5-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
18:00 - 23:00
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
*6:00pm to 11:00pm (Last order at 10:30pm)
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (46)
Level4 2024-03-15
前身洲際酒店時嘅The Steak House嚟過,轉咗麗晶酒店後同位置仍然保持同名餐廳,座位比以前闊落少少,依然可飽覽無敵海景。Sunday Brunch $1288· 有Free Flow 嘅Cold Cut,沙律吧同有專人serve嘅魚子醬區· 黑松露Egg Benedict· 龍蝦湯· 主菜有雞牛羊魚選擇選1· 伴菜選1· Free Flow 甜品區· 香檳及餐茶/咖啡;另有Free Flow 橙汁、汽水及非酒精飲品Cold Cut/沙律吧種類選擇正常,食材靚嘅,蔬菜係有機又新鮮,不過凍海鮮只有蝦😅Pâté en croûte/Pork & Pistachio Terrine - Pork & Pistachio Terrine 好味Coppa Ham/24個月Serrano Ham - 大d太咸Croissant - 外脆內軟,好有問題牛油香但又唔會好油,必食😋Orange Chocolate Danish - 好軟熟,入面Chocolate Mousse 好滑,必食😋Lobster Salad - 龍蝦新鮮又多,好味好清新😋😋Caesar Salad - 菜新鮮,爆水👍🏻Smoked Pineapple - 好炭燒香,菠蘿又超甜😋Smoked Salmon/醬油漬三文魚、芝麻吞拿 - 過咸魚子醬 - 可配搭mini pancake 或Cauliflower Espuma/Potato Leek Espuma,魚子醬少少海水味,唔太咸,配cauliflower espuma 好好味💯龍蝦湯 - 好濃厚,湯內有幾粒龍蝦肉,正常Egg Benedict - 有黑松露荷蘭醬,個醬好香嘅Main揀咗3款唔同嘅扒,上扒前好有儀式感有揀刀環節,牛扒係USDA Prime嘅,全部都超級炭燒味,點medium rare,燒得啱啱好,掌握得好好,高水準嘅👍🏻Rib Eye 10oz - 正常New York Strip 8oz - 牛味超濃,推薦💯Tenderloin 6oz - 第一次食到咁 tender 嘅 tenderloin,推薦💯伴菜3款試哂Cheese Macaroni/Farm Garlic Broccolini/Sautéed Local Farm Mixed Mushrooms - 全部正常發揮甜品櫃 - 款式種類正常,試咗幾款,都有進步空間😅反而最尾餐廳送俾我哋慶祝個chocolate cake 最正,超濃choc又滑💯生果得士多啤梨同金橘仔,如果多啲選擇會好d😅總結食材靚嘅,矜貴嘅,服務都可以嘅,可惜自助吧枱選擇唔算多,但係brunch嚟講唔算平,相對性價比就一般啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-28
裝修後第一次到訪,期待很久的Sunday Brunch,沙律冷盤還可以,牛扒十分出色,但服務係差強人意,竟然叫杯嘢飲要叫三次,叫到我都唔好意思,望落侍應人手還可以,但奈何大部份無心裝載,亦令我唔會想再來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🌟傳統木炭烤架高級扒房🌟 💰$1,000 - $3,000💰Dining City Menu $998 Salad Bar ❣️❣️精心設計高質沙律吧 提供24個月Parma Ham Salami 熟成牛舌 煙三文魚 大蝦 法國意大利西班牙各地精品芝士多款新鮮有機沙律蔬菜 水果 自由搭配 種類繁多 味道驚豔 🥰🥰🥣Creamy Mushroom Soup ❣️利⽤多種磨菇製作 ⼝感豐富 菇味上層次豐富淡淡奶香 配上香氣四溢的⽜肝菌 簡單美味🥩USDA Certified Super Prime Striploin 7oz❣️❣️獨家供應 美國農業部USDA 認證按質量 油脂量 一致性分級 Super Prime級牛肉為最頂尖0.5% 超級極佳級牛肉 主廚Amine將牛肉放進真空膠袋 作簡單的濕式熟成以深化肉香 讓肉質更柔嫩炭火把牛扒外層烤得脆身富焦香 服務員推薦medium rare 內裏依然保持豐盈肉汁 粉嫩 大理石紋的油花 濃郁牛味 滋味無盡 ❤️❤️❤️❤️可惜調味稍重 🍰Classic Cheesecake❣️經典芝士蛋糕美味 口感濃厚細滑濃郁芝士奶香 香脆牛油餅底 濃郁甜咸兼宜 回味十足💖Wine 🍷Jean-Claude Ramonet Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2017 $1300 Grapes : Pinot Noir Region : France Wine Style : Burgundy Red清澈紅色帶有複雜紅色水果 橡木 皮革香氣Rating : 3.8/5背景🪄主廚 Amine Errkhis 曾於摩洛哥及香港多間著名餐廳出任主廚 堅持沿用傳統木炭烤架進行烤製 備長炭 - 保持高溫 鎖住牛肉的 umami(旨味)木炭 - 提供煙燻的香味,牛扒經炭火烤過牛肉 🐮嚴選世界各地高品質肉類入饌讓客人選擇西班牙 El Capricho 農場 | 日本鳥山農場澳洲 Magura 農場 |烏拉圭精品肉店 Metzger Frères獨家供應美國農業部 USDA 認證的超級極佳級牛肉刀 🔪德國高級廚刀 Nesmuk出品 刀刃鋒利可保持切口平滑 黑色沼澤橡木 非洲黑檀木 沙漠鐵木 橄欖木上乘材料製作而成的刀柄👍🏻👍🏻Awards🏅#2024 MICHELIN Guide Hong Kong & Macau Selected Restaurants#2024 South China Morning Post 100 Top Tables#2023 South China Morning Post 100 Top Tables Dining Tips 🖍️▪️提早1-2 星期預約▪️Smart casual Dressing 味道👅: 4.88/5❤️❤️環境🏠: 4.60/5 ❤️服務🗣️: 4.64/5❤️回頭率: 4.78/5 ❤️❤️⏰ Mon - Sun 11:30 - 14:30 | 18:00 - 23:00 📍Ground Floor, Regent Hong Kong, 18 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui📞2313 2313 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
多次造訪過 The Steak House, 而每次品嘗他們的各式牛排佳餚時也想嘗試加多少少錢享用Salad Bar Buffet,不過自知會太飽所以不想浪費。所以這次是專程來享用自助沙拉吧,再配一件簡單的special cut作為主菜,出乎意料的是, 這次用餐卻讓我有耳目一新的感覺。 沙拉吧上放置了各種超新鮮蔬菜, 品種繁多, 高級極緻,色彩鮮艷, 令人食指大動。除此之外, 沙拉吧中還加入了多款的cold cut, 芝士以及鮮美的凍蝦 ,為這份沙拉增添了豐富的口感和層次。多種各國的調味沙律汁醬更是令人難忘的滋味。平時多愛吃肉的我,也停不了的吃了6,7碟沙律。主菜看似簡單的special cut牛扒, 在The Steak House廚師的手藝下也變得格外出色, 肉味濃厚,質地鮮嫩多汁, 入口帶點嚼勁,尚可毗美其他高檔的牛扒。我特別點了一枝 Napa Valley 的紅酒作為食物的伴侶。葡萄酒的酒體飽滿,果味豐富, 與沙拉和牛扒形成了完美的搭配, 更與維港夜景遙相呼應,令整個用餐體驗變得格外優雅動人。或許是因為心態切換到清淡的菜品模式,這次用餐竟給我一種與以往大不相同的感受。沒有以往飲飽食醉的腹賬感,反而是一種如沐春風的滿足,The Steak House不僅提供優質的牛排, 在其他菜品方面同樣能夠展現出其講究的哲學,期待下次有更驚喜體驗。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-25
Organized sunday brunch for a big party at The Steak House with high expectations as we were here before COVID and hotel renovation. While the cold dishes and desserts tasted good, the main dishes were disappointing: rib eye was tough even though it’s medium rare, prime ribs tasted ok but seemed less appetizing because they were put on the plates for too long before serving. Service was the main issue : no one came to serve water when we were seated; no one asked about what we would like to drink until we asked; the egg benefit was served after all the main dishes!; they forgot to serve the complimentary cake until we asked for the bill…. Gone were the attentive services of the old days ! the staff looked like chickens without head…: it’s probably the worst 5-star hotel dining experience i ever had… a restaurant could not serve quality steak even you called yourself The Steak House! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)