(適合特別場合的奢華體驗。)推薦指數: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-14
又到新年,係時候去買海味啦. 揾間環境舒適,有海景,服務又好,食物高質嘅餐廳享受一個悠閒午餐. 呢度絕對係好選擇.服務員態度友善,專業. 坐低介紹午餐, 茶水嘅選擇. 茶位,每人$20. 酒店來講,唔貴,用嘅茶葉都幾好. 午餐有$188或$188揀,包前菜同主食. 加$38包埋甜品. 我哋揀咗蝦春卷同叉燒做前菜,主食係豉油雞飯同中蝦,葱,蝦子撈麵. 甜品係鬆糕西多士同芒果雪花酥.食物用料唔錯,調味適中. 下次再點其他嘢食💞 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-10
For Chinese food lovers, The Praya is  one of the best Chinese restaurants that you cannot miss👍. I seldom write food reviews because of my hectic job. But this time I can't wait to share my wonderful dining experience at the Praya😊. The stylish restaurant serves modern Chinese cuisine which beautifully delights your bud with joy🩷. That night, I ordered some of the signature dishes which included crispy pigeon😋 , chargrilled Ibérico pork char siu😍 , and claypot vegetable rice with applewood-smoked master stock chicken😍 . Each dish was well presented like a classic art piece. For the pigeon , it was cooked to perfection, truly cripsy with intense meat flavour👍 . For the chargrilled Ibérico pork char siu, I had to say it was one of the best char siu in town💯. It was elegantly coated with smoked honey. The great combination of fat and lean made it so tender🅰️ . For the claypot rice, WOW, the applewood aroma elevated the traditional Chinese dish up to another level. It was super delicious❤️I like the crispy rice crust which went perfectly well with the chicken💕yum~Apart from food, the service in this restaurant was exceptional💯. The manager  was very friendly and knowledgeable. When I asked which tea on the menu would not affect sleep, Mr Wong clearly classified the teas into different categories and offered recommendations🙂. Also, he was attentive and paid attention to details. His professionalism turned the dining experience into something special👍🅰️. The Praya, without a doubt, is one of the best Chinese restaurants in town. I will definitely return to the restaurant for another wonderful dining experience😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
On my second visit to The Praya , I explored their new menu offerings. The venue continues to reimagine traditional Chinese cuisine through a contemporary lens, combining sophisticated interiors and stunning views. Their commitment to exceptional ingredients and meticulous preparation remains unwavering.✧ 糟鹵鵝肝 𝙁𝙤𝙞𝙚 𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙨 𝙬/ 𝙯𝙖𝙤 𝙡𝙪, $178 (Half) (7.5/10)The foie gras presents an elegant fusion, where the rich liver is masterfully balanced by the traditional Chinese wine marinade. The pickled scallions provide a sharp contrast that cuts through the richness, while sake adds subtle complexity.✧ 剁椒蒸馬友 𝙎𝙩𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙛𝙞𝙣 𝙬/ 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞, $498 (7.5/10)The steamed fish showcases the kitchen’s expertise in Cantonese cooking. The delicate fish is elevated by a complex trio of house-fermented chilies, each adding its own distinct heat and flavor profile, creating layers of spicy complexity that enhance rather than mask the fish’s natural sweetness.✧ 荔蓉香酥鴨 𝙋𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙧𝙤𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙙𝙪𝙘𝙠 𝙬/ 𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙤, $288 Half (7/10)The exterior achieves perfect crispiness while encasing an abundant filling. The combination of tender duck, creamy taro, and crunchy water chestnut creates a delightful but filling experience, with sweet vinegar cutting through the richness.✧ 金湯菜心 𝘾𝙝𝙤𝙮 𝙨𝙪𝙢 𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝, $138 (7/10)The choy sum demonstrates refined simplicity. The vegetables remain crisp-tender, while the rich clear broth and housemade cured meat add depth and savory notes.✧ 黑芝麻豆腐布甸 𝙏𝙤𝙛𝙪 & 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙨𝙚𝙨𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙪𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜, $78 (8/10)The pudding is a creative triumph. What appears as a classic tofu pudding topped with sesame crisp reveals a delightful surprise – a hidden layer of flowing black sesame “lava” beneath the silky pudding, creating an exciting play of textures and flavors. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)