Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station/ Exit D1, Hung Hom MTR Station
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Boasting subtle, sophisticated comfort, GREEN aims to be an easy breathing space with seamless service. A café by the morning and a Brasserie by the rest of the day, it sits beside one of the Asia’s largest vertical garden designed by world-famous botanist Patrick Blanc.
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Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:30
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
【🥂Made with love every Saturday to Wednesday at GREEN💖 】
【🥂Made with love every Saturday to Wednesday at GREEN💖 】
Available from now on, enjoy favourite dishes by our chefs at GREEN, with a semi-buffet now open from every Saturday to Wednesday🍽️, offering daily appetizers to main courses like Grilled Kind Crab Leg, melon with 12-month Parma ham and Argentinian grass-fed sirloin steak. Not only can you admire our striking vertical garden, but you'll also savour the best choices made by our top chefs. ✨
✨Book now: https://bit.ly/4dv7Qud
About Reward Scheme
最近唯港薈HOTEL ICON與GODIVA聯名推出咗聖誕系列勁靚勁打卡able的下午茶 😻下午茶美點盛載於金光閃閃的精緻禮盒中,造型華麗,猶如拆開一份珍貴的聖誕禮物,享受難忘的味覺與視覺盛宴之外,絕對係今次聖誕節打卡亮點 😍🎄🎁唯港薈 GREEN X GODIVA 冬日小鎮禮盒下午茶 💰 $888/2位+10% 服務費頭盤:• 伊比利亞黑毛豬火腿麵包棒配GODIVA朱古力醬• GODIVA朱古力鴨肝球伴脆米通• 蟹肉飛魚子鵪鶉蛋芝士撻主菜(三選一)• 香煎阿根廷紅蝦伴燴白腰豆配GODIVA粉紅朱古力忌廉汁• 香烤澳洲M5和牛牛頸脊配GODIVA黑朱古力薯蓉、時令薯菜及粉紅胡椒汁甜點 • 薑餅人熱朱古力杯 • 栗子拿破侖 • 雲呢拿焦糖蘋果 • GODIVA朱古力黑森林杯子蛋糕 • GODIVA朱古力柑橘紅莓開心果蛋糕 • 雲呢拿榛子曲奇 • GODIVA朱古力 • 英式傳統鬆餅配奶油忌廉及果醬• 無限品嚐GODIVA軟雪糕🤩 無論甜點或是鹹點,每一件也精美吸引,重點是甜點不太甜,吃下感覺不肥胖。主菜都好好味,當中的澳洲M5和牛,肉質鮮嫰,味道香濃 👍🏻更有無限品嚐GODIVA黑、白軟雪糕,仲唔快d約埋閨蜜在此悠閒渡過下午茶時光 🤗唯港薈大堂餐廳 GREEN @hoteliconhk📆:2024年 11月4日 至 2025年 2月13日(需提早一個星期book檯)供應時段:逢星期一至日3pm - 5:30pm📍香港九龍尖沙咀東部科學館道17號
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下午茶套餐的份量及質素比之前的差 最重要是其中一位帶位女員工的態度並不友善, 想選擇坐邊度 同我哋講有人book左 跟住見到其實第二枱原本坐低咗嘅國內人轉咗入去坐...明白下午茶3時開始 但為何明明午餐時段的客人及座位已清空 也不提早給客人入座等候呢?硬要十多枱的客人企在門口等候.主菜份量 牛扒以前係一塊 而家係得兩片😳 飲杯朱古力熱飲 同前面網友講既一樣好難飲!最好笑 少左1款點甜品都可以上枱畀客人 我發現同返佢地講 第二次再上 仲連埋出菜張紙添 好似茶餐廳咁 收呢個價錢同埋酒店餐廳用餐 唔係期望咁!一路食 牆上啲樹葉又跌落嚟 好在唔係跌入啲嘢食!呢個價錢同埋份量 唔會再光顧了!
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Green 's Christmas/New Year Afternoon Gift of Adventure Afternoon Tea is just as outstanding as usual. I prepaid through an online platform so there was a discount.Their ice-cream is Godiva and although it is less guilt free than their prevoius Akkmore version, it was still very hard to resist.The duck liver ball covered with godiva chocolate was an interesting take to use two rich flavors together, yet it worked.For the main, the chocolate flavor was not too prominent but the taste was good. I especially loved the red prawn as the aroma was just heavenly.Next came their desserts which was so overwhelming that I didn't even know which one to start with.I loved them all but the raspberry pistachio cake was my favorite. Despite I loved them all, I think they could replace 1 or 2 of the items with a more fruity dessert. Each dessert invididually was great but when you have them all together, it might be a bit too much.
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適逢生日好友問我想食咩記起Godiva x hotel icon 有個冬日tea set痴線,真係勁靚仲要食物有品質保證先有前菜再有main course你揀之後到重點一set甜品真係好好味每一件都好好食仲有杯飲品之外有杯朱古力奶重點free flow 雪糕
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位於尖沙咀科學館遒17號唯港薈地舖Icon hotel(GREEN)呢個afternoon tea set頭盤:有火腿青瓜配餅干,咸咸士加埋青瓜,味道好清新,頭盤都幾好味,仲蟹肉太子蛋白撻+朱古力配鍋巴主菜:牛扒薯蓉,牛扒推薦五成熟,牛扒好香加埋薯蓉好軟滑,牛扒五成熟啱啱好下午茶:有一個甜點聖誕盒,裝飾得好靚,打卡一流,但係入面嘅嘢食,全部都好難食,第一次食咁難食嘅甜點,仲有佢哋嘅Godiva雪糕,完全唔似平時出邊食嗰啲,杯朱古力棉花糖飲品,都係好難飲。總括嚟講,鹹點係好唔錯,甜點完全入唔到口,三百零蚊一位打個卡,價錢都OK,平日唔會再去
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