8-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
*Tue: Closed (Except PH)
10:00 - 18:00
Wed - Thu
10:00 - 18:00
Fri - Sun
10:00 - 19:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Sandwiched between two antique shops, you certainly wouldn't expect to find this meant for ladies cafe with tasteful floral and green decor that allows for pictures. There's adequate seating, not so crowded that you rub elbows. Tables have a nice floral border for people who loves taking food pics (like yours truly!) The menus sets makes it easy for people who are there to share a waffle or pancake with their friends. I ordered The Tiramisu Pancake ($140) which came with two drinks. The pancake took a long time to make (25 mins needed) but it was worth it. Fluffy and soft with the adequate amount of cream layered between, it came with a small beaker of espresso to be poured over the pancake. My drink was a latte as my husband usually likes tea followed by coffee. However, the milk taste was a bit too much, taking away the rich coffee taste. My husband opt for an Earl Grey which came in a tea bag. No pics. Too disappointing. He ordered the Green Brekkie, which was tomato, salad, mushroom, slices of bread and scrambled eggs. However, it's not enough for gents as the portions were dainty. ($88)He even ordered an extra hash brown which came with a smiley tomato face (+$15)Overall, it's a nice place with good photo pics but so-so food. The downside was that despite the empty shop (we were there early), they refused to give us sofa seating, claiming someone has reserved it (and we watched someone else who walked-in got it with no reservation).
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來過這間小店好幾次, 雖然不算好特別,但每次因為見食客不多而走進幫襯今日又和朋友去附近行行, 經過就入去吃吃下午茶
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上次來吃過紫薯窩夫,今次試一下個Pancake~是Tiramisu喔!・Pancake鬆軟度非常好,由於它espresso另上,所以可以先試個原味再加咖啡上去。一入口便感受到Mascarpone cheese的濃郁味道,再淋上espresso就真正是Tiramisu了!很滿足,旁邊啲花花好靚🤗・另一個聖誕special waffle未知是否你的心水?・紅紅的窩夫是姐最愛的Red Velvet喔~加上玉桂、士多啤梨同熱情果醬,酸酸甜甜的,不過姐還是有點抗拒熱情果,有點酸。・這裡呀,每次出新野都會想黎試,因為又美又好吃,絶對是上環的唯美之選~
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🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄踏入12月 踏入聖誕節既月份聖誕節唔知有冇人約呢😟咁都可以食返d紅色既野應下節既🤓❤️❤️❤️玉桂味既窩夫 排左個聖誕樹樣出黎呵呵呵❤️窩夫要襯熱食 就會外脆內軟啦_新出品 Tiramisu Pancake😍有驚喜😍一定要淋埋個汁呀😎咁就正正子😎_窩夫入面有麻糬 口感好正!煙煙韌韌💛記得淋個紫薯汁同加埋d紫薯蓉一齊食就重正💜
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