Exit E/ L3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Hong Kong's first fine buffet concept, The Verandah offers a slew of healthy, Naturally Peninsula-inspired selections to set the tone for breakfast in cosy interiors. The restaurant features fine seafood, dynamic cooking stations, Asian signature dishes, seasonal heirloom salads and lovingly-crafted dessert for lunch and dinner, as well as an array of homemade cakes and sandwiches served from the classic cake trolley in the afternoon. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Service Restaurant (2015)
Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Additional Information
Smart Casual for all guests – Please refrain from wearing sports attire (including vests, short exercise pants and short sports leggings) or beachwear (including flip-flops, beach sandals and plastic footwear). Knee-length shorts, jeans, t-shirts and sneakers are acceptable during lunch and afternoon tea periods. During dinner period, closed-toed shoes, long trousers and sleeved shirts are required for gentlemen.
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Grilled salmon fillet with endives and sweet potato, orange-honey sauce Pan-fried Chilean sea bass on baby carrot pancake Pan-fried American beef tenderloin Finest oak-wood smoked Scottish salmon
Review (307)
Level2 2024-10-30
黎緊聖誕節,去半島食自助午餐,食物種類豐富,又凍嘅海鮮,又有魚生,熟食亦都有好多選擇。甜品生果當然唔少得,樣樣食物都好新鮮,好好味,甜品蛋糕亦做得好出色,雪糕雪葩又好好食,一個胃真係裝唔晒。食過真係回味無窮 。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-16
作為土生土長嘅香港人,我第一次踏足半島😂 原本諗住食個下午茶打下咭就算,不過見人哋講個tea set麻麻地🙄咁就開始研究自助餐,睇咗好多youtuber嘅介紹,通常都係話款式唔多,不過有質素,我都半信半疑🤨因為俾youtubers呃唔少😓不過今次我認同啲youtubers, 其實咁大個人,食過唔少自助餐,旋轉餐廳、海逸酒店、icon hotel etc, 得到嘅體驗係食物選擇很多,但是沒有很出色。半島的體驗是精緻的自助餐,美麗的環境和完美的服務。食物方面最深刻印象嘅有上湯牛脷、韓式牛仔骨、咕嚕龍躉、醉雞、鰻魚壽司、中西湯品和巴斯克芝士蛋糕。有一味紅酒燉雞,肉質很嚡,不建議大家嘗試。甜品方面,強烈建議大家試巴斯克芝士蛋糕和雪糕及自家製朱古力,其他都不需要試了。至於餐飲,我們沒有另外加錢只點了檸檬茶,餐具猶如藝術品一樣,而紅茶香濃有口感。服務態度殷勤有禮,點到即止,不會太過。吃完一頓豐富的晚餐,我和先生四處參觀,到處都是打卡的好地方。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-01
半島酒店嘅自助餐真係一個唔容錯過嘅美食天堂🍽️首先,佢哋嘅刺身真係鮮得不得了,每一片都係新鮮得嚟仲帶有海洋嘅清甜味,食完真係令人回味無窮🐟除咗刺身之外,半島酒店自助餐仲提供咗好多唔同款式嘅美食,無論你鐘意食海鮮、燒烤定係亞洲風味,呢度都一定有你嘅心水之選。每一款都係精心製作,保證令你食得開心又滿足🍤🥩講到甜品,真係要大讚一番!每一款甜品都係藝術品,味道同賣相都係一流,令人忍唔住想食多幾件🍰🍮最重要嘅係,半島酒店嘅服務真係一流,服務員親切有禮,令你喺享受美食嘅同時,仲感受到賓至如歸嘅感覺。總之,呢度嘅自助餐真係值得一試💕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-09-25
真的很失望,食物選擇很少,對肉食者來說簡直是噩夢。牛肉只有rib steak,羊架也不多,雞肉只有雞髀仔。不夠肉吃,本以為會對素食者友好,但完全沒有特色素食菜品,只能吃沙拉或印度薄餅,而且咖哩汁裡還有雞肉粒。感覺像是普通酒店的午餐,主要給樓上住客吃。其實,去半島其他餐廳可能會更好,省得生氣。海鮮不新鮮,吃完回家還肚子痛。小時候家人帶我去過一次,長大後再去吃晚餐。值得一提的是,服務員都很友善,態度非常好,這部分做得不錯。👏🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
如果你是一個愛吃酒店自助餐嘅人的話,半島酒店露台餐廳嘅自助餐,或許會帶給你跟其他高級酒店自助餐不一樣的體驗。 自助餐成人每位 $1088 + 10 %,算是全港價錢最高嘅酒店自助餐。餐廳內外環境華麗,氣氛一流,服務貼心,用餐時硬件的講究,甚至更多不經意嘅細節位等,加上能置身在一間見證香港近百年歷史,更被列為一級歷史建築內用餐。 對我來講,這個價錢確是貴了㸃,但得到的體驗還是"值得”。食物方面, 雖然款式選擇唔多。但貴精不貴多下,由冷盤,熱輋 到甜品,大部分食物都會吸引到令你想去試試。 食材選料質素高, 不用懷疑。以高級酒店自助餐可講,整體食物水準高 。但個人認為西式食物烹調上會比中式食物優勝。冰鎮海鮮- 各款海鮮味道鮮甜, 超出自助餐嘅水準。 加咗杯西瓜凍湯配蟹肉。魚生會有日本料理餐廳嘅水準。 另外那一小份嘅烤石頭魚肉乾原來都幾好食。日式醬油鮑魚- 鮑魚入晒醬油味。 凍青口/燻青口- 呢到嘅凍青口值得encore芝士 配 熟成 Serrano ham, 又是絕不能錯過嘅美味黃金蝦球/釀蟹蓋/鹽酥雞/ 炒蟶子/ 醬油鮑魚/蟲草花雲耳蒸班塊。 釀蟹蓋,蒸班塊, 醬油鮑魚最為好食, 其餘幾樣普普通通。茄汁燴腸/ 蜜糖燒鴨胸肉/ 燴羊肉/菠菜芝士意大利雲吞/黑松露意大利飯/焗薯 /燒三文魚。 中湯/西湯 。 兩款湯味道都好, 但我會更加喜歡西湯嘅味道'今晚冇羊架供應, 非常失望... 但都有酥皮焗三文魚代替蒜子魚肚湯浸菠菜及雲耳。 Tonight Special Dessert- 薄荷啫喱 已留定肚食甜品, 蛋糕甜品比預期少,唔見有拿坡侖之類, 蛋糕水準當然唔差,但就冇我預期中好。 半島嘅朱古力就真係唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)